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Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (Arcade)/Translation Differences
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This is a sub-page of Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (Arcade).
As with many Capcom arcade games from it's era, the localization of Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix has some identical differences between the Japanese and Western versions in the text.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
To do:
Some of the text on the HUD was slightly different between the Japanese and Western versions, and some were exclusive to the Japanese release.
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
挑戦者カムカム! | Challengers welcome! | New Challenger |
1人であそぶ! | 1 Play Alone! | Free Play |
遊んであげるわ | I'll play with you. | Join In |
乱入ダメダメ! | No intrusion! | N/A |
かかってきな! | Come on! | N/A |
Story Introductions
The Prologues for the 12 fighters have some identical differences in the script between both the Japanese and Western versions.
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
真の格闘家をめざし、 旅を続けているリュウ。 |
Aiming to be a true martial artist, Ryu continues to travel. |
Ryu continues on his quest to become a true warrior. |
今回の旅の目的は、噂で聞いたタバサ という女性に会うことです。 |
The purpose of this trip is to meet a woman named Tessa, whom he has heard rumors about. |
Now, he wishes to see a lady named Tessa. He has heard much about her during his journeys. |
何でも大変な物知りで、世界中の あらゆることに詳しいとのこと。 |
She knows everything very well and is familiar with everything in the world. |
She is said to be wise, with a detailed knowledge of just about everything in the world. |
「世界中の強いやつらのことが聞ける かもしれない.…。行ってみよう」 |
"Maybe I could learn about the strongest fighters in the world... I'll go and find her." |
I might be able to learn more about the strongest fighters in the world... I should find her and ask about it. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
アメリカで修行を続けるケン。 | Ken continues his training in the United States. | Ken continues his training in America. |
イライザとも長い付き合いになり ましたが、最近ちょっと巻き気味。 |
He has known Eliza for a long time, but lately she's been a bit of a jerk. |
But the honeymoon with Eliza has long since ended and they've become a bit tired of each other lately... |
「イライザもいいけど、たまには お高めのおネエちゃんと一緒に お茶するってのも悪くないよな」 |
"Eliza is good, but it's not bad to have tea with your old friend once in a while." |
I love Eliza, but it would be kind of nice to have tea with another girl every once in a while. |
というわけで、早速おネエちゃんを 誘いに、ケンは出かけていきました。 |
So, immediately inviting a new beautiful girl, Ken went out. |
And so Ken left in search of a beautiful girl. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「ゴメンね」のひと言で、どんな事件も 力任せに解決してきた 女刑事チュンリー。 |
With a single word, Chun-Li, a female detective who has solved any case by force. |
The policewoman, Chun-Li, solves every case by force. Her exclamation, "Sorry about that!" usually marks a success. |
今日も情報収集に余念がありません。 | Even today, she is busy gathering information. |
Today she is on the case again, gathering information... |
「え!?『C動物園から動物が脱走! 周辺はパニック状態!』ですって!?」 |
"What!?" Animals escape from the C Zoo! The surroundings are in a state of panic!" What!?" |
What?! "An animal has escaped from the zoo, and the area is in a state of panic!" |
「事件だわ、私の出番ねっ!」 | "It's an incident, it's my turn!" | This is terrible! I've got to go! I'll question anyone who might have information! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「ねえねえ、さくら!! 明日からの夏休みどうするの?」 |
"Hey, Sakura!! What are you going to do for your summer vacation starting tomorrow?" |
Hey Sakura! Summer vacation starts tomorrow! What are you going to do this year? |
「ファイトマネーもたまったし、 あの人を探す格闘修行の旅に出るんだ」 |
"I got a lot of fight money, I'm going on a martial arts training trip to find that guy." |
I saved up enough money! I'm going on a trip to look for him and train! Maybe my dreams will come true! |
「相変わらずねえ。 おみやげ、忘れるなよ」 |
"Hey, as always. Souvenirs, don't forget." |
You never change! Don't forget my souvenir, okay? |
