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Saints Row 2/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Saints Row 2.

To do:
  • Check the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions for any changes.
  • Unused Nelson Chop Shop graphic.

Interface Screens

An early logo of the game, featuring a different "2" found in ui_load_main, and with the exact same filename (ui_load_main.tga_0).

SR2 ui load main.tga 0.png

Placeholder Loading Screens

In the game, the loading screens change every time a mission starts. There are three unused loading screens of generic scenes ingame, found in ui_mm_load_temp_01-03.

Age Rating Screens

Low-res UI screens simply depicting age ratings (except for the ESRB) for the game found as ui_legal_rating_esrb, ui_legal_rating_pegi, ui_legal_rating_pegi_uk, ui_legal_rating_usk, ui_legal_rating_oflc and ui_legal_rating_cero in their respective folders. Likely a leftover from a demo?

Earlier Copyright Screens

Early copyright screens intended for the Xbox 360 version, found as ui_legal_xbox360 and filling in the graphic slows that the original game had. They don't have ratings unlike the final. Oddly, ui_legal_xbox360_nz.tga_0 and ui_legal_xbox360_aus.tga_0 appear slightly different, as opposed to the original graphic having no rating in the previous game.

Xbox 360

PlayStation 3

Alternate versions of the PlayStation 3 startup graphic, without the Dolby and DTS Digital Surround logos.

Mockup UI

Found in chunks4 are some insanely early pictures for the interface in interface-mockup. Many of those images likely date to no later than the late 2006 builds.

Below is a list of staggering differences found in those images.

  • It's unknown what the stars in mockup_1.tga_0 meant, otherwise the map is identical to Saints Row.
  • The mockup_2.tga_0 and mockup_3.tga_0 were still using the original character model.
    • The necklace and wristwatch, new to the game was untextured.
  • The Missions were slightly different in mockup_4.tga_0, mockup_6.tga_0 and mockup_7.tga_0.
    • "Visiting Hours" was originally called "Hospital Escape", and the reward was the Chinatown Neighborhood, it was changed to Union Square in the final.
    • "One Man's Junk..." was originally called "A Wong Time Coming".
    • Vehicle rewards originally had three and two paragraphs, before being shortened to a sentence.
  • An early Ronin gang logo can be found in mockup_6.tga_0 and mockup_7.tga_0.
  • The icons in mockup_5.tga_0 were slightly different, and appear to be from after 2007;
    • The Crowd Control and Septic Avenger icons were different, where the former was a simple light-blue star and the latter was a green "splat". Inconsistently, the Map Icon of Septic Avenger was also a blue splat.
    • Mayhem and Snatch reused their designs from Saints Row.


Unused stuff found in areas like the pause menu.

Crib Savefile Images

SR2-Unlock crib hacienda.pngSR2-Unlock crib yacht.png

There are two unused savefile images for scrapped Cribs found in ui_crib_photos. Both of them interestingly have the HUD design and some of the graphical style from the previous game, which was likely taken from very early in development.

The first is the Barrio Hacienda Crib, which where Los Carnales Snatch activity originally took place in the previous game, complete with an interior that is only seen in a cutscene. In the final game, it is the El Hoyo Motel and no such interior exists for it except for collision.

The second one is what seems to resemble the yacht seen in the mission Salting The Earth...Again. It's docked at an early version of Centennial Beach, which almost looks exactly like the location in the final game, except with a different-looking boat dock and a simpler tile texture for the yacht dock. In the background, an early version of the Amberbrook museum can be spotted, without some of the ruins present.

Radio Stations

SR2 Sizzurp 101.69Icon.pngSR2 WMDKBOOM 108.0Icon.pngSR2 RFS 87.6Icon.png

Found in ui_radio_logos, there exist three unused radio station icons (ui_bms_radio_logos.tga_0) for the pause menu. Two of them appeared in the previous game, which were Sizzurp 101.69 and 108.0 WMD KBOOM FM, which were likely going to return but were cut. RFS 87.6, which was originally cut from the game was also completely scrapped. Scaled-down versions of the graphics cannot be found in interface-backend.

Strangely enough, the logos of all of the scrapped stations are actually used as clothing designs, despite having different graphics. Also, an advertisement for 108.0 WMD KBOOM FM can also be found in Filmore.

Early Translation Oddity

Oddly, the Chinese start texture (ui_bms_mm_ch.tga_0) has a hidden early Japanese start texture.

Early (ui_bms_mm_ch.tga_0) Final (ui_bms_mm_jp.tga_0)
SR2 ui bms mm ch.tga 0.png SR2 ui bms mm jp.tga 0.png

Unlock Screen Icons

Gang Styles

There are three different unused unlock screens which have three different Gang Styles; Cowboys, College Team, and Crossdressers. They don't have any unused data for it in the final game.

Placeholder Locked Reward

There is a placeholder locked graphic for "magazine rewards" (ui_ct_lock_fake.tga_0, found within ui_c_lock_fake) that were likely meant to be displayed in the menu of obtained rewards. This image appears to show a Hayate Z70, yet the front decal is not available in the final game.

SR2 ui ct lock fake.tga 0.png

Placeholder Neighborhood Reward

ui_c_h_bh_01 is a basic placeholder postcard graphic for gaining a neighborhood, this case standing for the first Brotherhood mission.

SR2 ui c h bh 01.tga 0.png

Placeholder Newspaper Clippings

ui_mc_news_p_tss_01-16 are early newspaper graphics that are obvious placeholders due to containing generic headlines and screenshots from Saints Row. Graphics from ui_mc_news_p_tss_6-16 all reuse the same first five images, with the exception of numbers on the bottom right. Interestingly, the first one uses the "Hell's Kitchen" location name, which would be "Pilsen" in the final.

