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Super Mario Galaxy/Unused Light Data
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Many unused LightData entries can be found in Super Mario Galaxy's ObjectData/LightData.arc directory. Whereas some of this unused LightData ties to unused zones, some LightData goes completely unused - or empty.
(Source: CometMedal, Hiccup)
- 1 lightglassytwinsplanetzone.bcsv
- 2 lightbegomanhomeplanetzone.bcsv
- 3 lightbegomanislandbzone.bcsv
- 4 lightfoofightermap.bcsv
- 5 lightforestgalaxy.bcsv
- 6 lightgalaxystage.bcsv
- 7 lighticecubestagezone.bcsv
- 8 lightjkillerstagezone.bcsv
- 9 lightlavafloatingzone.bcsv
- 10 lightlavagalaxy.bcsv
- 11 lightlavagcapbzone.bcsv
- 12 lightlavahomezone.bcsv
- 13 lightlavameteozone.bcsv
- 14 lightlavapoolAzone.bcsv
- 15 lightlavapoolbzone.bcsv
- 16 lightneoscalemap.bcsv
- 17 lightshelllavazone.bcsv
- 18 lightstorydemostageendinga.bcsv
- 19 lightstorydemostageendingb.bcsv
- 20 lightstorydemostageepiloguea.bcsv
- 21 lightstorydemostageepilogueb.bcsv
- 22 lightstorydemostagefinalbattle.bcsv
- 23 lightstorydemostageprologuea.bcsv
- 24 lightstorydemostageprologueb.bcsv
- 25 lighttakeuchitestc.bcsv
- 26 Empty Light Data
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
1 | [共通]宇宙の星 | [Common] Space Star |
2 | [共通]宇宙の星 | [Common] Space Star |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
0 | ダミー | Dummy |
1 | テスト2 | Test 2 |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | [デフォルト]E3ギャラクシー | [Default] E3 Galaxy |
0 | [共通]夜(エデン) | [Common] Night (Eden) |
1 | デフォルト | Default |
2 | [共通]夜(エデン) | [Common] Night (Eden) |
3 | [共通]夜(エデン) | [Common] Night (Eden) |
4 | [共通]昼(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon (Dorayaki) |
5 | [共通]昼(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon (Dorayaki) |
6 | [共通]昼(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon (Dorayaki) |
7 | [ボス]オタキング(戦闘) | [Boss] King Kaliente (Battle) |
8 | デフォルト | Default |
9 | [共通]夜(エデン) | [Common] Night (Eden) |
10 | [共通]昼の影(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon Shadow (Dorayaki) |
11 | [共通]夜(エデン) | [Common] Night (Eden) |
12 | デフォルト | Default |
13 | [共通]昼の影(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon Shadow (Dorayaki) |
14 | デフォルト | Default |
15 | デフォルト | Default |
16 | デフォルト | Default |
17 | [ボス]トゥームスパイダー(戦闘) | [Boss] Tarantox (Battle) |
18 | [共通]昼の影(どら焼き) | [Common] Noon Shadow (Dorayaki) |
19 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | [デフォルト]溶岩ギャラクシー | [Default] Lava Galaxy |
0 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
1 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
3 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
4 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
5 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
6 | 火山噴火 | Volcanic Eruption |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
10 | [共通]溶岩 | [Common] Lava |
4 | デフォルト | Default |
1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | [デモ]Ending(ピーチ城) | [Demo] Ending (Peach Castle) |
1 | [デモ]Ending(ピーチ城フライスルー) | [Demo] Ending (Peach Castle Fly Through) |
2 | [デモ]Ending(ピーチ目覚める) | [Demo] Ending (Peach Awakens) |
3 | [デモ]Ending(マリオ叫ぶ) | [Demo] Ending (Mario Screams) |
4 | [デモ]EndingA(宇宙) | [Demo] Ending (Space) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | [デモ]EndingB(子供部屋) | [Demo] EndingB (Children's Room) |
1 | [デモ]EndingB(ロゼッタ足元) | [Demo] EndingB (Rosalina Footsteps) |
2 | [デモ]EndingB(ロゼッタ飛び立つ) | [Demo] EndingB (Rosalina Takeoff) |
3 | [デモ]EndingB(キノピオUFO) | [Demo] EndingB (Starshroom) |
4 | [デモ]EndingB(ベビチコ飛び立つ) | [Demo] EndingB (Baby Luma Takeoff) |
