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Proto:VVVVVV (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)/November 2009

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This is a sub-page of Proto:VVVVVV (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

The November 14[1], 2009 prototype can be played fully here. This prototype[2] was available to donors until December 7[3], when word of it getting leaked had reached the developer. This prototype is almost the exact same to the final with more than a couple of differences.

General Differences

  • The WASD keys cannot be used to move the player.
  • You can only navigate the main menu with the left and right arrow keys.
  • No fake Commodore 64 loading screen before the "Press V to Start" screen.
  • Pressing R, which would normally kill the player, does nothing.
  • You cannot pause the game with ESC.
  • The Gravity Lines are still green, but upon touch, turn gray like the final instead of yellow like in the June 27, 2009 prototype.
  • Teleports teleport much faster.
  • The "Passion for Exploring" and "Presenting VVVVVV" tracks are incomplete.
  • The Warp Zone and The Lab use "Predestined Fate" as the track, as "Potential for Anything" and "Pressure Cooker" weren't implemented yet nor created yet.
  • It is possible to end up back in some areas but with the last area's music still playing as opposed to the usual music that plays in the area.
  • Most of the monitors inside the ship do nothing.
  • The map "you are here" marker pulsates as opposed to disappearing and reappearing rapidly.
  • "Pushing Onwards" plays while the credits are viewed from the main menu.
  • Viridian has no dialogue when entering the "Trench Warfare" room after or before entering the "It's a Secret to Nobody" room and acquiring its trinket, there is also no dialogue from Viridian hoping Victoria's okay, when entering Victoria's room in the ship without having rescued her, either.
  • The minimap still shows up as it would outside the final level, in the final level, but without the map marker or rooms that get revealed.
  • There is no "-= WARNING =- DIMENSION STABILISER OFFLINE" textbox, so Viridian just says "Uh oh..." upon disabling the dimension stability generator, and isn't sad. Also, "Positive Force" starts to play during the line, and continues to do so until reaching outer space; unlike in the final, where it only starts to play after the textboxes are off the screen.
  • Teleporter saves on the final area only start back at the teleporter from where Viridian takes the last crewmate with them through the teleporter.


Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto clickscreen.png VVVVVV final clickscreen.png

This prototype still refers to the V key instead of the ACTION keys.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto titlescreen.png VVVVVVPC titlescreen.png

The title screen has much less menus/options available.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Continue Save.PNG VVVVVV final savescreen.png

The save file screen looks much simpler and has yet to be fully implemented.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto settings.png VVVVVV final settings.png

None of the game's settings and play modes have been implemented yet, and some of the unlock condition descriptions differ from final, of note is a epilogue button which wasn't in the final game.


Mode Prototype (Unimplemented) Mode Unlock Conditions Final (Implemented) Mode Unlock Conditions
Time Trials Rescue that level's lost crewmate. Note: Each time trial in the final requires you to rescue that crewmate (or in the case of the final level, completing the game) and having a certain number of trinkets.
No Death Mode Complete the game. Achieve an S-rank or above in at least 4 time trials.
Flip Mode Find all 20 trinkets. Complete the game.
Epilogue Complete the game,
and find all 20 trinkets.
N/A (Never Implemented)
Intermissions N/A Complete the intermission levels in-game.
Prototype Final
VVVVVV Proto Nov9 End.PNG VVVVVV final endscreen.png

After the "Game Complete!" screen, the prototype will go straight to the screen above, without displaying an ending sequence or the credits. This screen does not accept any input.


  • "Presenting VVVVVV" (v_titleloop), "Path Complete" (Main_music_1), "Plenary" (Main_music_2), and "Pause" (souleye_intermission) are the only music tracks to have a sampling rate of 44100Hz.
  • The other tracks, including "Pushing Onwards" (v_maintheme), "Positive Force" (v_tempo), and "Predestined Fate" (v_configmegamix) only have a sampling rate of 22050Hz.