There also exists one for thumbnail variations as ui_bms_cribnews_tss_thumbs.tga_0, except one of them is marked as "???", without an image.

SR2 ui bms cribnews tss thumbs.tga 0.png

A slightly later placeholder graphic, featuring the finalised formatting, but Saints Row-esque image exists as ui_c_news_fake. It was also featured in another graphic.

SR2 ui ct news fake.tga 0.png

Service Contact Images

Found in ui_cell_book is a graphic called ui_bms_cell_book.tga_0, likely intended to be used as contact images for Phone Number services found around Stilwater. It appears to be incomplete due to have duplicate textures of Cliffside Drive-in, Foreign Power and Porno Palace.

SR2 ui bms cell book.tga 0.png

Map Icons

There are several unused icons that were intended for Activities or other elements.

Scrapped Activity Icons


map_start_taxi and map_start_taxi_grey seems to be for the Taxi Diversion, where it may have originally been an Activity during development. The greyed-out icon and the lack of its appearance on the ui_mockup file suggests it was added later in development.

SR2 map start taxi.pngSR2 map start taxi grey.png

Guardian Angel & Piracy

Though those icons don't have names, but are related to the scrapped Guardian Angel and Piraxy Activities. Strangely, no grayed-out variations of the icons exist implying that they didn't get far in development in comparison to the unused Taxi icon.

SR2 map start taxi unused 1.pngSR2 map start taxi unused 2.png


There is an unused grayed-out variant of the Racing Diversion (map_start_racing_grey), which is never used even if the player gets Gold. According to the bitmap files, it's out of position, being overlaid with the "9".

SR2 map start racing grey.png

Train Icon

A unused map icon for the train exists, with a slightly updated design in comparison to the previous entry. It suggests that this form of transport was going to return.

SR2 Unused Train Map Icon.png


This was meant to be displayed on the map to show where stairs are (map_stairs), but the icon doesn't show up in the final.

SR2 UI map stairs.png

HUD Icons


SR2 JessicaHomieIcon.png

An unused icon of Jessica of The Brotherhood, probably intended for an earlier revision of the Bank Error In Your Favor mission. It is, in fact used in the German and Japanese versions of the game as human shields aren't used there.


SR2 BouncerHomieIcon.png

An unused Homie referred to as "Bouncer". Purpose unknown.

Demolition Derby

SR2 ui homie misc derby.png

A Homie meant for the Demolition Derby Activity, called "ui_homie_misc_derby". Maybe Playa could originally recruit tag team members during the Activity?

Unused Ultor Notoriety Icon

To do:
Are there any remnants of the Ultor Notoriety in the final game?

SR2 UltorNotorietyIcon.png

There's an unused Notoriety icon for the Ultor Corporation. The regular Police Notoriety is used instead, no matter if any Ultor-related vehicles or Masako get destroyed.

Activity Icons

SR2 ui hud act ico taxi.pngSR2 ui hud act ico theft.png

Unused icons intended for scrapped Activities. The first was intended for the Taxi Activity (ui_hud_act_ico_taxi), before it got downgraded to a Diversion. The second was intended for Theft (ui_hud_act_ico_theft), which may or may not have been an Activity.


SR2 Cognac Icon.pngSR2 Bubbly Icon.pngSR2 GinNJuice Icon.pngSR2 Pipe Icon.pngSR2 Spliff Icon.pngSR2 Bong Icon.png

Icons of the unused Cognac, Bubbly, Gin 'N' Juice Booze and Pipe, Spliff and Bong Drugs from Saints Row exist respectively, which are all given new designs.


Sr2 BrassKnuckles.pngSr2 lighter.pngSr2 smoke grenade.png

Icons of 3 unused weapons, the brass knuckles, the lighter, and smoke grenades. The first one would likely enhance the damage of the Playa's punching, and the smoke grenades would probably stun NPCS like the pepper spray by making them cough. The biggest oddity is the lighter since it is unknown how it would be used

Finish Him!

Stored within the ui_bms_btnmash_t texture files (used in the Ambulance Diversion) is a graphic saying "Finish Him!", likely intended to be used in the Fight Club Activity. They weren't translated into other languages and thus remain as placeholder text graphics, but were completely removed in Czech, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Korean and Chinese texture files.

English (ui_bms_btnmash_t_us.tga_0) French (ui_bms_btnmash_t_fr.tga_0) Spanish (ui_bms_btnmash_t_fr.tga_0)
German (ui_bms_btnmash_t_de.tga_0) Italian (ui_bms_btnmash_t_it.tga_0) Japanese (ui_bms_btnmash_t_jp.tga_0)

Oddly, there is a space in the Korean version of the file, where the "FINISH HIM!" should be (ui_bms_btnmash_t_sk.tga_0), compared to other sheets that take up the space.


Placeholder Tire Textures

Found in externalized-components are two placeholder tire tread textures, marked as 7 and 8 respectively.

SR2 veh tread07 d.tga 0.pngSR2 veh tread08 d.tga 0.png

Placeholder Hood Graphic

Found in ui_temp_hood is temp_hood_2.tga_0, an earlier version of the Third Street Saints mission graphic.

SR2 temp hood 2.tga 0.png


An image of a developer that worked on the game (ui_jeff.tga_0), found in ui_jeff_says.

SR2 ui jeff.tga 0.png