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Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

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Title Screen

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Developer: Big Huge Games
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Platform: Windows
Released in US: May 9, 2006
Released in EU: May 26, 2006

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends is the sequel to Rise of Nations. The basic mechanics - tactical pause, national borders, ramping cost system, and Total Annihilation-like inexhaustible resources - are still present, but this time instead of a Civilization-like historical setting there's a crazy world where nations like desert Arabian magicians, steampunk Renaissance Italians, and Mayans with laser boomsticks from an alien spaceship coexist pretty well.

To do:
  • Describe the cut Kahan nation, maybe in a pre-release (or development?) section. There's at least one unused unit directly related to Kahans. Check this and this posts about unused units (mostly Kahans) and decompiling.
  • Do sub-section for leftovers from Rise of Nations. There're tons of unused code from it in .xml files.


Unused Sounds
A BIG HUGE amount of scratches, howls, and bell rings that were supposed to be UI sounds.

Unused Graphics
Some of very early UI textures that bring some light on initial intentions (they were planning RoN2 at first?), along with BIG HUGE Kahan spreadsheets.

Unused Rare Resources
The whole BIG HUGE file of Rare Resource feature coding, another idea from Rise of Nations that has been rejected .

Unused Features

There are some unused features of various game aspects hidden in rules.xml. Most of them are just switched off by having a value of 0.


Unused/hidden features, mechanics, and rules.

Gather and Commerce

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="mine_bonus_rate">

Probably intended for generating Timonium by Mines.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="city_income">
<COMMENT>Income per city</COMMENT>

Allows Cities to generate resources by themselves.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="guild_peasant_rate">
<COMMENT>resources for gatherers in city radius (by guild district)</COMMENT

The fact that "city radius" and "district" are together here suggests this is a leftover from earlier in development, when the game was closer to its predecessor.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="num_mountain_gather">
<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="mountain_gather_size">
<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="mountain_gather_slots">

Players are not allowed to gather anything from mountains during standard gameplay.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="gem_gather_slots">

No idea what it is.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="stripped_income">
<COMMENT>The amount of income you get per good for each percent of your territory that is stripped</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 timonium</VALUE0>
<VALUE3>0 energy</VALUE3>

Presumably a taxation feature similar to the one in Rise of Nations. Note that Wealth is absent from the above value list.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="allow_gathersite_completion_bonus">
<COMMENT>Wether or not a bonus is given for a gathersite being built </COMMENT>

Another mechanic from Rise of Nations which was scrapped. The final game has no completion bonus for Mines (which are called "gathersite" here).

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="market_basement">
<COMMENT>Lowest sell price the market likes to stay near, even when everyone is selling like gangbusters</COMMENT>

A rule related to a scrapped buy/sell feature in Market. While Vinci can buy/sell resources in Calculator, it's only at constant prices.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="village_wealth_income">
<COMMENT>amount of wealth income you get from villages (per Small City upgrade)</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>(for Hamlet)</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>(for Small City)</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>(for Town)</VALUE2>

Disabled ability for Towns to generate Wealth. "Hamlet" is probably an early name for Site.

<GATHER_AND_COMMERCE name="gem_income_debt_amount">
<COMMENT>If gem income is -1, you lose this much income from Timonium and wealth</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>2 Timonium</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>2 wealth</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>0 Research Points</VALUE2>
<VALUE3>2 energy</VALUE3>

A feature about... debt income?

Test Multipliers

Multipliers for various aspects of the game, intended for testing purposes.

<COSTS name="research_premium">
<COMMENT>times base cost (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="unit_time_base">
<COMMENT>fraction of base production time (Must be 1/1 except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually - BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="unit_time_ramp">
<COMMENT>fractional time ramp (Must be 1/1 except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually - BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="accel_train">
<COMMENT>fraction of base speed (Must be 1 except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually - BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="accel_construct">
<COMMENT>fractional speed  (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="accel_research">
<COMMENT>speed  (use only on own machine for testing -- BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="mana_recovery">
<COMMENT>fraction of normal mana recovery (Must be 1/1 except on your own machine for testing or demo; for main line game adjust times individually - BR)</COMMENT>
<CHEATS name="storm_time_modifier">
<COMMENT>fraction of normal storm time (Please don't use except on own machine for testing, or for demos -- BR)</COMMENT>
<MOVEMENT name="unit_speed_hack">
<COMMENT>Global adjuster for unit speeds</COMMENT>
<MOVEMENT name="unit_turn_speed">
<COMMENT>fractional rate (master control for unit turn speed)</COMMENT>


<GOODYBOX name="rare_bonus">
<COMMENT>Base resources (Timonium, Wealth, Research)</COMMENT>

Some leftovers related to the Ruins mechanic. Research points cannot be gained from Ruins in the final game.

