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Red Dead Redemption 2/Animals

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This is a sub-page of Red Dead Redemption 2.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: A realistic dead horse.
Careful, you'll lose an eye.
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There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough audio. Please fix this.




Inside the files exists a cut bobcat animal, only a compendium image, trinket and audio files exist still.

RDR2 BobcatCompendium.png

RDR2 BobcatTrinket.png

Legendary Giant White Rabbit

Based off of a cut white giant rabbit foot trinket and clues leftover in the game files, it is implied that at some point, a Legendary giant white rabbit was intended to be in the game and could've been hunted by the player.

RDR2 RabbitTrinket.png


A camel was meant to appear in-game.[1] It was likely originally featured in the Stranger mission "He's British, of Course" and has animations relating to lassoing and decomposing.

Baby Bears

Audio files and a model skeleton exists in the game files for baby bears.[2]

Black Bear Original Texture

Black bears originally did not have fur and instead used a texture as shown in earlier compendium images (removed in an update) for them. This lack of fur can be seen in-game on all animals that have it, albeit only when said animal is far enough away from the camera.

Beta Final
RDR2 BlackBearBeta.png RDR2 BlackBearFinal.png


  • Audio and a slaughtering animation (possibly intended for a trailer) exists for piglets.

Cut Cow Variations

Many cow variations were scrapped from the game, and more cows were supposed to wear bells. At some point in development, most cows also had pink udders.

RDR2 TrailerCows.png

Changed Donkey Model

Based on the mission image for "A Kind and Benevolent Despot" and their compendium image, donkeys were originally bigger and they had fur like most other animals. Textures for donkey hide still exists within the game files.

1.00 Final
RDR2 OriginalDonkey.png RDR2 FinalDonkey.png

Similarly, text referencing Mule hide also exists within the game files. Further remnants suggest they would've dropped stringy meat.

Rhesus Monkey Death Sounds

Death sound files exist for a rhesus monkey.[3]

Chimp Death Sounds

Sound files for death sounds for chimps are in the files.


There are audio files cut from the game for crocodiles.

River Monster

A side-mission involving a "River Monster" was cut. The Loch Ness Monster Easter Egg featured in the The Cayo Perico Heist Heist DLC appears to have reused the model which was intended to serve as the River Monster's model.[4]

    • Audio files for the River Monster also remain in the game files.[5]
    • According to associated game files, the River Monster would've also apparently dropped Crustacean meat if killed.[6] It also appears to have at one point had similar loot to a frog.
    • Cut dialogue indicates the River Monster was intended to appear somewhere in Flat Iron Lake.

Green Sea Turtle

Despite being able to be found in Guarma if the player makes a run towards their spawn points, the Green Sea Turtle was mostly cut from the game and can only be studied and drawn into the players' journal (but not added to their Compendium). There is also a cut functionality to skin the Turtle. Due to the Green Sea Turtle not being added to the compendium, there exist unused compendium images related to that in the files.

Arthur's Journal John's Journal
RDR2 GreenSeaTurtleArthur.png RDR2 GreenSeaTurtleJohn.png
  • An earlier compendium image (removed in an update) for the Legendary Bullgator depicted a different appearance than in the final game.


The Legendary Channel Catfish

Although heard of in the mission strand "A Fisher of Fish", the Legendary Channel Catfish is never actually seen in game

RDR2 Channel Catfish.png

On the way to Rio Bravo, Jeremy Gill notes the Catfish as being a pallid yellow, although in the final game it appears albino, pointing to it having been yellow at some point in development

"Turned a horrible pallid yellow color and weighs close to two hundred pounds, by all accounts"
  • Although it is marked as not intended to be seen and thus uncatchable in the game files,[7] Arthur Morgan has generic voice lines for catching it.[8]


    • Sharks were supposed to be encountered in Guarma and included in the Compendium. There are two types; the Hammerhead and the Tiger Shark. Tiger Sharks come in Silver, Matte, and Orange varieties. Hammerhead Sharks have two varieties, with one having a bit of brown detailing. They will still spawn in Guarma, but only if the player returns to or enters Guarma early through the use of a mod or exploit. A cut random encounter involving a shark attack can also be found within the game's code.
      • Textures, a model, and scripts also exist for a discoverable dead Tiger Shark, evidence suggests the player would've opened its mouth and possibly taken one of its teeth. The model for the dead Tiger Shark was reused in Grand Theft Auto V's Cayo Perico heist.
    • Unused texture files, compendium icons, and model skeletons exist for both a regular and a brown Marbled Grouper, a type of fish which only appears on a cigarette card in the final game, as well as other cut fish including a Greater Amberjack, a Cobia, a Great Barracuda, a King Mackerel, a Snook with black and common variations, a Wahoo, and a Red Snapper. Textures and compendium icons exist for a Speckled Trout, Brown and Black Bullhead Catfishes, a Rainbow Trout, and a Tiger Muskie. Some other icons exist for variations of fish that do exist in the game, but they go unused likely due to a rework of the compendium.


  • There are many horse coats completely cut from the final game; these coats appeared in trailers and promotional images prior to the game's release.

