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Sentimental Graffiti (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Sentimental Graffiti

Developer: Cybelle
Publishers: NEC Interchannel (JP original), GungHo Works (JP rerelease/US)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: March 29, 2001 (original), February 10, 2010 (PSOne Classics)
Released in US: March 12, 2013 (PSOne Classics)

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
Figure out what the Setsunasasakuretsu option does.

Debug Mode

A hidden debug mode can be activated by entering a sequence of character names at the protagonist name entry screen. Follow the steps listed below to enable this mode.

  1. While at the name entry screen, enter SYSD as a first name then EBUG as a last name. Don't hit Yes, instead press the X button or hit No.
  2. Now enter システム and デバッグ as a first and last name. Press the X button or hit No again.
  3. Lastly, enter しすてむ and でばっぐ as a first and last name. Again, press the X button or hit No.
  4. Enter any name and start a new game.

If done correctly, a correct chime SFX should play. This opens the following options:

  • Allows skipping of all text with L1.
  • Start + Circle toggles debug info. This also opens Voice Test in the Sound Test menu, however you will need to have the debug mode code active as this deactivates itself when returning to the main menu.
  • Opens a debug option under the System menu in-game.
  • This mode also saves to the Memory Card.
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode1.png

Entering the System menu while in-game adds an extra option. Select "Debug" to enter the main debug menu.

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode2.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode3.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode4.png

Text Translation
イベントテスト Event Test
デバッグモード Debug Mode
時間操作 Time Management
所持金操作 Money Management
効果音テスト Sound Effect Test
キャラグラフィックテスト Character Graphic Test
背景グラフィックテスト Background Graphic Test
イベントグラフィックテスト Event Graphic Test
ボイスフラグ操作 Voice Flag Management
せつなささくれつ Setsunasasakuretsu

Event Test

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode5.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode6.png

Allows selection of events with various settings.

Text Translation
イベントメニュー Event Menu
ヒロイン選択 Heroine Select
服装選択 Outfit Select
好感度選択 Intimacy Selection
挨拶部選択 Greeting Selection
共通部選択 Common Selection
特殊日選択 Special Day Selection

Debug Mode

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode7.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode8.png

Allows setting of a few unknown parameters. Debug On and Debug Off toggle the debug display which can also be configured with Start + Circle. It's unknown what the rest of the options do, if anything.

Text Translation
デバッグオフ Debug Off
デバッグオン Debug On
曲名表示 Song Display
レイアウト補助 Layout Aid
曲名表示&レイアウト補助 Song Display & Layout Aid

Time Management

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode9.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode10.png

Allows manually setting of time.

Money Management

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode11.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode12.png

Allows manually setting of money.

Sound Effect Test

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode13.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode14.png

Allows listening to sound effects.

Character Graphic Test

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode15.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode16.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode17.png Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode18.png

Allows viewing of character images.

Background Graphic Test

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode19.png

Allows viewing of background images.

Event Graphic Test

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode20.png

Allows viewing of event images.

Unused Voice Test Option

Sentimental Graffiti - Debugmode21.png

The main menu's Sound Test has a debug-exclusive feature, but this is normally unseen since the debug mode disables itself upon returning to the main menu. Apply the below Gameshark code to the original release of the game to re-enable this. Make sure to press Start + Circle before entering this menu to make this option appear.

Apply Debug Mode Always
80095EAE 0001
(Source: Original TCRF research)