<GOODYBOX name="rare_bonus_magus">
<COMMENT>Resources per Guild District (Timonium, Wealth, Research)</COMMENT>

Unknown mechanic related with Guild Districts.


<PLUNDER name="city_plunder_per_level">

Presumably a Rise of Nations-like city plunder mechanic. The retail game doesn't give any plunder resources from capturing Cities.

<PLUNDER name="village_plunder">

Same as above. "village" might be an old name for Sites or Neutral Cities.

<PLUNDER name="capital_plunder">

Same as above. Rise of Nations' rules.ini file contains the same string with a value of 500.


<TRADE name="merchant_district_trade_value">
<COMMENT>additional trade value of each merchant district in a city</COMMENT>

Every district in a City increases the income of every Caravan coursing between that City and another site. There are no additional bonuses for Merchant districts.

<TRADE name="guild_district_trade_value">
<COMMENT>additional trade value of each guild district in a city</COMMENT>
Same as above. "guild district" is a special district for the current nation (Industrial/Magus/Holy).

<TRADE name="energy_other_district_local">
<COMMENT>energy value of a location per local non-merchant District (i.e. in same city, so must BE a city)</COMMENT>
<TRADE name="energy_other_district_global">
<COMMENT>energy value of a location per global non-merchant District (i.e. anywhere on map)</COMMENT>
<TRADE name="energy_merchant_district_global_allied">
<COMMENT>energy value of an allied location per global Merchant District (i.e. anywhere on map)</COMMENT>


<POPCAP name="city_pop_cap">
<COMMENT>Pop cap by city size</COMMENT>

It seems the player could increase a City's population limit by upping the size of said City.


<TERRITORY name="palace_district_global_push">
<COMMENT>Total # of palace districts causes this much "global push"</COMMENT>

There is no such feature as "global push" in the retail game. It seems this feature would globally increase national borders when some amount of Palace Districts were built.


Several unused mechanics related to defeated nations.

<VICTORY name="defeated_blow_up_towers">
<COMMENT>Blow up defeated leader's defensive buildings?</COMMENT>
<VICTORY name="defeated_blow_up_units">
<COMMENT>Blow up defeated leader's combat units?</COMMENT>
<VICTORY name="defeated_give_stuff_to_conqueror">
<COMMENT>Give defeated leader's cities, etc,  to conqueror?</COMMENT>


Cut features that decrease speed and attack of wounded units. The retail game doesn't use a "wound" mechanic for units.

<COMBAT name="speed_when_wounded">
<COMMENT>percentage modifier</COMMENT>
<COMBAT name="attack_when_wounded">
<COMMENT>percentage modifier</COMMENT>


<ATTRITION name="attrition_upgrade">
<COMMENT>(this is for anti-attrition techs, not currently supported)</COMMENT>

Presumably a leftover from an old anit-attrition technology system, like Supply tech line in Rise of Nations.


<BUILDINGS name="large_city_spawn_speed">
<COMMENT>% Increase of grunt spawn based on being a large city</COMMENT>

Presumably increases the creation speed of such units as "grunts" - Imperial Musketeer, Desert Walker, and Guardian unit lines - when a Large City is approached.

<BUILDINGS name="major_city_spawn_speed">
<COMMENT>% Increase of grunt spawn based on being a great city</COMMENT>

Same as above, but for Great Cities.

<BUILDINGS name="tree_clearing_cost">
<COMMENT>Percent extra cost for placing a building on top of a tree.</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0% extra</VALUE0>

There is nothing similar to "tree clearing" in this game or its predecessor, and this parameter doesn't even work - changing the value doesn't increase the cost if a building is placed on decorative trees.

