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Ragnarok Online/Changes/Jobs

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This is a sub-page of Ragnarok Online/Changes.

Head and body sprites separated from each other to allow hair customization.


Male Hunter and Male Priest had their fighting stances redone before the retail release of Ragnarok Online. Female Priest had white undergarment that changed to short purple spats.

RO-Beta2Priest AttackStance.gif —> RO PriestAttackStanceFinal Comparison.gif

RO mHunter Beta2AttackStance.gif —> RO mHunter AttackStanceFinal Comparison.gif

RO fPriest Underwearchange Beta.png —> RO fPriest UnderwearChangeFinal Comparison.png

RO fPriest UnderwearChangeDead Beta.png —> RO fPriest UnderwearChangeDeadFinal Comparison.png


RagnarokOnline EarlyRebirthSprites.gif —> RagnarokOnline RebirthSprites Comparison.gif

3rd Jobs

Rune Knight

Rune Knight's design changed to reflect on her status as a former Knight of Prontera.

RO RuneKnight1stEdition Unused.png —> RO RuneKnight2ndEdition Comparison.png


3rd classes were planned as early as the end of Alpha. The Sorcerer class was meant to be a hidden class a player could turn into after finding their guild. Sorcerer was mentioned many times and even put as a pinpoint to a guild hideout in Al de Baran, though nothing came of it. The entrance house pertaining to the "hidden class" soon had Santa Claus, an NPC that warps the player to the snow village of Lutie. It wasn't until many years later in 2008 that the concept was brought back with a design overhaul.

RO-EarlySorcererBeta2Sprite.png —> RO SorcererSprite Comparison.png