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Solomon's Key (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Solomon's Key

Also known as: Solomon no Kagi (JP)
Developer: Tecmo
Publisher: Tecmo
Platform: Arcade (custom)
Released in JP: July 1986[1]
Released in US: February 1987[1]

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Music

Hidden in the game's ROM are 8 unused music tracks. For whatever reason, only 4 of these were included on the Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle box set (SRIN-1104, Disc 2, Tr. 29-32), while the other 4 were omitted.

The game's arcade PCB board uses 3 YM2149F chips simultaneously for music and sound effects. The Yamaha YM2149F is a licensed derivative of the AY-3-8910 chip.

(Source: gamesdatabase.org, 日々是ファミコン)
ID Track Notes
Titled "Unused Music 1" on Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle.
Titled "Unused Music 2" on Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle.
A pretty high-energy track.
Titled "Unused Music 3" on Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle.
Titled "Unused Music 4" on Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle.
A somewhat jazzy-sounding tune.
Omitted from the Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle box set.
A pretty short piece that was probably meant for a jingle.
Omitted from the Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle box set.
Another short piece that was also probably for a jingle.
Omitted from the Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle box set.
A somewhat somber track with consistent light noise cymbals throughout.
Omitted from the Tecmo Arcade Game Chronicle box set.
A jaunty tune that plays in a "start-stop" fashion.

Regional Differences

Japan US
Solomon's Key (Arcade - Japanese) Title.png Solomon's Key (Arcade - English) Title.png

The game's US release received a new title logo which uses a more cartoonish font.