<BUILDINGS name="buildtime_per_distance">
<COMMENT>amount of extra build time added per extra distance</COMMENT>

Another unknown feature.

<BUILDINGS name="city_damage_changes_trade_value">
<COMMENT>if enabled then a caravans wealth income will be reduced as a city takes damage.</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)</VALUE0>

Also doesn't seem to function, as enabling this parameter doesn't cause Caravans' Wealth income to be reduced while coursing between damaged Cities.

<BUILDINGS name="city_damage_discrete_values">
<COMMENT>recompute caps when city reaches certain damage levels specified in city_health_recompute_caps</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)</VALUE0>
<BUILDINGS name="city_health_recompute_caps">
<COMMENT>Percentage of city health to recompute Pop and Econ caps and Wealth value for trade</COMMENT>
<BUILDINGS name="city_health_cap_percent">
<COMMENT>Cooresponds to "city_health_recompute_caps".  This is the percentage to lose at the recompute cap value</COMMENT>

Forces the game to recompute various caps only when a certain percentage of City health is reached. The retail version recomputes caps every 5 seconds, and does it proportionally to remaining City health.


<DISTRICTS name="merchant_district_caravans">
<COMMENT>Free caravans per merchant district</COMMENT>

Allows Merchant Districts to generate free Caravans at finishing construction.

<DISTRICTS name="merchant_district_wealth">
<COMMENT>bonus wealth (+ amount for each merchant district)</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 (for City)</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>0 (for medium city)</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>0 (for large city)</VALUE2>

Another disabled feature related with Caravans.

<DISTRICTS name="guild_district_extra_workers">
<COMMENT>Each gather site mining Timonium in city radius when a Guild District is built will get X free workers.</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 free worker (City)</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>0 free workers (medium city)</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>0 free workers (large city)</VALUE2>

Allows you to generate free Miners when a Guild District is built, the amount of Miners depending on City size. Note that "medium city" and "large city" are used here, whereas the release version uses "large city" and "great city".

<DISTRICTS name="guild_district_extra_heads">
<COMMENT>Each gather site mining Timonium in city radius will get X free gather slots for each Guild District.</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 extra slot (City)</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>0 extra slots (medium city)</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>0 extra slots (large city)</VALUE2>

Allows to expand capacity of gather site, the amount of additional work slots depending on City size.

<DISTRICTS name="guild_district_cheaper_districts">
<COMMENT>Each Guild District in a city will make other districts in the same city cheaper.</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 less timonium</VALUE0>

Disabled feature that allows to build districts cheaper with built Guild District.

<DISTRICTS name="guild_district_global_prod_bonus">
<COMMENT>Each Guild District in your empire will increase timonium slot value, by levlel of city</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 extra timonium per worker</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>0 extra timonium per worker</VALUE1>
<VALUE2>0 extra timonium per worker</VALUE2>

Increases Timonium production from Miners by each Guild District.


<UNITS name="industrial_unit_prod_rate">
<COMMENT>When you have Industrial Dominace, the following value is the multiplier for the speed at which queued units are produced.</COMMENT>

The retail game doesn't have Industrial Dominance.

<UNITS name="supply_heal_level_upgrade">
<COMMENT>Number of levels a supply unit gets when in friendly territory</COMMENT>


<DOMINANCE name="use_income_for_resource_title">
<COMMENT>if this is "1" then Resource Dominance is based on income rather than treasury</COMMENT>

Disabled feature that forces Resource Dominance ability to count income value of players instead of accumulated resource value.

<DOMINANCE name="tie_for_resource_title">
<COMMENT>Need to beat your opponents by this much to have clear dominance</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="tie_for_craft_title">
<COMMENT>Need to beat your opponents by this much to have clear dominance</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="tie_for_tactical_title">
<COMMENT>Need to beat your opponents by this much to have clear dominance</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="tie_for_army_title">
<COMMENT>Need to beat your opponents by this much to have clear dominance</COMMENT>

Presumably these disabled features were supposed to stick various Dominance abilities to one player after reaching a very large value of parameter related with this Dominance (killed gather units/created units/etc.) However, the retail game has this feature programmed as the final level of the Dominance rule "minimum (parameter related with this Dominance) to get (current) Dominance".