Prototype Final

"Presenting VVVVVV" (v_titleloop), is just a short 6-second loop as opposed to being 2 minutes and 40 seconds long in the final.

Prototype Final

"Passion for Exploring" (v_brothers) cuts off at the 18-second mark, and the final gained 34 seconds.


Prototype Final
VVVVVV-nov2009-minimap.png VVVVVV-final-minimap.png


The minimap lacks the secret lab and blocks that would be taken up by the secret lab, as well as what would be the pink room are instead blank.

Prototype Final
Now you see them... ...now you don't!

In the CREW tab in the menu, Viridian is not marked as "Missing..." in "The Final Level".

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto bglooperror.png VVVVVV final bglooperror.png

The horizontally-looping background doesn't loop correctly.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Violet help Message.PNG VVVVVV Final Proto CompareViolet help Message2.PNG VVVVVV-final-commsrelay-Violet-message-3.PNG VVVVVV-final-commsrelay-Violet-message-5.PNG

The dialog with Violet at the beginning of the game is slightly different, and Viridian had two extra lines that were omitted:

Prototype Final

Help! Can anyone hear this message?
Violet! Is that you?
Captain! You're ok!
I'm on the ship - it's damaged badly, but it's still intact!
Oh! Well, at least you're alright!
Is the rest of the crew with you?
No! Something has gone horribly wrong with the ship's teleporter!
I think everyone has been teleported away randomly! They could be anywhere!
Oh no!
Where are you, Captain?
I'm on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern...
There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension...

Help! Can anyone hear this message?
Violet! Is that you?
Captain! You're ok!
Something has gone horribly wrong with the ship's teleporter!
I think everyone has been teleported away randomly! They could be anywhere!
Oh no!
I'm on the ship - it's damaged badly, but it's still intact!
Where are you, Captain?
I'm on some sort of space station... It seems pretty modern...
There seems to be some sort of interference in this dimension...

VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Unimplemented cutscene.PNG VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Unimplemented cutscene screen2.PNG
VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Unimplemented cutscene2.PNG VVVVVV Proto Nov9 Unimplemented cutscene screen2.PNG

The first intermission and second intermission levels after rescuing 2 and 4 crew members respectively are not implemented.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto credits.png VVVVVV final credits.png

The credits on the main menu are much simpler in the prototype, having much fewer names as well.

Map Differences

There are a lot of added/removed spikes. Yikes.

Space Station (Yellow)

June 9, 2009 Prototype November 14, 2009 Prototype Final
VVVVVV proto9june introseq room5.png VVVVVV nov2009proto beginning1.png VVVVVV final introseq room5.png

This area is still missing its background grid in this version.

June 9, 2009 Prototype November 14, 2009 Prototype Final
VVVVVV proto9june introseq room10.png VVVVVV nov2009proto beginning2.png VVVVVV final introseq room10.png

The one block tall platform in the middle is striped in the final version, but not here. Instead it's a completely solid color.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow1.png VVVVVV final yellow1.png

A grid was added to the room's background.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow2.png VVVVVV final yellow2.png

The platforms at the top were extended, likely to make this jump less tricky.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow3.png VVVVVV final yellow3.png

An extra checkpoint was added at the top.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow4.png VVVVVV final yellow4.png

The "pit" in the middle was removed, likely because it didn't serve any purpose. In both the prototype and final versions, you can't actually stand upside-down on the two moving platforms in the middle and not get hit by the bottom spikes when they move down.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow5.png VVVVVV final yellow5.png

There are four enemies here instead of three.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow6.png VVVVVV final yellow6.png

An extra bit of floor/ceiling was added next to each coin enemy.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto yellow7.png VVVVVV final yellow7.png

The speedy blocks in the ceiling were moved inward a bit, so the player can wait there before making the next jump. In the prototype version, you have to quickly flip up and then flip down between the enemies to avoid getting hit.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto venividivici6.png VVVVVV final venividivici6.png

Even Veni Vidi Vici had some changes. The topmost room in this image had some spikes ajusted from pointing up/down to pointing left/right. The second room's pit doesn't extend all the way to the third room here, and it also had some spikes readjusted in the middle. The last three rooms all gained spikes in their leftmost and rightmost walls.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto venividivici5.png VVVVVV final venividivici5.png

The lowermost spike of each vertical wall was removed.

