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Shin Kugokuden (MSX2)

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Title Screen

Shin Kugokuden

Developer: Tecnosoft
Publisher: Tecnosoft
Platform: MSX2
Released in JP: 1988

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

And you were just a scroll away from scaring everyone shitless, being fired, and possibly being arrested too...
Oh wow. Sometimes, you have no idea how morbid the things in these pages can be.
This page contains content that is not safe for life, whether it be you or anyone in proximity to you.
Such as: A message from (someone who claims to be) a pedophile AND a rapist. (as of now the section that is NSFL is untranslated)

The MSX2 Shin Kugokuden is a remake (or a sequel, we're not sure) of Kugokuden.

Developer Message

Present at 0x5C600 on Disk 1, the message was left by programmer Toyama Yuuichi who had previous left a number of hidden messages in games he worked on during his time with Tecnosoft. The lyrics near the end are from the song "Come on Everybody" by TM Network.


read here by shift JIS code!

新九玉伝 開発後記

 やあ、この開発後記もD’、ヘルツォーク、フィードバックと続いて今回で4回目だ。ちなみに社内でこれに気付いた奴は誰一人として居ない。ヘルツォークのディレクトリメッセージなんてすぐ(会社の誰かに)見つかるだろーと思ってたがまだ誰も気付かない。まったくテクノはボケナス揃いだぜ!ところでこの開発後記は今回で最終回だ、こんなもん読んでる奴居ないだろーなやっぱし。もし読んでる奴が居たら〒859-06長崎県西彼長与町高田郷2145 外山雄一方”テクノの社長は大馬鹿野郎”係までお便り下さい。
 あーあ、今度長崎でTMネットワークの2daysがあるんだよなあ、1/7、1/8に。行きたいよおッ!しかし一人で行く気はしねえよお!誘える女はいねーしなあ、野郎と行くのもちょっと虚しいしなー、¥4500って金もちょっと痛い!それに最近のTMはあんまし好きじゃねーんだ、golliraの頃がよかったなー、self controlもいいがhuman systemは好きになれん。今度のcarolはどーだろ?最近のシングルもあんましパッとしなかったしなあ。まーそんなのよか俺は種ともこの新作に期待してるんだ!種ともこはいいぞう!関係無いがこないだアンケートハガキを見てたらサンダー2のアンケートの中にあの”フェアチャイルド”の戸田誠司先生のアンケートハガキがあったんだ、まったくびっくりしたぜ!しかし会社には戸田誠司はおろかフェアチャイルドを知ってる奴すら居なかった。オタッカーばっかしだもんなー、この会社!

壊れる 壊されてゆく 幼い時の魔法が
君にはわかりかけてる 臆病な自分を
一人で居るときさえも 叫ぶこともできない

腐りきった欲望は 投げ捨ててもかまわない
足元が震えても 立ち向かうことだけ
忘れずに 忘れずにいろ
get up!get up!get up & go!

come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion

繰り返す繰り返される ためらいと閉じた毎日
積み重なる悲しみは 吹き出してもかまわない
君だけを見つめてる 誰かを愛すことだけを
忘れずに 忘れずにいろ
get up!get up!get up & go!

come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion



English Translation


  • The following is a partial translation.
  • "Arsys" refers to Arsys Software.
Shin Kugokuden Development Postscript

 Hey, this is the fourth post-development report, following D', Herzog, and Feedback. Just so you know, no one else in the company has noticed these. I thought that Herzog's directory message would be easily found (by someone in the company), but no one has noticed it yet. What a bunch of idiots Tecno is! By the way, this is the last post-development report, and I doubt anyone is reading this. If anyone is reading this, please write, "Tecno's president is a total idiot" to Toyama Yuuichi of 2145 Kodago, Nagayo, Seihi, Nagasaki 859-06, Japan.