<DOMINANCE name="resource_title_stickiness">
<COMMENT>If your opponent has the title, this is subtracted from the tie value</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="craft_title_stickiness">
<COMMENT>If your opponent has the title, this is subtracted from the tie value</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="tactical_title_stickiness">
<COMMENT>If your opponent has the title, this is subtracted from the tie value</COMMENT>
<DOMINANCE name="army_title_stickiness">
<COMMENT>If your opponent has the title, this is subtracted from the tie value</COMMENT>

It is unclear what exactly these rules do. The only clear thing here is the fact these rules are related to Dominance features.

<DOMINANCE name="dominances_permanent">
<COMMENT>If "1" the dominances are permanent and never change hands</COMMENT>

Disabled feature that makes Dominance features permanently available to the player who has reached the first cap of a certain parameter.


<VINCI name="material_bonus_for_strip_mine">
<COMMENT>how many Timonium do you get for building a strip mine (now unused)</COMMENT>

Seems to be a Rise of Nations-like completion bonus mechanic, rewarding a one-time resource bonus after constructing gather building. It doesn't work here, though, as this game doesn't have any completion bonuses.

<VINCI name="giacomo_lab_bonus">
<COMMENT>lab building price reduction by level</COMMENT>

Unused feature for Vinci hero Giacomo which decreases lab building price.

<VINCI name="vinci_storm_time_bonus">
<COMMENT>% reduction in storm times</COMMENT>

Reduces time needed for capturing City after storming it with grunts. Judging on a lacking condition for applying this feature, it seems like a Vinci national bonus or something. The retail game uses an identical feature, but only if you researched a certain Prototype.

<VINCI name="vinci_storm_damage_bonus">
<COMMENT>% reduction in storm damage</COMMENT>

Most probably it was supposed to decrease damage for grunt units after storming a City (normally they receive 50% damage from full HP when appearing after the end of the storm). The retail game uses an identical feature, but only if you researched a certain Prototype.

<VINCI name="vinci_bonus_worker_slots">
<COMMENT>the number of extra clockwork miner slots at each Vinci mine.</COMMENT>

Another scrapped feature about providing extra slots for Miners, this time for Clockwork Miners.

<VINCI name="banking_trade_value">
<COMMENT>a vinci city gets +X trade value for each level of banking researched</COMMENT>

Possibly is connected with Vinci final proto techs, either with that one which gives player one\time Wealth amount or that one which reduces production time\cost.


<ALIM name="alim_build_rate">
<COMMENT>Alin building rate increase (100% == twice as fast)</COMMENT>

Increases build speed for Alins. Judging on a lacking condition for applying this feature, it seems like a Alin national bonus or something.

<ALIM name="alim_base_push">
<COMMENT>The base push factor for Alin buildings (push_limit, push_factor)</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0 push_limit</VALUE0>
<VALUE1>0 push_factor</VALUE1>

Alin buildings don't push national borders at all, except Glass Castle.


<CUOTL name="battery_energy_rate_bonus">
<COMMENT>X% extra gather rate for city with a battery</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0% extra attack value</VALUE0>

It is unclear what "battery" is. It could be Reactor District, given the "energy rate", but most probably it was Holy Ark and its Channel Power ability. Note that Holy Arks can't charge Cities in the retail game.

<CUOTL name="battery_idol_attack_bonus">
<COMMENT>X% extra combat value for Idol with a battery</COMMENT>
<VALUE0>0% extra attack value</VALUE0>

Most probably intended to increase Sun Idol attack under Holy Ark influence.

<CUOTL name="cuotl_reactor_mana_bonus">
<COMMENT>Number of mana added for each Reactor Power level researched</COMMENT>

Really strange one. First off, only Alim heroes can use the Mana feature. Second, Reactor Power cannot be upgraded in the retail game.

<CUOTL name="battery_cheaper_fane">
<COMMENT>Non-gem costs of units built at fane with a battery are this much cheaper</COMMENT>
<CUOTL name="battery_cheaper_aircraft">
<COMMENT>Non-gem costs of aircraft built at a building with a battery are this much cheaper</COMMENT>

Another unused interaction between Holy Ark (called "battery" here) and buildings.


