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Slender: The Eight Pages

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Title Screen

Slender: The Eight Pages

Developer: Parsec Productions
Publisher: Parsec Productions
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: June 26, 2012

ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article

Slender: The Eight Pages (or just Slender) is a game based on the fictional, paranormal character, Slenderman. You have to collect all the eight pages that Slendy placed all over the woods...be careful.

Unused Models

Slender- The Eight Pages-Testing Object.png

Testing Object contains a pill-looking shape. Its material is called invisitest so this possibly would've been for an invisible test.

Unused Song

This song was used in the older versions of the game in a hidden mode that replaced the static sound with Ron Browz' Gimme 20 Dollars whenever Slenderman was nearby. Although it was removed in v0.9.7, it can still be found in the newer version of the game.

Revisional Differences

  • Flashlight will lower while jogging in versions after v0.9.2.


v0.9 v0.9.1
Slender-TEP-4waywallv0.9.png Slender-TEP-4waywallv0.9.1.png
v0.9 v0.9.1
Slender-TEP-Pillarsv0.9.png Slender-TEP-Pillarsv0.9.1.png

Both the 4-way wall and the wood pillars in v0.9 had different textures, According to Parsec they were changed due to them causing startup lag.