San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing (Arcade)/Debug Mode
This is a sub-page of San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing (Arcade).
Debug Menu
A ? symbol appears to be used by the game code to comment out a menu option in the operator's menu, removing a ? symbol at memory address 000D02E0 reveals a hidden debug menu within the game's operator menu. Enabling the "Debug Switches" option will activate various debug screens within the game by toggling the game's DIP switches on and off. This only appears to work with the Wave Net release of the game, regular arcade versions of the game appear to have the debug code removed, however the debug menu itself is still within these versions.
Besides Attract Audio, which is the same setting that can be found in the regular game settings, the other options have no obvious in-game effect.
Dip Switches
Toggling these DIP switches will result in these changes:
0008 - Turns off car damage, the player's car won't explode if it crashes into a wall at high speed.
0010 - Opens the point viewer and editor. View buttons 1 & 3 moves the selection left and right, view button 2 to enter, and the reverse button to return to previous menu.
Main menu for the point editing/viewing menu.
Check point menu.
Path point menu.
Max path menu.
0020 - Activates a function allowing you to change the camera to the other AI cars in the map, as well as displaying some information about the AI at the bottom of the screen. While this DIP switch is on, DIP switch 0040 will lock or unlock the rotation of the camera of the car in view, and 0080 will switch the car being viewed when the DIP switch is toggled on and off.
Also, if DIP switch 0020 is on at the start of a race, the race timer will be set to 699 seconds and the player car will be invisible, and if the switch is on when the race timer reaches 0, the race will immediately restart with 699 seconds on the timer.
Viewing another AI car.
0040 - Activates a display of the coordinates of each car in-game.
Coordinates display.
0080 - Activates a display of the current coordinates of the player's car. While this DIP switch is on, toggling DIP switch 0010 will activate a meter displaying the game's force feedback output.
Coordinates of player's car.
Force feedback display.
0100 - Rotates the camera 180 degrees.
Reverse view.
0200 - Toggling this DIP switch on and off cycles the FOV of the current camera through several predefined steps.
Modified FOV.
0400 - Activates a display that shows the values of various game parameters.
Parameter display.
0800 - Activates an on-screen log output, this is most noticeable during the game's attract mode, or at the beginning of a race.
Log output.
1000 - Activates a CPU and memory usage display.
Usage display.
2000 - Activates fly mode, the gear shifter is used to fly up or down, and the steering wheel and pedals are used to turn and go fowards or backwards.
Fly mode.
4000 - Turns off collision between other cars, world collision is still active.
8000 - Activates an FPS counter in the lower left hand of the screen.
FPS counter.