「まかしといてよ! 新しい技、 いっぱい覚えて帰ってくるからね!」 |
"Stay put!" New tricks, I'll come back with a lot of memories!" |
Leave it to me! Not only that, I'll come back with new moves and skills only a true master could teach me! |
というわけで、闘う女子高生さくらは リュウを探しに旅立ちました。 |
So, Sakura, a struggling high school girl, sets off in search of Ryu. |
Sakura, a young high school girl and fighter, set out on a journey to look for Ryu and to fulfill her dreams. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「これがチュンリー!? 全然たいしたことないじゃない.」 |
"This is Chun-Li!?" It's not a big deal at all." |
Is this the famous Chun-Li?! She isn't that beautiful! She's an awful dresser, too! |
サキュバスのモリガンは、娘たちの 写真を執事に集めさせては、毎回 こんなセリフを口にしていました。 |
Morrigan, the succubus, would have the butlers collect photos of various girls and utter these lines every time. |
Morrigan takes pride in criticizing the various pictures of girls that she orders her butlers to collect for her. |
「誰が一番なのか、 ハッキリさせてあげるわ!」 |
"Who's the best? I'll make it clear!" |
I'll prove to the world who is the most beautiful! |
というわけで、モリガンは 退屈しのぎと自己顕示のため、 月夜に飛び立っていきました。 |
So, Morrigan, despite her sake of boredom and self-revelation, flew off into the moonlit night. |
And so, Morrigan flew off into the moonlit night, intent on "convincing" anyone who might disagree with her. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
ダークストーカーズを追いかける レイレイとリンリン。 |
Chasing after the Darkstalkers are Hsien-Ko and Lin Lin. |
Hsien-Ko and Lin Lin are in search of the Darkstalkers. |
ですが、彼らに会う前に旅費が 底をついてしまい、 今はアルバイト探しをしています。 |
But before they could meet them, they have both ran out of money. Right now, they're looking for a part-time job. |
But before they can find the Darkstalkers, their money runs out. They are now seeking a part-time job. |
「ろくな仕事がないアル...。 人間界もシケたもんだなぁ… ・・・ん?」 |
"Ah, who doesn't have a good job... The human world is also a bit of a... ...Huh?" |
There are no good jobs! I guess the human world is a dull place... Hmm? What's this? |
「『3食昼寝付・実働2時間』! これだ! このザンギエフとかいう 広告主に会いに行こう!」 |
"Three meals with a nap, two hours of actual work!" This is it! Let's go see this advertiser named Zangief!" |
"3 meals plus a nap. Only 2 hours of work per day!" This is it! I'll go and see the advertiser, Zangief! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
出演したミュージカルが大ヒット! いまやミュージカルスターの座を ゆるぎないものにしたフェリシア。 |
The musical in which she appeared was a big hit! Felicia has now cemented her position as a musical star. |
The musical that Felicia performed in became a huge hit! She has now earned the reputation of a great musical star! |
「今度は映画に出てみたいなぁ・・・ もちろん、素敵なラブストーリー!」 |
"I want to be in a movie this time... Of course, a nice love story!" |
I'd like to become a movie actress now... Of course, the movie would have to be a romantic love story! |
「恋に身を焦がすヒロイン・・・・ 一度はこういうのやってみなきゃ!」 |
"A heroine who scorches herself in love... I've got to try something like this at least once!" |
A heroine who burns with love and passion... That's what I want to be! |
というわけで、フェリシアは、 業界にコネのありそうなケンに 会いに出かけました。 |
So, Felicia went out to see Ken, who seemed to have connections to the industry. |
And so, Felicia journeys to see Ken, whom she believes to have a connection to the movie industry. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
ひとり、廃学の研究を続けるタバサ。 今日も新しく手に入れた本を 読みふけっていました。 |
Tessa continues her research on abandoned sorcerers. Today, she was still reading her new book. |
Tessa is a devoted student of magic. Today, she is engrossed in reading her new book. |
「ん?『仙術師・少家に伝わる杖を ひと振りすると、その姿を変える ことができる』・・・」 |
"Huh? "With a swing of the wand that has been handed down to the family of Shao, you can change your appearance." |
Hmm? "If you swing the stick descended from the magical family "Shou", you'll be able to change your appearance." |
「まさにこれこそ、全国3千万の 婦女子の憧れ、 『魔法のステッキ』! すぐ探しに行きましょう!」 |
"This is exactly what 3 million girls have been longing to get, "The Magic Cane"! I need to find it right away!" |
This must be the magic stick that millions of girls would kill to get their hands on! I must find it! |
