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Starfield/Unused Dialogue

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This is a sub-page of Starfield.

Unused dialogue

House Va'ruun conversations

Several unused quests still exist controlling scenes for random conversations that were intended to occur between Va'ruun Zealots.

Filename Dialogue Audio
00F4DFBE.wem I saw him... he came to me in a vision.
00B179A8.wem What was his message? What truth did he reveal?
0080A6D2.wem He spoke no words I could comprehend. He hissed a deafening song into my ears and my body, steeling me for the challenges to come.
00DD204A.wem What an honor it must be, to see the Serpent in all of his divine glory!
Filename Dialogue Audio
00F15BDE.wem I sense that you are troubled. Speak.
00DAB017.wem *Sigh* My brother, home on Dazra... he refuses to spread the truth as I do. He is not Promised as I am.
006A923E.wem And so he will be made dust like the rest.
003A2AE4.wem I know it must be done, for the Great Serpent decrees it. But I feel... sadness.
Filename Dialogue Audio
00BB965F.wem Ugh... the Koza. I indulged in too much yestereve.
00B436DC.wem Your debauchery is problematic. You must maintain a strong body and mind to fulfill your duties as Promised.
004DA1E6.wem I AM of strong body and mind!
00223C43.wem No... No, I think not.
Filename Dialogue Audio
00FC52DB.wem You have been screaming and sobbing during slumber this week. What ails you?
00425FD7.wem Nothing ails me. The screams you hear are screams of joy. For I see the Serpent as I slumber.
0047FA61.wem Ah, yes. A terrifyingly beautiful presence, the Great Serpent is.
009145DC.wem Indeed. The mind cannot fathom his attendance, for he is everything and anything...
Filename Dialogue Audio
00050E94.wem May the Great Serpent guide you as Promised.
007F1A93.wem And to you. May he bless us both with strength as we make all heretics Penitent.
0063C611.wem In time we shall take our place beside him. Our life for the Serpent!
Filename Dialogue Audio
009AE091.wem I seem to have lost count of how many accursed I have made Penitent.
000277C2.wem The Serpent is sure to be pleased with you!
0071B366.wem I suppose, but what if it isn't enough? What if he demands more from me?
00F54A42.wem Oh, he shall always demand more. It is inevitable. As long as your determination never wavers, and judgement is delivered to all accursed you encounter, he will be pleased with you as Promised.

Ramesh Thenua

Placeholder audio files and a voice type exist for an NPC labelled _CUT_NPCMRameshThenua. All lines are recorded using a robo-voice, and seem to be reactions to the player committing crimes

Filename Dialogue Audio
0000bf30.wem Did you really think you could just walk off with that?
00b16d2d.wem What do you think you're doing?
00ba4cab.wem Put that back
00c1c0c1.wem Help! Murder!
00d24767.wem Help! Someone's being attacked!"
00db3c7a.wem Pickpocket! Stop
00e46ed8.wem I'll take that, thank you.
00ec9288.wem Someone do something!
00f5f0a4.wem What do you think you're doing?
00fb51bf.wem What are you doing?
009d8d54.wem Oh my God!
009f3f67.wem Hey! Give that back!
0024a393.wem Someone help me!
0033b23f.wem Hey! Give that back!
0069ba1c.wem Hey! That isn't yours!
00265bc6.wem Help! I'm being attacked!
00448fba.wem Don't try that again!
00262555.wem That's mine! give it back!

Alexei Soblokov

Sound files and a voice type exist for an NPC called Alexei Soblokov, who appears to be the proprietor of a cut ship fighting arena known as the "C.E.C.". that is televised and broadcast across the Settled Systems. All audio is properly recorded with an actual voice actor.

Alexei's dialogue suggests that he was to be a curt, but professional, character.

Filename Dialogue Audio
00a47558.wem I'll make sure the team sends you info on any other matches. We're done.
00bd7451.wem Hmph. The contractor's late. We need a replacement for Camera 3.
00d2f2cc.wem Here's the payout. Keep an ear out, we could always use someone like you to fill out the roster.
00d9f918.wem Not bad Constellation. Second place in your first match.
00d18d5d.wem Alright, scrubs. For most of you it's the first time in the C.E.C.
00e751ba.wem And Samara is out. Match is over.
00eca655.wem Constellation is disqualified! Can't you follow basic instructions?
00f5b8f6.wem Hey, Constellation, not bad. Sending the purse. You looked decent out there.
001e28a9.wem I've got no time for scrubs.
003e349d.wem Not your day, Constellation. There's only prizes for the top three.
004e0a88.wem Each round is a free-for-all. The longer you last, the more you get paid at the end.
005b9d39.wem You win a few times, please the viewers, you might get invited to the C.E.C Championship Matches.
007bac1d.wem Let me see... You came in third, respectable.
0022bac4.wem The whole match is scrubbbed!
0065b9ab.wem The match is about to begin.
0073fb67.wem Five to Samara. GO!
0092e376.wem Stop! No firing before the match! You've been warned!
00210d47.wem You didn't cut it. Maybe next time.
0047676e.wem (whisper) Very busy. Much to do.

Samara Qasim

Sound files and a voice type exist for an NPC called Samara Qasim, who appears to be the host and commentator of the cut ship fighting arena. All audio is properly recorded with an actual voice actor.

Samara is generally a very enthusiastic commentator. Some of her dialogue sounds more personally targeted to the player, suggesting she may also have been interactable outside of matches. Alexei's dialogue suggests she may have been present during matches in her own ship, as one of his lines has him seemingly end the match when her ship is destroyed.

