Sky Rogue
Sky Rogue |
Developer: Fractal Phase
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
Sky Rogue is an action flight simulator roguelike with low-poly graphics, a phenomenal electronic soundtrack, and insane difficulty spikes.
To do: Revisional differences (there's a lot of them). |
Unused Enemies and Targets
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: See if any of these can be spawned in-game or set as the player's aero. Currently investigating this with custom missions |
The game seems to have a lot of unused enemies and ground targets, which are easily viewable in the Aeropedia by using the debug screen to unlock all Aeropedia entries. Most of the air-based targets have "just a nuisance" as a placeholder description, which is used for the normal drone's Aeropedia entry.
ARRAY Tantalus Array
Whatever tantalus is, this thing is an array of it. It's resource name is "Buildings/array" and it gives 400 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
Seems to be the basic drone from the developer's previous game "LOS CUERVOS".It looks to be using an odd transparent shader that looks broken. When spawned with a custom mission, it acts exactly like a normal drone, and even attacks with the same weapon. It uses unique, pixelated explosion effects when it gets shot down (most likely from LOS CUERVOS). Strangely, unlike every other Aero in the game, it will not explode when hitting the ground after getting shot down, it will instead stay on the ground and loop its "shot down" animation forever. Its resource name is "cowboy_Drone_basic". It gives 50 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
X-BASE Mysterious Base
A rather large base with four missile silos, a hangar, and what looks like a smaller version of the XMIT transmitter (which does appear in-game). It's resource name is "Buildings/missile_base". Gives 400 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
X-BASE Mysterious Base (again)
A massive disc-shaped structure with many antennae and what appears to be a dome in the middle. It's resource name is "Buildings/secret_base". Gives 2,000(!) scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
UFO Disc
An odd UFO which has the numbers "08" on it and the enemy insignia. Gives 50 scrap and 3 tech when destroyed. Interestingly, it has a description.
DRONE Light Drone
A slightly different (maybe earlier?) version of the DRONE used in-game, with a propeller on the back instead of a thruster. It gives 0 scrap and 1 tech when destroyed.
ROGUE Medium Fighter
The name is all that this thing shares with the Rogue used in-game. This is the main enemy from the developer's previous game "LOS CUERVOS" it uses the same broken shader as the BANDITO, It is constantly on fire (using a fire effect that is likely from LOS CUERVOS) and has floating decals. When spawned with a custom mission, it will attack you relentlessly with a turbo vulcan cannon. It uses unique, pixelated effects when it gets shot down. The resource name is "cowboy_Bounty_1". It gives 100 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
X-HANGAR Mysterious Hangar
This structure is composed of two hangars, some strange tanks, and two UFOs inside the hangars. One of the UFOs appears to be damaged. It's resource name is "Buildings/secret_hangar" It gives 400 scrap and 20(!) tech when destroyed.
HELI Helicopter Drone
A helicopter? Apparently so... it seems to have a small gatling gun as its only weapon. When spawned with a custom mission, it will act a lot like a normal drone. It will try to get to around ~500 distance away from you, and then will open fire with a gatling gun. It tries to hover around you. It's resource name is "drone_heli" and it gives 0 scrap and 2 tech when destroyed.
HELI-M Helicopter Missile Drone
This is the same as the HELI drone, but it has missile pods on it instead of a gatling gun. It gives 0 scrap and 2 tech when destroyed.
DRONE-H Hyper Drone
This appears to be a different model for the DRONE-H. According to the game's artist it was going to be another drone wingman. It is referred to as a laser drone in the files. It gives 0 scrap and 1 tech when destroyed.
ICBM Ballistic Missile
A rather large and painful-looking ballistic missile, oddly enough it has a hitbox. It gives 500 scrap and 5 tech when destroyed.
This thing is interesting. It looks to be a smaller version of the TYPHON final boss mech, even having a smaller version of the mech's MASS-DRVR weapon. It has it's own stat preset and can be used as the player's aero referred to as "Aeroplane_strike_talon". It gives 150 scrap and 7 tech when destroyed.
DRONE-M Missile Drone
Like the previously-mentioned DRONE-H, this was also showcased by the game's artist as another drone wingman, possibly a missile drone wingman? It resembles a MiG-21. Like the other drones, it gives 0 scrap and 1 tech when destroyed.