 Anyways, the reason why this is the last post-development report is because this is the last game I'm going to make for Tecnosoft (although it's just a port)! The reason why I'm quitting is because the president is an idiot! And I can't work under an idiot! You don't even pay me enough, and you work me so hard! I'll make sure you get what you deserve! I'm gonna destroy Tecnosoft! The best hacker in Tecno has already handed in his resignation, while its best geek followed suit (they will be moving to Arsys). I'll submit my resignation after I get my bonus too, because that cheapskate boss of mine will be too lazy to give the bonus if I send my letter, so he'll probably cut the amount too low or fire me on the spot! (There was a case like that last year) If I don't quit with at least a bonus, I'm in trouble. You don't even pay me overtime! I wish you'd do something! Hey, Oozono Fumio! You're not cut out to run a company! Stop it! It's better for society if you shut this company down! Now only Fukuda, Iwanaga, Ootsuka, Arai, and Tsujikawa are left in development. The only one among them who can design games properly is Thunder Fukuda, so we don't have long to wait. I'll tip my glass to him if he lasts another two years.

 Damn you, Oozono! You need to relearn how to run a software house by playing the Soft de Hard na Monogatari games or something! Well, I guess it's too late for that now, isn't it?

 So, what I'm going to do is move to Compile! Heh heh heh! The Compile of my dreams! You wanna go to Hiroshima?! I thought about turning to Arsys too, but I can't help but feel a little worried about them! I chose Compile for its future potential, and though I could have gone with Falcom, I didn't feel like living in Tokyo. I was worried because I didn't have any connections when I approached Compile, but the fact that I'm the author of Feedback seems to have helped. President Niitani! I'm in your debt! I'll follow you for the rest of my life! I'm going to Hiroshima to work on the PC Engine and Mega Drive! (Will they let me?)

 Really though, Shin Kugokuden sucks so hard. What were they even thinking when they planned it? I didn't participate in the planning, I was too busy with Feedback to attend the meetings! If I had, I wouldn't have made this crap game at all! Just because you had a good time with Ys II doesn't mean you should go and release a game in a similar style! And the setup is a mess! The setting doesn't make for a good world at all! There's no sense of integrity in the designs of the enemy characters and stuff, and the names have no flair either! I don't know who the hell would buy this! (I'm sorry to those who did)

 The MSX2 version is also a bogus port! If I were even remotely attracted to this game, I'd add a few little techniques or something, but I'm not feeling that way at all this time! Ack! Oozono! I don't have the technology to use it for you! If I'd switched to two screens, the scroll flapping would have stopped, but I purposely didn't. I don't want this game to sell. Though I guess it won't sell even if I keep my mouth shut.

 I've been somewhat addicted to Cloud Master at the arcade next door for a while now, but I cleared it yesterday. Now that I think about it, it was an easy game, and even I, who can't get past Truxton's area 24, can clear it. Actually, there haven't been many games where I thought, "This is it!" lately. I'm getting tired of Street Fighter (Even though I've only beaten Sagat once), and I've already cleared Mr. Heli and Last Duel! I don't even feel like playing lowbrow games like Vulcan Venture, Thunder Cross, or R-Type! I can't even get my hands on Cobra Command or Sky Soldiers. I loved Williams' Defender, and I'm looking forward to Tecmo's Back Fire! Silk Worm was no fun at all. Actually, it's Namco's games that aren't fun at all! Bravoman, my foot! I've already played Ordyne a hundred times, Assault is boring, Märchen Maze is only for geeks, Splatterhouse and Mirai Ninja are boring too! But Metal Hawk is good! Isn't that the first video game where you can fly around in 3D space?

 Oh yeah! Don't forget Chase H.Q.! It's hilarious! I swear, there might just be people on the street acting like they're in Chase H.Q. going, "I'll take care of it!" or "Here goes!" or "Gotcha!"... but I guess not. By the way, the other day I was approaching Tokyo in the Top Landing game and a UFO came flying out of nowhere, I was so scared.

 Oh man, there's going to be a 2-day TM Network concert in Nagasaki on January 7 and 8. I want to go! But I don't feel like going alone! There's no girl I can ask out, going with a guy is a bit vain, and 4,500 yen is a bit of a pain! Besides, I don't really like the current TM. I liked GORILLA, Self Control is good, but I don't like humansystem. I wonder how good CAROL will be? The recent singles haven't been that great either. Oh well, I'm more excited about Tane Tomoko's new album! Tane Tomoko is good! On an unrelated note, I was looking through the survey postcards the other day, and among the Thunder 2 questionnaires, there was a questionnaire postcard from Toda Seiji of Fairchild fame. But there was no one in the company who even knew who Fairchild was, let alone Toda Seiji. This company's full of damn geeks!


