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Proto:World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck/Round 2

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This is a sub-page of Proto:World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Round 2-1


The mountains' palette is duller in the final game. Not as drastic a change as Round 1, but this does help the mountains stand out against the brighter pink background rocks.

There's an odd leaf tornado-type object that's only found in the prototype. The leaf in the center is stationary, while the other leaves twist around it like a cyclone. This was likely supposed to harm the player, but again, prototype invulnerability. That object might have been an early version of the more traditional cyclones found in the final version, which, incidentally, take the place of two of the four vultures. The first cyclone is locked on to the player's X position, forcing the player to stay above the lower screen border. 12 cards mark the path the carpet takes to the next section.


No layout changes in this spot! The four vultures and two leaf tornados turned to three vultures and three cyclones.


The large mountain in the prototype was demolished. What price progress?! Actually, with the way the carpet controlled it was pretty awkward to get through anyway, but it would have been nice if the mountain had been replaced by something other than nothing.

Leaf tornado alley is now populated by four vultures, two cyclones, and seven item bags in a line.


The cliff at the very end was replaced by a solid rock wall in the final game. It's possible to travel around it in the prototype, but with the final game's new carpet controls, players would end up trapped under the cliff.

More vultures, cyclones, item bags. Less (no) leaf tornadoes.

Round 2-M

Prototype Final
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Two more strikes of lightning were added, including one at the very beginning of the stage to give players fair warning. Both of the thin rock pillars are slightly higher than they should be in the prototype, with the bottom of the sprite visible when they're fully raised. The shifting rock platform over the pit is substantially more obvious in the prototype, where it's conspicuously sticking out from the foreground layer, and the pit below uses obviously incorrect tiles.

Prototype Final
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Again the rock pillars are raised higher in the prototype, though even in the final game there are layering issues with the final pillar. Two more lightning bolts and one more rolling rock added, while the rock that was there is further left.

Prototype Final
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A single rolling rock added to the crushing ceiling section of the stage.

Prototype Final
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In both versions of this section, the player is supposed to ride one of the slowly falling rocks down until they reach the bottom. In the prototype, however, it's easy to just skip the entire thing by falling to the right. The final version fixes this by trimming the room's length until it all fits on screen, and changes the exit point from a cave to a small pillar at the bottom.

Prototype Final
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This section was actually taken out entirely in the final game, but this section is still in the game, albeit without objects. In the prototype, players have to cross the rock bridge to make it collapse and fall into Round 2-2.

Round 2-D

Prototype Final
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Yeesh. The prototype round has one of the least whimsical color schemes possible, with brown water on a brown cave background with orange rocks. The final version fixes this by setting the level outside of a mountain rather than inside, recoloring the river blue, and brightening the mountainous backdrop. In the prototype, the foreground and background are clearly delineated by different tiles, while in the final game, to save space, the entire area seems to blend together.

The leaf platform in the prototype is always set up to travel left-to-right, while the final version adds some variety by allowing the river flow to change between sections. For instance, on this screen, the leaf starts out left-to-right, then at the bottom switches right-to-left. The prototype section is dead simple, while the final version adds two stone platforms that the player has to jump over.

Prototype Final
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Yes, the prototype room is total blackness. The river's technically there though, it's just not visible on the screen. In the final game, the Round 2-D tileset is used with a new, darker palette. All of the cave sections are 512 pixels wide in the early build compared to the single-screen rooms found in the finished game.

Prototype Final
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This area is identical to the first in the prototype, while the final version features rock platforms, falling rocks, and lotus petals in the water.

Prototype Final
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Here's where those falling rocks are in the prototype build. These were replaced by the jutting rock pillars seen in Round 1-P.

Prototype Final
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Still using the same room design as the first, but at least those rock platforms were finally used...for an extremely difficult jump. The player has to jump off the leaf platform just before the rocks, being sure to hold right and the attack button beforehand, make sure not to overshoot the rocks and land in the river, and land back on the leaf before it's too far down the river.

The final game features a waterfall and two item bags with cards inside. A similar screen shows up later in the prototype.

Prototype Final
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The final game has a cave with two fireballs inside, foreshadowing what's inside the next two cave screens. The prototype has a cave.

Prototype Final
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There's a jump to a different leaf platform in the prototype, a concept that shows up later in the final game. The rock platforms above the leaf make the jump more difficult than it should be. The final section is mostly a breather before the more difficult section two screens from now.

Prototype Final
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Both screens have three fireballs, but in the prototype they're placed high enough that players can just float under them without worry. Players have to duck to avoid damage in the final game.

Prototype Final
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That waterfall screen in the final game was originally placed much later in the round. It's about the same, just without the item bags and that first dip in the rapids.

This is easily the most difficult part of the finished stage, though it's still toned down a lot from the prototype: There are only five stones to jump over in the upper section.

Prototype Final
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The fireballs are lower here than in the previous section of the prototype, but still not low enough to actually mean anything. The final version removes two of the fireballs, and players must now duck under the first set and quickly jump over the second or risk falling into the river.

Prototype Final
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While it's clear sailing in the final game, the prototype features another heinous eight stone jump before finally allowing the player to Round 2-2.

Round 2-P

Prototype Final
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Small changes here, thankfully. There are additional balloon hatters and vulture eggs in the final version, and one full-grown vulture in the upper-left corner. The first vulture egg is closer to the cliff wall in the final version.


The final version adds a vulture at the start, a rolling boulder, and an item bag on the lone stone pillar.


Here the most significant differences can be seen, as everything to the left of the rightmost platform has been changed in some way. There's a jump to a stone pillar that requires both players in the prototype, followed by another two player jump, ending with a stone bridge leading to the pillar that ends the stage. In the final game, the stone bridge appears earlier, and all of the other pits (including the large one before the end of the stage) were filled in. Oh, and that buzzard egg is no longer floating in mid-air.

Round 2-2

Prototype Final
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A rather boring section in the prototype, with only one type of cloud used and no real element of danger besides the vultures. The final version adds some variety with different sized clouds and two new cloud types: A moving cloud with a face, and a fluffy cloud that eventually disintegrates. Two of the vultures were removed, as was that weird out of place cloud at the bottom of the stage.

Prototype Final
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What's a simple branching path in the prototype is a bit more complicated in the final version, with four moving cloud platforms and two disappearing clouds. The downward path is slightly harder to get to, but at least it has a piece of candy now.

The balloon hatters from Round 2-P are reused in the prototype, though this one is a bit poorly placed; Since the clouds are technically sprites, he'll just fall right through. The two vultures from the previous section were moved to this area, and two cyclones flank the main path.

Prototype Final
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The descending cloud platform no longer lead to a bottomless pit, which is nice. Instead, three more clouds were added to the bottom-left, with a piece of candy on the last one. The three balloon hatters were changed to two vultures.


The most important change here: In the prototype the cloud piano is just a platform with different graphics, while in the final version the cloud piano actually acts like a piano. Each key generates a different tone and either a music note, a card, a piece of candy, an extra life, or a bomb. It's a nice touch and easily the most memorable part of the stage.

Round 2-B

Prototype Final
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Layout's the same, though the way the boss works changed. In the prototype, when a stone block drops down, it doesn't disappear from the stone wheel. Also, when the dragons first appear they'll leap in the direction of the player, where they can quickly be defeated. In the final game they'll leap away from the player, which gives them an opportunity to attack the player at least once.