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Running Fred

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Title Screen

Running Fred

Developer: Dedalord
Publisher: Dedalord
Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Blackberry, Mac OS X, Unity Web Player
Released internationally: February 5, 2012

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

In Running Fred, you control Fred, who is running away from death (Grimmy)... an entity who seems to be everywhere, as are obstacles.

To do:
  • Put unused animations and sounds.
  • Any more changes in versions 1.4.5, 1.4.7, and 1.6.2?
  • Create a revisional differences sub-page
  • Create a beta & rf lite sub-page

Unused Loading Screen Hint Images


Was going to be used in the main menu to go to the More Games section, but it was changed for the final version.


GoldDigger.png Platform(Unused).png

These images were all supposed to be used in the loading screen, but it wasn't until v1.4.4 that they were added (although all the ones shown right now ended up being scrapped and replaced by others).

Partially-Unused Graphics

Textures that are used in-game but have things that are never seen in-game.


Originally (in the beta), it was thought to add the jetpack to High Stakes (and possibly to Grisly Manor), but in the end this was discarded and changed to Sektor 51, which is ironic because so far Sektor 51 has not been released and there is no way to use this jetpack inside the game (although perhaps with a modification in the scripts it is possible), because although the "Rocket Fred" aspect allows you to use a jetpack, it has a different design than the one seen in the trailer and beta. This texture has the jetpack fuel which is not used anywhere.


As its name indicates, "TutorialDecorations" is the texture with decorations of the tutorial level, in which you can see small details and nothing really relevant, but the posters "Wall Runners", "Falling Fred Z", and "Peaceful Meadows" are not used, and I have not been able to corroborate if the poster with Fred's face in black and white is used or not.


This texture contains all the elements of the main menu, but between these elements there are some white icons of a tool and a trophy not used, most probably they were as placeholder for the configuration and achievement icons. There is also another icon for the jetpack fuel.


As its name says, "AvatarAndSkills" are all the covers of the skins and skills of the store, but in version 1.4.0 the powers were not added yet, so here you can see an early version of the skills "Safety Spring" and "Resurrect".


Achievements, some of which are not used (I have not yet corroborated the unused ones).

Other Unused Textures


A test texture to see what the gore looked like on a single texture. Was left in the game files until v1.7.0.


The jetpack texture mentioned above.


This texture is not really used because, the wings texture used in version 1.6.0/1 (when they were added to the game) has a small green dot, which is used for the HUD, while this old texture does not have that detail.

Unused Sounds

In version 1.3.8 there are quite a few unused sounds, which come from the beta and also from Running Fred Lite.

Unused "Ouch". Later used in Super Falling Fred.

Unused fuel sound. Was supposed to be used when picking up a fuel box, but since the jetpack was discarded along with the fuel function it ended up not being used. Reference: https://youtu.be/xtKWI3zU1n0, https://youtu.be/ccluV4oVMJA?t=2001

Unused Animations

In version 1.3.8 there are some unused animations, like winning animation, lose animation, and more.

Unused idle animation, you can actually see this animation using a bug on downward sloping slopes, although it is very difficult to do and was patched in an unidentified version. Unused Idle Animation

Unused Skills

In the Running Fred Lite version (compilation made from a beta) we found descriptions for 3 unused skills which are:

- Fakir Feet - Lucky Charm - Protective Vest - Airbags

For some unknown reason, all those skills were discarded and their respective icons are in version 1.4.0.

FakirFeet.png LuckyCharm.png ProtectiveVest.png Airbags.png
