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Space Cab (Mac OS Classic)

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Title Screen

Space Cab

Developer: Kevin Quigley
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released internationally: June 26, 1997[1]

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Space Cab is a Macintosh remake of the Commodore 64 classic Space Taxi.

Level Select

Hold down ⌥ Option when starting a new game to skip to any level.

Space Cab (Mac OS Classic) - Enter.png

Revision History

As detailed in the v1.2 documentation:

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed a nasty bug where hitting 'Q' without the Command key would cause a partial quit, and likely crash.
  • Corrected a spelling mistake in the about box.
  • Changed the Save the City level to give you $1 from every bomb you catch rather then $25 if no bombs hit the city.
  • Changed the game so that running out of fuel only causes the cab to lose thruster power, not die automatically.
  • Corrected spelling in the documentation.

Version 1.2

  • Added multi-universe support.
  • Vastly improved external support.
    • Updated documentation on customizing levels.
  • Added object sounds.
    • Pool Hall, Save the City, Interference Canyon, and Guided Missile objects now have sound.
  • Added new customers.
  • Improved the prefs dialog.
  • Changed Save the City to give you an extra cab if you catch all the bombs.
  • Changed graphics algorithm to make animation faster and smoother.
  • Changed information displays making them nicer to look at and faster to update.
  • Pause now pauses level music.
  • The Escape key now kills the cab.
  • Improved error handling.