<TOUGHEST name="general_handicap_toughest">
<COMMENT>General handicap on toughest (0-20), affecting build speeds and cooldowns. For tough-ER use about 10, for tough-EST use about 16. (BR... 3/20/2006 discovered this value isn't actually used for solo games, it would only activate in multiplayer comp stomps, which kind of freaked me out so I'm setting this to 0 for consistency of AI behavior).</COMMENT>

Disabled feature related to the Toughest difficulty.


The developers had planned to include Wonder buildings just like in Rise of Nations, but this time they would be neutral buildings already existing on the map. Nations could seize them in order to gain various bonuses.

<GREATFASTNESS name="greatfastness_heal">
<COMMENT>% that units are healed faster when units are when garrisonned inside</COMMENT>
<GREATFASTNESS name="greatfastness_hp_bonus">
<COMMENT>% HP increase for all other builds when the leader has built the wonder</COMMENT>
<CRYPTOFKNOWLEDGE name="cryptofknowledge_attack_bonus">
<COMMENT>% that hero's damage to the enemy is increased</COMMENT>
<CRYPTOFKNOWLEDGE name="cryptofknowledge_research_bonus">
<COMMENT>% that research times are reduced</COMMENT>
<CRYPTOFKNOWLEDGE name="cryptofknowledge_cooldown_bonus">
<COMMENT>% that cooldown times are reduced</COMMENT>

Tech Categories

<CATEGORIES id="tech_cats">

 <CATEGORY name="Red Gems" key="Red Gems" desc="x"/>
 <CATEGORY name="Green Gems" key="Green Gems" desc="x"/>
 <CATEGORY name="Blue Gems" key="Blue Gems" desc="x"/>
 <CATEGORY name="White Gems" key="White Gems" desc="x"/

Describes technology colour marking - another distinct Rise of Nations feature, reused in Rise of Legends - as coloured gems, most probably in order to follow gem theme. The possible reason why it became unused is rejection of gem-themed Rare Resource feature. Retail version of the game has tech colour composition that slightly differs from this, it is identical to the one used in Rise of Nation - Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.


Unused crafts or abilities found in the craftrules.xml file.

Unused Lines

Some of the crafts have unused lines.

<DATA1>0% incoming damage reduced by this amount</DATA1>

Increases protection for units. This line is present in many crafts, such as Emergency Supplies, but not used. However, some spells still use this line.

<DATA2>0 Must we target a gem patch? (1Y and 0N)</DATA2>

This rule is present in many craft descriptions, but not used for any of them.


<!--  y = Building becomes a unit upon completion (first unit in unitrules with a where of this building)-->

No buildings transform to units in the retail game. Probably it was somehow connected with Great Temple creation - an old version of City of Vengeance, mentioned in the game's files.

Age Advancement

Some strings found in rules.xml are related with Ages. The retail game doesn't operate with the Age system.

  <CATEGORIES id="startingtechs" title="Start Age:">
    <CATEGORY name="Dawn Age"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Gem Age"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Kingdom Age"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Dragon Age"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Immortal Age"/>
    <CATEGORY name="All Technologies"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Random Age!"/>

The structure of Age description is the same that was used in Rise of Nations' rules.xml file.

Old Nation Descriptions

There are obviously obsolete descriptions of nations hidden in various .xml files. Some interesting details can be seen, such as "Base Age" string related with the cut Age Advancement mechanic, links to architectural styles from Rise of Nations, and a "Unique Tech" name implying all other tech were identical (whereas in the final version all techs are unique).


