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Ragnarok Online/Changes/Job Quest/Thief

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This is a sub-page of Ragnarok Online/Changes/Job Quest.

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Yo~ If you have a probelm,feel free to Speak to me anytime,Alright? I can help you." "If you have a problem, feel free to speak to me anytime, alright?"

(If the player is a Novice and under Job Level 10)

"What the heck...?" | "Your name is… (Player Name)? Um, where is it? Ah, here it is. Let’s see… Isn’t that cute? I can see that you are ambitious, but you’ve gotta learn all of the Basic Skills before you can become a Thief."

(If the player is a Swordsman)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Boo~Here's another GOD-POING..." "What the heck…? Huh, now that’s a big sword. So… Trying to make up for something… Buddy? *Sigh* Look, there’s really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."

(If the player is a Magician)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Ehhh???Circus Sideshow? make a fire without a Matchstick,will ya?" "What the heck…? What’s a Mage doin’ here? Shouldn’t you be doing card tricks elsewhere? Oh well, it’s a free country… Oh wait, it’s not… Get outta here! *Sigh* Look, there’s really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."

(If the player is an Archer)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Muhahahaha~are you a Kill Stealing Archer...?" "What the heck…? Man, shouldn’t you Archers be playing in the forest or something? *Sigh* Look, there’s really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."

(If the player is a Merchant)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Eeeeeek~Merchant Scammer here...!!!! I am gonna report you to Gravity!!!" "What the heck…? You’re a Merchant, right? Why are you walking into a den of Thieves?! It’s like you’re begging us to come steal from you! Come on, hurry and get out of here~ *Sigh* Look, there’s really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."

(If the player is an Acolyte)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Ohhhhhh~Rude Mannered Acolyte...? Don't Warp me,Damn you!!!" "What the heck…? You know we all steal for a living, right? What are you doing in this kinda place, Acolyte? *Sigh* Look, there’s really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."

(Unused. If the player is a Male)

"Hey, Dude." | “Hey, dude.”

(Unused. If the player is a Female)

"Hey, Lady." | "Hey, baby."

(Unused. Regardless if the player is a Male or Female)

"What brought you here? Go~ Go Home, Baby." | "...Hey! You look too goody-goody to want to be a Thief!! Now scram, I'm busy. Next!"

(If a player meets the requirement to start the Thief Class quest)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Your name is.... "(Player Name)". Umm.....Where is it… Ah. I got it, Here it is. Name "(Player Name)” L~ e~ e~t~'s See. Alright....Refering to your Felony Record from an Inquiry agency,you have a very interesting history.And I think you are capable to Stealing.... Okay. You, "(Player Name)". pass the personal Interview,hereby! From now on,Shal we examine your ability for becoming a Thief? Do you have an idea about the Test..?" "Alright, tell me your name. (Player Name)? What kind of name is (Player Name)? Anyway, give me a second. Alright, your registration has been proceeded. Okay, you can begin your test if you’re ready. Alright. I looked into your Felony Record, and you seem to have a very interesting history. You might have what it takes to become a Thief. Because I feel like it, I now decree that you have passed this interview. Good work! Now, your actual abilities will need to be tested. Do you know anything about the test?"

Choose Menuː


"Sorry,I don't." | "Sorry, I don't."

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
“Oh yeah? Things will be easier then." "Oh yeah? That makes things a lot more easier. Don’t forget to make plans and prepare yourself before you go inside the Mushroom Farm. Move as quickly as you can and try not to get killed, alright?"

Choose Menuː


>"Sorry,I don't." | "Sorry, I don't."

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
“Ehhhh? ....I will tell you that." "Alright, let me inform you then."
Sneak out to Shibu's Farm,and steal some Mushrrom in there.That is the main subject of Thief Test.Ah,And `Shibu' is the worst merchant in Morroc. Sounds Easy,huh? Go outside and keep going ahead toward the Eatern Field of Pyramids.Then you can see our comrade between two columns. When you speak to that Fella,he will lead you to the Farm using a Backdoor. Gather more than 1 Mushroom and come back to me.Ok?" "Listen carefully. This test decides if you are worthy of becoming a Thief. You will be sneaking to Shibu’s Farm. He’s the worst merchant, in terms of character, in Morrocc."