The Ship (Purple)

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto ship jukebox room.png VVVVVV final ship jukebox room.png

Verdigris's room, where the Jukebox resides in the final, only has a couple of non-functioning terminals.

The Warp Zone (Green)

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto green.png VVVVVV final green.png

The room "That's Why I Have To Kill You" received quite a few changes, the most noticeable of which is the path on the right, which has an extra block and extra spikes preventing the player from switching between both paths without having to go all the way around the room. The vertical spikes were moved from being on the room's ceiling/floor to being on the middle, and the two rightmost horizontal spikes were removed altogether.

The Tower (Red)

To do:
This could probably use better screenshots or a ripped image of the map.
Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto tower1.png VVVVVV final tower1.png

Added spikes for extra difficulty.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto tower2.png VVVVVV final tower2.png

More spikes, this time to prevent the player from taking a shortcut by going to the left.

The Laboratory (Indigo)

June 27, 2009 Prototype November 14, 2009 Prototype Final
VVVVVV-protoJune27-lab-no-anomaly-here.png VVVVVV nov2009proto violet.png VVVVVV final violet.png

The two rooms "Topsy Turvyism" and "Standing Wave", to the top-right, have extra spikes in the final in order to prevent the player from glitching back inside the gravity lines; which were there, albeit in a slightly different arrangement in the June 27th prototype iterations of the rooms, but not in this prototype's iteration of those rooms. The room "Anomaly" received a great difficulty decrease by having all of its spikes removed. Conversely, the room to its left, "The Living Dead End", had more spikes added, which makes the player have to clear the room in one go; curiously, there were spikes on the rightmost of the ceiling in the June 27th prototype iteration of the room.

Outer Space

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto outerspace nearship.png VVVVVV final outerspace nearship.png

The area immediately below the ship had some layout changes. Previously, players could go either directly left (towards the Space Station) or right, with an slight detour to the path that goes down to the Laboratory. In the final version, the path downwards is more directly accessible, while the path to the left got extra walls. The pink room on the bottom-left only exists in the final version.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto outerspace abovetheO.png VVVVVV final outerspace abovetheO.png

This area was much more deadly in the prototype due to the spikes. The leftmost room also had some layout changes.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto outerspace abovesecretlab.png VVVVVV final outerspace abovesecretlab.png

The Secret Lab doesn't exist in the prototype, so it has two extra rooms full of spikes here! Due to its inclusion, those two rooms had to be removed and the layout of the remaining four rooms was altered to accommodate the change.

VVVVVV nov2009proto nosecretlab but terminal is here.png

The terminal that would reveal the entirety of The Secret Lab on the map in the final doesn't reveal it here. Instead, Viridian frowns, saying that the rest of the message is corrupted.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto outerspace above1.png VVVVVV final outerspace above1.png

Parts of the floor/ceiling to the left were changed.

The Final Level

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto enddungeon1.png
VVVVVV nov2009proto enddungeon2.png
VVVVVV final enddungeon1.png
VVVVVV final enddungeon2.png

In the prototype, you can't go to the space inside these two gravity lines here while the stability generator is still on.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto enddungeon3.png VVVVVV final enddungeon3.png

There are four enemies here instead of three, again.

Prototype Final
VVVVVV nov2009proto enddungeon4.png VVVVVV final enddungeon4.png

The ground near the top-right corner of the screen was changed so that players could fall from one to the other towards the exit, rather than having to flip back down and hit the gravity line.