SILO Ballistic Missile Silo
This large missile silo is likely where the unused ICBM missiles would be launched from. Unfortunately, when it's spawned in a custom mission it will sit and do nothing. It does have quite a lot of health, though. It gives 400 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
NODE Megacomputer Node
This thing could definitely run Crysis. It's resource name is ai_node and it gives 600 scrap and 0 tech when destroyed.
UFO Flying Object
Another UFO, but this one is smaller. It gives 0 scrap and 20 tech when destroyed.
A large unused enemy possibly a unused boss. It can only be damaged by aoe, It will spawn 8 enemies around 3 times and then do nothing. It's resource name is "Buildings/Endboss".
Debug Menu
Sky Rogue has a debug screen, accessed by pressing F10. Activating it for the first time will award the player with the secret achievement "Skunk Works".
The screen has a list of options, a controller test, music status, and a box showing what players are active, and what control type they're using. The "music" box at the top will change between "chill" and "DANGER" depending on what the player is doing. The options are as follows:
+$1000: Instantly gives 1000 scrap.
+10 techpoint: Instantly gives 10 tech.
Get all techs: Gives access to all Aeros and weapons.
Get All Upgrades: Ideally, this would upgrade everything to Mk. 3, but it doesn't do anything.
God Mode: Makes the player completely invincible, not even crashing can kill them.
Regen Mode: Similar to god mode. The player can take damage, but their Aero's health will quickly regenerate. They can still die by crashing. If the Aero takes more damage in one frame than the total health it has (for example, an Aero with 80 health gets hit by a 100 damage missile), regen mode will not save you and you will die.
+1 threat level: Instantly makes reinforcements spawn.
+1 island num: Increases the mission number. In normal mode, anything past mission 13 will be the final boss mission.
I R WINNAR!: Instantly ends the current mission.
Toggle HUD: Toggles the HUD on and off. (This can also be done by pressing F8.)
Circularize input: Seems to do nothing.
Get all Aeropedia entries: Unlocks the Aeropedia entry for everything in the game.
Reload save data: Seems to do nothing.
Delete savegame: Deletes the current campaign and endless mode saves.
Delete PERMANENT savegame: Deletes all of the game's save data, including unlocked techs and Aeros.
Cinematic Camera: Toggles the HUD off and detaches the camera from the player. The camera is very sensitive to movement, and you are still able to control your Aero while it's active.
Six Axis visuals: Makes Joy-Cons appear on-screen. This is used in the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
Auto Assign Joysticks: Seems to do nothing.
Fatal Error: Instantly stops the game and shows the "blue screen of death". This appears when your save game gets corrupted. Note that this will not corrupt your save, but the game will need to be closed. In newer versions of the game, button prompts are added to immediately delete the save data or exit the game.
x2 Ammo: Gives all weapons twice as much ammo. It won't be applied until another mission is loaded. Note that this will break submunitions from any MIRV weapons like the AG-MIRV and ITANO-C.
Instant Lockon: Makes guided weapons instantly lock on to enemies.
Invert maneuver bonus: Inverts the maneuverability modifier applied to your Aero depending on its speed. Basically, this makes it easier to control at max speed, and harder to control at minimum speed. This is the opposite of the normal behavior.
Six-axis input: Does nothing, but probably needs a six-axis controller (like Joy-Cons) to work.
Super secret menu: After enabling the debug menu, pressing ctrl+alt+d will open the super secret menu.
There are 4 options in the "Super Secret Menu":
Music Gym: Doesnt work but seems to be a music test.
Arid: changes the game's scene to the one of the Arid islands.
Snow: changes the game's scene to the one of the Snow islands.
Endboss: changes the game's scene to the Endboss island.
These options can also be selected on the menu screen by pressing ctrl+alt and either:
M (for the music gym)
1(for the temperate islands which arent in the super secret menu)
2(for the arid islands)
3(for the snow islands)
4(for the Endboss island)
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Fractal Phase
- Windows games
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- Games released in 2015
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 30
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with debugging functions
- Pages missing publisher info
- Games in development
- Works In Progress
- To do
- To investigate
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 30
Games > Games in development