(If the player talks to the Thief Guide after accepting the quest as a Novice)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"....? What are you doing here..? You are supposed to gather Mushrooms now? Or don't you have any ideas about the Requirements for Thief ? Do you want me to explain?" "Hey… Whaddya doin’ here? Aren’t you supposed to be gathering Mushrooms? Or did you need it explained to you again?"

Choose Menuː


"No. That’s okay."

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"Darn~~There is the one always being late than others.Sigh." "*Sigh* Well. There’s always one in the bunch. Alright, listen carefully."
This is the last chance you can get,OK? Listen Carefully." "Alright, for your test, you gotta steal Mushrooms from a farm. Don’t worry. The guy who owns the farm deserves to be robbed."
"The Official Thief Test forms newly this time,you don't know yet,do ya? What you have to do for passing the Test is Robebring Mushrooms from a Farm." "Anyway, you gotta gather two kinds of Mushrooms; Orange Net Mushrooms and Orange Gooey Mushrooms."
"`Shibu' the Most visious Merchant in Morroc owns the Farm.You can easily imagine how tough it will be." "Be careful, since there are monsters are the farm that are there to protect the Mushrooms. So this will be no walk in the park."
"Go outside and keep going ahead toward Eastern Filed from Pyramids.You can see our Comrade between Two Columns." "When you come back here after gathering Mushrooms, you’ll be graded on the mushrooms you’ve collected."
"When speak to that Fella,he will lead you to the Farm using Backdoor." "Each Orange Net Mushroom gets you 3 points, and you get 1 point for Orange Gooey Mushroom. You need a total of 25 points to pass the test."
"Gather more than 1 Mushroom and come back here.Clear?" "Go outside and keep going ahead towards the Eastern Field of the Pyramids. Then you will see one of our comrades between two columns."
"Speak to that guy, and he’ll take you to the farm through the backdoor."
"On that field, I think his coordinates are ‘141’, ‘125’. Just type /where on the right side of your chatbox to check your present coordinates."

Choose Menuː


>"No. That’s okay."

"That's fine,you don't have to." | “Huh. For a second there, I thought you had something really important to tell me.”

"..... Then..Whattt..? Because You have something to tell me,you spoke to me,didn't you? If you not,wanna piece of me,then???Huh?"

(If the player talks to the Thief Guide after gathering mushrooms but failed the Mushroom Maze) — Unused in 2.5, removed in 18.

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide]
"Uhh....? I just lied to tease you...Did you really gather mushrooms?"
"You, You are an absolute idiot,aren't you? I gotcha~"
".... Yeah,alright.Stop fooling around."
"This is the place for poopoo heads who wanna be Thieves. If you're the one of Poopoo heads,ask another guy beside me."

(If the player gathered mushrooms and completed the Mushroom Maze) — Unused in 2.5, removed in 18.

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide]
"So how was it? The Mushroom Farm. Having Fun?"

Choose Menuː

>"Yeah,kinda Cool."

"It was horrible."

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide]
"Wow! I like you,Man! Fabulous!"
"Everyone before you was `S@#$ Bloody As#$%^&s'."
"...... You won't take my place,will you? If you have any ambition like that,I will kick your ass out of your butt!"

"Yeah,kinda Cool."

>"It was horrible."

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide]
"Yeah... Right...I am the one who went through that horrible place.I can understand you."

(If the player completed Mushroom Maze but did not gather Mushrooms)

Episode 2.5 Episode 18
[Thief Guide] [Thief Guide]
"By the way Put forth your strenth. Only " + item_var + " ea remains." Hmmm? You gathered Mushrooms for the Thief test, right? Here, talk to the other guy next to me. He’s the one in charge of checking your mushrooms.