Rule of Rose/Unused Models
This is a sub-page of Rule of Rose.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
This page contains a list of unused models present in the game's files. It will obviously get image-heavy as time goes on.
Something important to note about Chapter 9 folder. As such chapter doesn't exist in the game and the folder itself contains a plethora of objects from different points of the game, it is possible to assume that this chapter was some kind of testing grounds for developers to test objects in. With that being said, you can technically assert that every single model in that folder is unused.
But despite that it would be unwise and awkward to try to cover all of them, especially with most of them being just direct copies of preexisting models used somewhere in the game. As such, it is advised to only list such models from Chapter 9 folder that have some kind of interesting element about them, be it an early version of a character, a completely unused object or an unused animation. The full uncut object list for Chapter 9 can still be found in the Notes section.