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Punch King: Arcade Boxing

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Title Screen

Punch King: Arcade Boxing

Developer: Full Fat
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in US: May 15, 2002
Released in EU: July 26, 2002

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Development Text

Present at 0x7B5BCC is text for a crash handler.

Failed to allocate memory for Frontend
Assertion failed: 
Message:    %s
Expression: %s
In file:    %s
On line:    %d
Press the A button to try to recover, but remember that your palette 
will be shite. I suggest fixing the assertion failure immediately
Error allocating memory for actor motion modifiers
Error allocating memory for background motion modifiers
Total Wram usage , free .Total Exram usage 
Error allocating actors for SpriteString
Error Allocating memory for a Process
allocateMenuItems : slowAllocate failed
Spline count for collision data exceeds maximum available
Error allocating space for CollisionQuadtree
Not enough space allocated for Quad-tree entries; required ., 
Not enough space allocated for Quad-tree nodes; required 
Error allocating space in exram for actors heap
Error allocating space in exram for actorBlocks heap
No Free AllocatedActorBlocks
> First prev is not zero
> Prev next is not current
> Current prev is not prev
Not enough RAM for sprites
Not enough RAM for rotation/scale
No sprites left!
No sprites left for block!
No sprites left for resize!
resizeSpriteBlock: Reduce. Code needs writing
ERROR: Not enough sprites for string
Not enough RAM for sound mixer: requires %i bytes
Out of audio channels
End Track Here
(Source: Ferrox)