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Serious Sam 3: BFE/Unused Sounds

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This is a sub-page of Serious Sam 3: BFE.

These sound files can be found in the All_01.gro and All_02.gro files in Serious Sam 3: BFE.

Voice Acting Remnants

Croteam were a little careless with cleaning up their work-in-progress stuff from cleaning up, altering and editing the voice recordings for Sam.

Source Audio

A single source recording, from before Croteam had digitally lowered Sam's vocal pitch, is present in All_02.gro\Content\SeriousSam3\Locales\enu\VO_Sources\20110613_Sam\OneLiners\Sam_OS_Mastered\A-G\.

Source File Final Edit

Rough Edit

All_01.gro contains rough edits for Sam's voice clips for several levels. These are overwritten in other, more recent .gro files at game load.

Rough Edit Final Edit

Unused Enemy Sounds


The Sandwhale has a wound and death sound which don't play. The player cannot harm nor kill this creature. These sound files are found in All_01.gro\Content\SeriousSam3\Sounds\Enemies\SandWhale.



Early Witch-Bride used placeholder sound, which was previously used in Serious Sam HD as the sound of Mordecai's death: All_02.gro\Content\SeriousSam3\Sounds\Enemies\Psykick.

(Source: ExTaZzY)

Serious Sam 1 Leftovers

Single Shotgun

Found in the All_01.gro\Content\SeriousSam3\Models\Weapons\SingleShotgun\Sounds directory.