というわけで、タバサは 少家の末裔であるレイレイを探す旅に 出かけました。 |
So Tessa set out on a journey to find Hsien-Ko, a descendant of the Shao family. |
And so, Tessa went out on a journey to look for Hsien-Ko, who is a descendant of the Shou family. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「原宿で食べるアイスクリームがあ。 いいなぁ。いってみたいなぁ。 東京」 |
"There is ice cream to eat in Harajuku? That's good. I'd like to go. Tokyo." |
Eating ice cream in Harajuku sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I could visit Tokyo... |
女子高生忍者のいぶきは、 ガイドブック片手に東京に想いを はせる日々が続いています。 |
The high school ninja girl Ibuki can't stop thinking about Tokyo, even with a guidebook in hand. |
Ibuki, the high school ninja girl just can't stop thinking about Tokyo, so she leaves, tour book in hand. |
「うん、やっぱり我慢はよくない。 村のみんなには内緒で、 行ってみよ!」 |
"Yes, I don't have a good patience. With everyone in the village not knowing, I'll go there!" |
All this training is too harsh! I'll use my Ninja skills to sneak off without letting the villagers know! |
というわけで、 いぶきは風呂敷に おこづかいと忍者道具を詰め、 東京をめざして出かけていきました。 |
So, Ibuki left for Tokyo, and took a kerchief stuffed with some money and her ninja tools. |
And so Ibuki left for Tokyo with some money and her Ninja outfit wrapped up in a kerchief. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
ロシアレスリング界の雄、ザンギエフ。 | Zangief is the male master of the Russian wrestling world. |
Zangief is the master of the Russian wrestling world. |
ロシアの代表として派遣された、彼の 今回の任務は、ミュージカルスター・ フェリシアをロシアに招くこと。 |
Dispatched as a representative of Russia, his job his time, is a special one. He's asked to invite Felicia to Russia. |
As a representative of Russia, he is asked to invite Felicia, a world renowned musical star to his homeland. |
『わが祖国、そしてザンギエフ君自身の ためにも、今回の任務を成功させて くれたまえ 親愛なる同志より』 |
"Mister Zangief, this duty is for the sake of making today's job a success, dear comrade." |
You must succeed in your duty for both our country and for yourself! |
「お任せください。 祖国の同志よ。 しかし、次からはファーストクラスで お願いしますぞ」 |
"Leave it to me, comrade of the Motherland. But from now on, first-class ticket please." |
Leave it to me, my comrade! But next time, make sure I get first-class ticket. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
サイキョーを名乗る男、ダン。 サイキョー流を世界に広めるべく 格闘技道場を開くことにしました。 |
Dan, a man who calls himself the Saikyo master. In order to spread the Saikyo style to the world, he decided to open a martial arts dojo. |
Upon deciding he was the world's strongest fighter, Dan decided to teach his Saikyo style to the world. |
「オレより弱くて、最初の弟子に ふさわしいヤツ・・・」 |
"Weaker than me, the first disciple has to be a worthy one..." |
I must find someone weaker than myself who is suitable as my first student! |
「そうだ、いいのがいるじゃねえか!」 | "Yes, there's a nice one for that!" | Yahoo! I know just the right person! |
というわけで、巷で噂の女子高生 格闘家・さくらを弟子にするため、 ダンは出かけていきました。 |
So, Dan sets out to look for Sakura, in order to make the high school girl as his first student. |
And so Dan set off to make Sakura, a high school girl martial artist and talk of the town his first student. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
獄炎島で日夜修行を続けるゴウキ。 | Akuma continues to train day and night on Gokuentou. |
Akuma trains endlessly day and night on his fortress island Gokuentou. |
しかし、島の開発計画が進み、 今や獄炎島は一大リゾート地 『極図島』となってしまいました。 |
However, the development plan of the island progressed, as Gokuentou is now a big resort area that became "Kyokuenjima". |
Unfortunately for Akuma, Gokuentou is gradually converted into an exclusive leisure resort... |
「ぬんっ。俗人の集い憩う地など、 もはや修羅の地にあらず!」 |
"Hmm. A place where people gather and relax, It's no longer the land of Shura!" |
Mmm! This island has been overrun by tourists! It is no longer the ideal place for my training it once was! |
というわけで、新しい修行場を求め、 ゴウキは旅立ちました。 |
So, in search of a new training ground, Akuma departed. |
Thus Akuma journeyed forth from his island in search of new training grounds... |
Win Quotes
To do:
All 12 fighters' default Win Quotes on the Victory Screen after a battle are identically different in the script between both the Japanese and Western versions.