    <POWER>The Alin have the power of *Summoning*</POWER>
    <NATIONAL_SPELL icon="Summon Army">National Spell: "Summon Army" temporarily brings forth a large army of footsoldiers and support units.</NATIONAL_SPELL>
    <UNIQUE_TECH icon="Evocation 1">Unique technology: "Evocation" summons free units with every Summoning Circle.</UNIQUE_TECH>
    <START>Start: with one extra caravan.</START>
      <TEXT>Summoning Circles can be built in neutral or enemy territory.</TEXT>
      <TEXT>All buildings have some combat value and can shoot at enemy raiders.</TEXT>
      <TEXT>Flying units are cheaper and faster to build.</TEXT>
      <HERO0 icon="Sawu, the Dark Alim">Sawu, the Dark Alin</HERO0>
      <HERO1 icon="Dakhla, the Sand Warden">Dakhla the Genie</HERO1>
      <HERO2 icon="Damanhur, the Desert Flame">Damanhur the Afreet</HERO2>
      <SUPPLY icon="Magic Bottle">Supply: Puzzle Box (created at the Circle of Sand)</SUPPLY>
      <SIEGE icon="Glass Cannon">Siege: Glass Cannon (created at the Circle of Glass)</SIEGE>
      <MASTER icon="Glass Dragon">Master Unit: Glass Dragon (created at the Circle of Glass)</MASTER>
  • For some reason "Base Age" (whatever it means) is named "Lore Tower".
  • The Alin nation is called "Alim" a few times.
  • Alins don't start with one extra Caravan in the retail game.
  • Evocation technology seemed to not relate with Summon Army national spell.
  • It is said that Puzzle Box is created in Circle of Sand, while in the retail game it can be created in any City.


    <POWER>The Vinci have the power of *Industry*</POWER>
    <NATIONAL_SPELL icon="Strip Mine">National Spell: "Industrial Devastation" creates an area that damages enemy units.</NATIONAL_SPELL>
    <UNIQUE_TECH icon="Scavenge 1">Unique technology: "Scavenging" grants a resource rebate when Vinci units die.</UNIQUE_TECH>
    <START>Start: with one trip to the Inventor's Workshop</START>
      <TEXT>Can build the Laboratory, which can be upgraded into 8 different unique buildings.</TEXT>
      <HERO0 icon="Giacomo, Inventor of Miana">Giacomo, the Inventor</HERO0>
      <HERO1 icon="The Doge, Alessadri of Venucci">The Doge of Venucci</HERO1>
      <HERO2 icon="Lenora, Pirata Princess">Lenora, Captain of the Pirata</HERO2>
      <SUPPLY icon="Dirigible">Supply: Cargo Dirigible (created at the Aerodrome).</SUPPLY>
      <SIEGE icon="Super Steam Cannon">Siege: Steam Cannon (created at the Steam Fortress)</SIEGE>
      <MASTER icon="Land Leviathan">Master Unit: Land Leviathan (created at the Steam Fortress)</MASTER>

The Scavenge tech was supposed to be less universal, providing some benefit only when Vinci units die. In the retail game this tech also provides resources (one-time income, not "rebate" or something) from killing enemy units, reduces attrition damage, and increases Cargo Dirigible supply radius.


    <POWER>The Cuotl have the power of *Knowledge*</POWER>
    <NATIONAL_SPELL icon="Summon Army">National Spell: "Lightbringer" reveals an area of the map and damages enemy units found there.</NATIONAL_SPELL>
    <UNIQUE_TECH icon="Shields 1">Unique technologies: Power, Weapons, Shields--improve various aspects of buildings and heroes.</UNIQUE_TECH>
    <START>Start: with one extra research point.</START>
      <TEXT>Holy Arks can be placed inside of buildings for extra powers.</TEXT>
      <TEXT>Defensive Obelisks gain power the more of them there are.</TEXT>
      <TEXT>Heroes upgrade via tech, not through expenditure of wealth.</TEXT>
      <HERO0 icon="Xil, the Sun God">Xil, god of the Sun</HERO0>
      <HERO1 icon="Shok, Goddess of storm">Shok, goddess of Storm</HERO1>
      <HERO2 icon="Czin, god of Death">Czin, god of Death</HERO2>
      <SUPPLY icon="Holy Ark">Supply: Holy Ark (created free with each Sanctuary District)</SUPPLY>
      <SIEGE icon="Sun Stone">Siege: Sun Idol (created at the Sanctuary)</SIEGE>
      <MASTER icon="Great Temple">Master Unit: Great Temple (upgraded from an existing Temple)</MASTER>
  • "Base Age" is "No Reactor Power" this time. Maybe it was an analog of Dawn Age for the Cuotl nation, mentioned in rules.xml.
  • Icon for National Spell is Alin's "Summon Army" for some reason.
  • "shield tech is different, need to refine this"
  • Apparently you could place units into buildings like in Rise of Nations, in particular Holy Arks "inside of buildings for extra powers". Since you cannot place units inside of buildings anymore, the reinforcement mechanic for Holy Arks was changed to Channel Power, when this unit charges building with a constant lighting connection, thus enforcing this building.
  • A "tech" for upgrading heroes is mentioned. In the retail game, Cuotl units are able to upgrade by using spells (which consume Energy, the Wealth analog for Cuotles).
  • Sun Idol is mentioned as a Siege unit. In the retail game, Sun Cannon is a Siege unit whereas Sun Idol is classified as a heavy, powerful, and slow unit similar to Juggernaut for Vinci and Glass Golem for Alins.
  • Master unit here is Great Temple, created by upgrading an existing Temple. In the retail game, the Cuotl master unit is City of Vengeance created in Sanctuary.