Filename Dialogue Audio
00a373fb.wem The co-ordinator is about to- ah ho ho, yes! And it's time for some SPACE MADNESSSSSS!
00a51656.wem I mean, who can forget Kent Rollins's insane debut three years back, and how he went on to flame out spectacularly in the semi-finals?
00aa42ed.wem Shields are out, now is the moment of truth! Can they break away safely and recharge, or is it lights out time? I can't wait to watch the highlight reel of my first match!
00b6f08e.wem Another engine is out! Things are getting interesting!
00b68eb4.wem Ohh, thrusters are K.O., hard to recover from.
00b37699.wem Heeellooo Settled Systems! It's Samara Qasim, and it's game day!
00c21cf2.wem Who knew Constellation had some moves?
00cdc5dc.wem Alright, alright, alright, looks like this batch of scrubs has some sharpshooters! Another weapons system down.
00d4ec5c.wem These contestants are unknown, but that also means anything can and will happen!
00d6befc.wem We have another exciting open round match today! A chance to check out he newest crop of zeros looking to be the next hero!
00d26c7e.wem Heyyyy...better luck next time.
00de32d2.wem I have a feeling you'll win the next one! Good job!
00df3802.wem We have another exciting open round match today! A chance to check out he newest crop of zeros looking to be the next hero!
00e09aa6.wem Oh, and there goes an engine. Not good. Usually that's the last gasp before BLAMMO.
00ee807d.wem We got a former UC combat ace vying for glory! A member of the elusive and mysterious Constellation! And even a garbage scout turned into a state-of-the-art killing machine!
006ae6e4.wem Oh, and the grav drive is down! Anyone care? Probably not, we haven't seen someone DQ from a jump for years.
008f2ef4.wem And now it's down to the final three! It's been a great mash up of a match!
009eb27e.wem And every one of them vying for the purse tonight!
00015b55.wem Oh, the match is over! Until next time, sports fans!
0026dcfb.wem Congratulations, really!
00046b1e.wem Ho ho, whatever prayers that captain is making were answered! Weapons online!
00046bb9.wem Aaaaand that's all she wrote for Constellation!
0057ae0a.wem Wow-oh-ho-ho, we've got a good match tonight! Lots of action! Aaaand it looks like someone else is on the ropes!
0087e39c.wem Now, I've been asked many times why we even broadcast these open rounds? But for the faithful, this is where you see the future of the C.E.C
0088a9ef.wem This is Samara Qasim, wishing each and every one of you a spectacular day!
0088c1db.wem And with that, it's oooooverrrrr! And score one for Constellation!
00185d24.wem In a room full of cats, someone has always got to be the mouse. Another shield down.
00621d7e.wem Woo! First time for you too? That was intense!
005222f5.wem And I for one can't wait to see who wins the prize!
0007524b.wem Sooo...that was the C.E.C.
009271dd.wem I mean, weapons being KO'd? Never good. But in the middle of a match? Double bad.
0039788e.wem [Silence]
0060041f.wem Shields are zeroed out!

Debbie Walker

Sound files and a voice type exist for an NPC called Debbie Walker, who appears to be a receptionist handling sign-ups for the cut ship fighting arena. All audio is properly recorded with an actual voice actor.

Going by the generally dismissive tone of her dialogue, Debbie doesn't seem to enjoy her job very much. Though, she sounds much more enthused when explaining the rules to the player, and seems to offer genuine advice.

Filename Dialogue Audio
00a18e88.wem So, you're just wasting my time.
00a4342c.wem The co-ords have been sent to your ship.
00b4f1ff.wem Yeah, yeah.
00b6d70a.wem Hello? Are you okay?
00b28097.wem Ratings equals access.
00c435a0.wem It's a total free-for-all, so all you gotta do is stay in the game as long as possible.
00e087b8.wem But if you want an invite to play in the big matches, you need to shine for the camera. Get in the mix.
00f9082d.wem You're all signed up, and we'll put you in the second match.
00f57802.wem Good luck, I guess.
00f81394.wem If you're serious, some scrubs try and just run and outlast everyone.
00fad06c.wem Cattle Calls are open to everyone. Usually, a bunch of scrubs all going at it.
002c960f.wem If your ship is disabled, you're out of the match. If you're the third, second, or last person standing, you get a prize.
002cd294.wem The computer has everything you need.
003d3c6d.wem Lets see if your skills match your mouth scrub.
004c4a57.wem You're already here. Might as well compete.
005c7401.wem Once you get to the match, Alexei will tell you what to do.
005dea34.wem Might work in the short term. You can even win a match or two.
005ec4bc.wem Are you here to compete?
006fda98.wem I really don't have time for...this.
007a3941.wem Good luck, or whatever.
008eb730.wem The computer over there has all the info. Just sign up, or not, and come back to me.
0078e03f.wem I'm handling sign-ups for the Cattle Call C.E.C. Match. You got a working ship? You're eligible.
0099ae75.wem Welcome aboard.
00627adc.wem Don't lose.
007437de.wem I guess, that's the spirit.
00471814.wem Just so you know, the matches aren't to the death.
00545714.wem The competition is as green as you are, so just hang in there.

CEC Superfan

Some resources, topics, a quest, and recorded dialogue exist for an NPC identified as "CEC Superfan", presumably a spectator of the cut ship fighting arena. The superfan may possibly have been several NPCs, as all their dialogue is recorded for both genders in multiple different voice types. They would invite the player to spar with their fists, with the unused quest controlling the match. If the player used a weapon, they would immediately forfeit, and prompt an angry reaction from the superfan.

Filename Dialogue Audio
Ok, have a good one.
Right, back to it.
Gotta go.
00be6d0d.wem You've got one hell of a punch, you know that?
00e0cfc7.wem Want to help get the adrenaline flowing? Sparring match, you versus me, fists only.
00c26161.wem Put that away you cheating bastard!
0004b1f4.wem That last punch might've left a souvenir.