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Rokudenashi Blues (NES)

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Title Screen

Rokudenashi Blues

Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: NES
Released in JP: October 29, 1993

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

To do:
Screenshots and debug menu documentation.

Rokudenashi Blues is an adventure/RPG-style game based on the anime/manga of the same name. Though developed by the same company, the Super Famicom version is a completely different game.

Debug Functions

Using the Game Genie code AENNONNY during gameplay will enable some debugging functions.

  • Hold Start on controller 1, then press Reset to perform a power-on memory re-initialization.
  • Hold Up on controller 2, then press Reset to see the Ending Credits sequence.
  • At the title menu, hold Up on controller 1 and press A or B on controller 2 to enable or disable the chapter selection menu after starting a new game.
  • During the game, press B on controller 2 to open debug menu with a lot of options.
  • During the game, hold B on controller 1 to enable free walk mode.

There are more options may be enabled in various places if RAM variable $00FD is set to values 1 to 4, but there is no more code to change it in-game.

(Source: Cah4e3)