There's also an obsolete code chunk in rules.xml with a similar function:

 <CATEGORIES id="starttribes">
    <CATEGORY name="Alin"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Alin - Sawu"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Alin - Dakhla"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Alin - Damanhur"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Kahan"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Kahan - Kaighra"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Kahan - Belg"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Kahan - Yontash"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Cuotl"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Cuotl - Xil"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Cuotl - Shok"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Cuotl - Czin"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Vinci"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Vinci - Giacomo"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Vinci - Alessadri"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Vinci - Lenora"/>
    <CATEGORY name="Random"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Random - Magic"/>
    <CATEGORY name="  Random - Technology"/>

Presumably there was an idea about dividing nations into two categories - Magic (Alins and Kahans) and Technology (Vinci and Cuotles). Also, names of planned Kahan heroes are revealed - Kaighra (most probably Snow Witch, flying heroine), Belg (Ogre King, bipedal hero), and Yontash, which was used in Cuotl campaign (quadripedal hero).

Unused Text


    <ENTRY name="ROCCO">
        <TEXT>This is Lord Rocco's Infotext.</TEXT>
        <TEXT>This is the second line of said text.</TEXT>

Placeholder text related to Rocco, Doge's sideshow, and doesn't fit into Cuotl's campaign at all. Most likely an oversight.


    <!--THIS UNIT IS MIA, REMOVING THIS TYPE. class="units" reference_name="Condottieri Assassin" reference_style="copy"<typename>Castle Assassin</typename>
<where>Condottieri Castle</where>-->


<SOUNDFX id="WONDER_FINISHED" category="Feedback"
<SOUNDFX id="WONDER_BEGUN" category="Feedback"
<SOUNDFX id="MARKET_SELL" category="Feedback"
<SOUNDFX id="BUILDING_QUEUE_FULL" category="Feedback"
<SOUNDFX id="TIME_LIMIT_WARNING" category="Feedback"
<SOUNDFX id="UNIT_SELECT" category="Unit Event"
<SOUNDFX id="ImperialMuskateerBoltOpen" category="Unit Anim"
<SOUNDFX id="TracerShell" category="Ammo"
<SOUNDFX id="bridge_collapse" category="E3 Demo"
<SOUNDFX id="doge_destruction" category="E3 Demo"
<SOUNDFX id="Horse_Giacomo__Walk__0" category="Unit Anim"
<SOUNDFX id="RHit_Fire" category="Ammo"
<SOUNDFX id="GLASSPRISONHUGE__Spell_pt1" category="Unit Anim"
<SOUNDFX id="StormGodRangedSpark" category="Unit Anim"

These strings in the file don't have connections with existing sound files, which make them unused.

Unused Technologies and Bonuses

The file techrules.xml contains some unused code.

<NAME>Summon Army</NAME>
<TYPENAME>Summon Army Part 0</TYPENAME>
<PREQ0>Evocation 1</PREQ0>

It was supposed to summon Heartseekers by having only one Evocation technology researched. In the retail game, Evocation 1 summons only two Desert Walkers.

<TYPENAME>Buildings Created Faster</TYPENAME>
<TYPENAME>Research Faster</TYPENAME>

Various tech bonuses which are left unused in the final game.

<TYPENAME>Transport Bonus</TYPENAME>

These bonuses are located at the end of the file and don't fit into the retail game at all. They're most likely leftovers from when the game was more directly built off of Rise of Nations.