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「それがおまえの限界か? 本気を出してみろ!」 |
"You call that your limit? I'm sure you've got more than that to give!" |
It was a good fight... But there is still a lot for me to learn! |
「おれは・・・おれより強い やつに会いにいく!」 |
"I... will go out in search of those who are stronger than me!" |
I must keep searching for someone stronger than I! |
「この手応え・・・だが、 もっと極めなくては!」 |
"This feeling... No, I can find something better than this!" |
「どんな姿だろうと・・・ おれは負けない!」 |
"No matter what form I may take... I won't lose!" |
A warrior who keeps fighting and improving will never truly lose. |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「スマートさがたりねえなも っとダイエットしなきゃあ」 |
"You sure aren't all that bright. Guess you need to diet some more." |
That was pretty funny! Oh, were you being serious? |
「たいしたタマじゃねえな」 | "You weren't all that." | |
「そんな短い蹴りじゃおれは倒せねえぜ!」 | "You can't beat me with kicks as short as those!" | |
「そんな体じゃ格闘家とりえない なもっと食って大きくなんな!」 |
"I can't call you much of a fighter with a body like that. Grow a figure by eating some more!" |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
「そうねぇ、最近は犯人と格闘するよ り挙銃ブッ放してカタつけちゃうわね」 |
"I sure have been firing off my gun more so than fighting criminals lately." |
Nothing satisfies me more than handcuffing the criminals! |
「手っ取り早くすむから・・・ とりあえずタイホしましょう!」 |
"I'm hoping to clear this one up quickly... So, I'll arrest you for now!" |
I'm so busy right now... I want to finish this quickly! |
「交通整理って苦手なのよねよ く間違えて車ぶつけちゃうの」 |
"It's hard keeping on top of traffic. I often make hiccups that cause car accidents." |
I don't like getting roughed up like this, but it did the job! |
「手錠をかける瞬間・・・「生きてる!」 って感じがするのよね」 |
"The moment I put on handcuffs... That's when I feel most alive!" |
You had it coming! You should have answered my questions! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
Serves you right for trying to pick on a little girl! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
My house? It's just a castle with stewards. Oh yes, and bats! | ||
You've torn my stockings!! Now you shall feel my wrath! | ||
Those bats around me? They hold my stuff when I go shopping! | ||
If you don't think I'm the most beautiful, I'll punish you! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
I wonder if my sister will work hard if we get our job! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
Maybe if I perform as well as I fight, I'll be even more famous! | ||
Hey, that's so mean, stepping on my tail as a revenge! | ||
Don't scratch my face! Stars always need to look their best! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
Sorry, but I had to do this for my research! Nothing personal! | ||
Are you tired? Maybe I can make you perky! Look into my eyes... |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
You have to match my Ninja speed if you want to beat me! | ||
Wow! It really is dangerous here in the big city! | ||
With moves like yours, it's no wonder you lost! | ||
Train harder if you wish to overcome my Ninja skills! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
You can't harm me! My body is unbreakable! | ||
Wow, impressive! You're almost as strong as a Siberian bear! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
Study Saikyo style and I'll also teach you to play puzzles! | ||
You'll never beat me because I'm a master in my own mind! |
Japanese | JP Translation | English |
Even with my oversized head and stubby limbs, I'm unbeatable! | ||
Hm! You should go back to playing puzzle games! | ||
I am Akuma! But you may call me Master! | ||
You weren't even enough for a warm up! |