Song of Bloom/Puzzles
This is a sub-page of Song of Bloom.
Folder: pyramid
--flipbook_hint_bottom Kopie.png, --flipbook_hint_left Kopie.png, --flipbook_hint_right Kopie.png and --flipbook_hint_top Kopie.png are earlier versions of the textures of the top of the pyramid, seen when entering the "Flipbook" puzzle.
Folder: N/A
--banksy_push.jpg and --banksy_push Kopie.png are earlier textures for the graphic seen when clicking the asterisk in the "Art" puzzle.
Earlier --banksy_push.jpg |
Early --banksy_push Kopie.png |
Final banksy_push.png |
Folder: comic
bottom_sheet.png is an unused texture for the objects in the front in the bottom three panels. Differences include that the people in the front in the middle panel are yellow instead of white, and the background for the bottom right panel is white. The asterisk is also found within this texture, rather than being a separate one.
Early bottom_sheet.png |
Final bottom_sheet_b.png |
Likewise, top_sheet.png and --top_sheet_b.png are earlier textures for the top panel. The former graphic has the human figure painted yellow instead of white, and uses a white background as well. The squares seen in the board are also only outlines rather than solid squares. As for the latter graphic, the only difference is in the size of these squares.
Early top_sheet.png |
Early --top_sheet_b.png |
Final top_sheet_b.png |
Folder: gaming
endstar_sheet.png is an animated sheet for the asterisk that appears at the end of the level, though it is never used, as it is always static.
Folder: chat
--babycorn.jpg is an early version of the texture seen in the "Friend"'s profile picture, though the only difference seems to be the lack of a hint at the top corner.
Early --babycorn.jpg |
Final babycorn.jpg |
--protest.jpg and protest.jpg are pictures of a protest. This might have been related to an earlier way to access the "Wobble" puzzle, which would require simply to not touch the corn at the start of the "Food" puzzle rather than zooming out.
Earlier --protest.jpg |
Later protest.jpg |
Folder: milk
--image_sheet_sprenkel.png and --red_sheet_sprenkel.png are slightly earlier variations of some of textures used in the milk carton. The only different part is in the bottom part, which has a slightly different texture organization:
Early --image_sheet_sprenkel.png --red_sheet_sprenkel.png |
Final image_sheet_sprenkel.png red_sheet_sprenkel.png |
--deckel_sheet.png is an early version of the texture seen at the top of the milk carton. Notably, the blue circle is not filled, and the white rectangle is slightly less blurry.
Early --deckel_sheet.png |
Final deckel_sheet.png |
BASE_sheet.png, orientation_sheet.png and signature_sheet.png are placeholder textures. The former two were used to mark areas of the milk carton, as seen in this video. These three images can also be found in the game's Android release.
Folder: movie
--water_sweet.jpg is an earlier picture for the "sweet spot" of the video on the top left.
Early --water_sweet.jpg |
Final water_sweet.jpg |
Folder: error
The files path.png and path.2.png are early versions of path.3.png, which is the graphic used in the flower outline seen when "drawing" it. Note that in-game, the center of the graphic is hidden by a different texture. These early textures can also be found in the Android release.
Early path.png |
Early path.2.png |
Final path.3.png |
In addition, final_sheet.jpg is an early version of the texture for the completed flower, revealing it was originally going to be solid rather than a thicker outline. It can be found in the Android release as well.
Early final_sheet.jpg |
Early final_sheet.2.jpg |