 Ah, I want to go to Hiroshima as soon as possible! I hate the countrysides like Sasebo! Yes, Sasebo's arcades are big and long (1km long), but that's all! You can only laugh out loud starting at 5:00 in the evening, there are only two commercial TV stations, and the roads are narrow. (I guess it's better that there are no trains running in Nagasaki, huh? Oops! There are streetcars in Hiroshima too! The president of Compile, Mr. Niitani, used to be a streetcar driver!) Most of the game arcades are 100 yen per game.

 Augh! I know I'm saying "post-development report", but as usual, it's not finished yet! We've only got nine days left before it ships, and the bugs keep coming out! Will it be okay? I don't want to go to work this Sunday because I'm supposed to be at the airport! I'll take Sunday off even if it means delaying the release of Shin Kugokuden! (I'm a programmer's mirror, aren't I? (You can say that again))

 My god, there are so many geeks in this company! Why don't you guys pay some attention to the world! You'll be virgins forever if you don't! But you're nerds, so no surprises there. You guys aren't TINYAN, so don't let your hair grow down to your shoulders! Would it kill you to go to the barber or something?! Ohhhh! And stop your little geeky conversations! Minky Ryou, my ass! Don't you know anything about music other than game music and anime soundtracks? And don't even get me started on those filthy getups! Agh! It stinks! You stink like vomit! You should at least take a bath! ...And that's why I'm dying. But as long as I'm doing this kind of work, it'll be the same no matter what company I go to. Oh god, can't we find a bomb that can kill geeks only?

 All of a sudden, Techii's not publishing anymore! Geez! What kind of music magazines should I read from now on?! I don't want to read GB or Keyboard Magazine or WHAT's IN?, and I don't want to read PATi・PATi or Backstage Pass! I can't read BAND Yarouze, METALLION, or Rockin'On either.


 It seems all the new shooters are coming out in the arcade for the holiday season! First up was Thunder Cross! I don't really feel like playing this one because it's in the vein of Gradius and I don't understand the power-ups. Next came Truxton! Whoa! What the hell were the developers of this thing thinking? I can't talk about it! Only a game nerd would play this! And here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, the Daily Part-Time News! I mean, ImageFight! Argh! Irem's got it all wrong! I understand that it's good for business to make games for the little geeks, but think about the average gamer! Irem went out of their mind with the Ninja Spirit game the other day! They should release a sequel to Mr. Heli or something! Also, a while back I was at the arcade and all of a sudden there was Heavy Unit! Ooh! This is awesome! The difficulty level is pretty average, the ships look cool, and this is pretty close to what I was looking for! I just got to the fourth level, so I'm sure I can clear it if I put my mind to it, but that's what games are all about! However, I'm troubled by the fact that even in games like this, idiots like the readers of Gamest compete for high scores. You guys are a nuisance to the arcade!

The magic of your childhood is breaking
I begin to understand how timid you are
You feel something hot and trembling in your heart
But even when you're alone, you can't scream

It's fine to throw away your rotten desires
All you can do is face it, even if your feet are shaking
So just don't forget
get up! get up! get up & go!

come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
I'm sure you'll see it tonight

Every day you hesitate and close your eyes
But I can see the passion behind your awakened eyes
It's fine to blow out all that sorrow
I'm only looking at you, who simply wants to love somebody
So just don't forget
get up! get up! get up & go!

come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dancing don't stop the music
come on everybody shake it everybody
don't stop the dreaming don't stop the passion
I'm sure you'll find it tonight

↑ It's nothing special, I just deciphered the lyrics. By the way, today is Thursday, December 8th, and TM's new album "CAROL" will be released tomorrow! I don't think I'll buy it, but what do you think? I doubt I'll be able to rent it for a few weeks at the rental store anyway! Maybe I'll run to the rental store tomorrow afternoon! I wonder if it'll be available on the day of release? It's not every day I hear an album that's likely to sell well.

 I'm so bored! What am I supposed to do when this is over? I've got to hand in my resignation immediately! I can't stay in this company forever! With Thunder 2 selling as much as it does at this point, I'd like to take advantage of that, but I have no intention of making one more game here! I can't do this!