5 | [デモ]EndingB(ロゼッタ顔アップ) | [Demo] EndingB (Rosalina Face Up) |
6 | [デモ]EndingB(地球を見るロゼッタ) | [Demo] EndingB (Rosalina Looking At Earth) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | [デモ]EpilogueA(星崩壊) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Star Collapse) |
1 | [デモ]EpilogueA(星崩壊) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Star Collapse) |
2 | [デモ]EpilogueA(星崩壊) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Star Collapse) |
3 | [デモ]EpilogueA(クッパ死亡1) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Bowser Death 1) |
4 | [デモ]EpilogueA(クッパ死亡2) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Bowser Death 2) |
6 | [デモ]EpilogueA(ブラックホール) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Black Hole) |
7 | [デモ]EpilogueA(ブラックホール) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Black Hole) |
5 | [デモ]EpilogueA(ピーチとマリオ) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Peach And Mario) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | [デモ]ピーチ救出(グラウンドスター) | [Demo] Peach's Rescue (Grand Star) |
1 | [デモ]ピーチ救出(グラウンドスター) | [Demo] Peach's Rescue (Grand Star) |
0 | [デモ]EpilogueA(バイバイチコ) | [Demo] EpilogueA (Bye Bye Luma) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
0 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(天文台) | [Demo] Final Battle (Observatory) |
1 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(天文台)到着 | [Demo] Final Battle (Observatory) Arrival |
2 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(ロゼッタアップ) | [Demo] Final Battle (Rosalina Up) |
4 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(天文台) | [Demo] Final Battle (Observatory) |
5 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(天文台) | [Demo] Final Battle (Observatory) |
3 | [デモ]ファイナルバトル(マリオ) | [Demo] Final Battle (Mario) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | 火山噴火 | Volcanic Explosion |
0 | [デモ]PrologueA(奇襲) | [Demo] PrologueA (Ambush) |
24 | デフォルト | Default |
1 | [デモ]PrologueA(町攻撃) | [Demo] PrologueA (Town Attack) |
2 | [デモ]PrologueA(ピーチ城1) | [Demo] PrologueA (Peach Castle 1) |
3 | [デモ]PrologueA(町攻撃) | [Demo] PrologueA (Town Attack) |
4 | [デモ]PrologueA(ピーチ城1) | [Demo] PrologueA (Peach Castle 1) |
5 | [デモ]PrologueA(ピーチ城2) | [Demo] PrologueA (Peach Castle 2) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
0 | [デモ]PrologueB(最初の攻撃) | [Demo] PrologueB (First Attack) |
1 | [デモ]PrologueB(城持ち上げ) | [Demo] PrologueB (Castle Lifted) |
2 | [デモ]PrologueB(城が地上から離れる) | [Demo] PrologueB (Castle Leaves The Ground) |
3 | [デモ]PrologueB(城持ち上げ) | [Demo] PrologueB (Castle Lifted) |
6 | [デモ]PrologueB(宇宙ピーチ城) | [Demo] PrologueB (Peach Castle In Space) |
5 | [デモ]PrologueB(宇宙ピーチ城) | [Demo] PrologueB (Peach Castle In Space) |
7 | [デモ]PrologueB(城持ち上げ) | [Demo] PrologueB (Castle Lifted) |
4 | [デモ]PrologueB(城持ち上げ) | [Demo] PrologueB (Castle Lifted) |
8 | [デモ]PrologueB(宇宙ピーチ城) | [Demo] PrologueB (Peach Castle In Space) |
9 | [デモ]PrologueB(宇宙ピーチ城) | [Demo] PrologueB (Peach Castle In Space) |
LightID | AreaLightName | AreaLightName Translation |
-1 | デフォルト | Default |
Empty Light Data
lightteresamariocoursezone.bcsv |
lightcubebubbleexdzone.bcsv |
lightheavensdoorlargezone.bcsv |
lightphantomicemazezone.bcsv |
lightpoleunizozone.bcsv |
lightpoyopoyoplanetzone.bcsv |
lightsandislandsambozone.bcsv |
lightseavolcanozone.bcsv |
lightkoopabattlevs3azone.bcsv |
lightchristmasbattlezone.bcsv |
lighthellmagmarisingzone.bcsv |
lightjwaterzone.bcsv |
lightmotherbeezone.bcsv |
lightnewplaneexzone.bcsv |
lightphantomgcapzone.bcsv |
lightphantomholezone.bcsv |
lightphantompumpkinzone.bcsv |
lightstardustplanetzone.bcsv |