Speckled White Arabian

There exists an unused coat for the Arabian named the Speckled White Arabian

RDR2 SpeckledArabian.png

Liver Chestnut Hungarian Half-bred

An unused variant of the Hungarian Halfbred, originally going to be rode by Alfredo Montez in Red Dead Online

RDR2 LiverChestnutHungarianHalfBred.png

Mealy Chestnut Belgian Draft with Breton Model

There exists an unused variant of the Mealy Chestnut Belgian Draft horse using the model for a Breton, intended as appearing as a corpse in Red Dead Online

RDR2 BelgianDraftBreton.png

Silver Bay Thoroughbred

An unused living version of John's dead Silver Bay Thoroughbred, having appeared in "Enter, Pursued by a Memory", and a healthier version of it

Final Game "Healthy"
RDR2 SilverBayFinalGame.png RDR2 SilverBayHealthy.png

Standard Horse

An unused placeholder horse titled the standard horse, used in the trailer as a replacement for the Raven Black Shire, Buell, and Uncle's horse and appears during the final game in the backgrounds of various missions. It's unable to be acquired in game without use of mods or cheats, the horse has the lowest stats out of all horses in game and thus cannot be stabled.

1.00 Current
RDR2 StandardHorseUnused.png RDR2 StandardHorse.png

Dappled Black Chestnut American Standardbred

Inside the files exists a Dappled Black Chestnut variant of the American Standardbred

RDR2 DappledChestnutStandardbred.png

Piebald Roan Norfolk Roadster

There exists a Piebald Roan Norfolk Roadster with a broken model

RDR2 PiebaldNorfolkRoadster.png

More Gray Speckled Gray Norfolk Roadster

There exists a "More Gray" variant of the Speckled Gray Norfolk Roadster

RDR2 MoreGrayNorfolkRoadster.png

Black Norfolk Roadster With a Broken Unused Model

Inside the files exists a variant of the final game Black Norfolk Roadster, it's a darker shade of black and it's model is broken

RDR2 BrokenBlackNorfolk.png

Mahogany Bay Overo American Paint

Appearing in the trailer ridden by Arthur is a cut variant of the American Paint with a Mahogany Bay Overo coat. A horse of the same coat appears in a cut compendium image.

Trailer Compendium
RDR2 OveroAmericanPaint.png RDR2 MahoganyBayCompendium.png

2K Horse

Inside the files is a horse in 2K resolution that goes unused

RDR2 2KHorse.png

Unused Living Version of Dead Horse

There exist remnants of a living version of the dead horse model that appears in multiple locations across the map (including an out of bounds avalanche, near the Panoramic Map, and as John's horse during "Enter, Pursued by a Memory".) RDR2 UnusedDeadHorse2K.png

Female Horse Genitals

At some point in development female horses were also going to have genitalia as referenced in Global.ydlb



Castrated male horses were meant to be seen in game as evidenced by text relating to them in Global.ydlb


Unused Horse Urinating Animation

Existing in the files is an unused animation for male horses for them to urinate, seeing how far Rockstar went with male horses, it's unsure why this was cut

Rare Horse Compendium Entries

Appearing in the files for the compendium are unused images and horses from when "rare" horses would've had separate photos in the compendium. It's unsure what stats or colors these horses would've had.

Rare Ardennes

An image containing a rare Ardennes appears in the compendium.

RDR2 RareArdennes.png

Rare Arabian

In the compendium also exists a rare Arabian.

RDR2 RareArabian.png

Rare American Standardbred

Inside the files exists a compendium entry for a rare American Standardbred

RDR2 RareAmericanStandardbred.png

Rare Mustang

Inside the files exists a compendium entry for a rare Mustang

RDR2 Rare Mustang.png

Rare Andalusian

Inside the files exists a compendium entry for a rare Andalusian

RDR2 RareAndalusian.png

The only horses left in the files that do not appear in the final game. There are still a few cut horses that appear in compendium images, and even some unused images and horses from when "rare" horses would've had separate photos in the compendium. There are a few horses cut from the game referenced in text files, these include a Malnourished Horse, a Sabino American Paint, an Amber Champagne American Standardbred, a Mosaic American Standardbred, a Strawberry Roan American Standardbred, a Blood Bay Arabian, a Chestnut Ardennes, a "Villain Horse" which may have been for low honor players, a "Hero Horse" which may have been for high honor players, a Dark Bay Dutch Warmblood, an Albino Turkoman, a Grey-Black Dutch Warmblood, a Grey Andalusian, a Silver-Black Dutch Warmblood, a Dark Chestnut Hungarian Half-bred, a Perlino Hungarian Half-bred, a Sooty Buckskin Hungarian Half-bred, a Bay Kentucky Mountain Saddle (note that Kentucky Saddlers are still sometimes referred to as Kentucky Mountain Saddle horses in-game), a Brindle Kentucky Mountain Saddle, a Dapple Grey Tennessee Walker, a Blond Bay Suffolk Punch, a Reverse Dapple Doan Nokota, a Chocolate Dapple Missouri Fox Trotter, a Black Morgan, a Flaxen Black Missouri Fox Trotter, a Chestnut Morgan, a Palomino Mustang, a Buttermilk Buckskin Nokota, a  Grey Shire, a Dark Liver Chestnut Suffolk Punch, a Deep Red Chestnut Suffolk Punch, a Cherry Bay Thoroughbred, and a Flaxen Chestnut Thoroughbred.[9] Another cut horse can be seen in Pearson's picture of the Van der Linde gang. It also appears the Flaxen Roan Tennessee Walker was supposed to be found in the world and could've pulled a wagon as seen in a trailer for the game.
  • Wrinkle mask textures and a model skeleton are in the game files for a baby horse, it's possible that this horse was intended to appear during the mission "Fatherhood, For Beginners".[10]


This can be seen on an early model for horses, which lacks male body parts.