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Super Ninja Kun

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Title Screen

Super Ninja Kun

Developer: Jaleco
Publisher: Jaleco
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: August 5, 1994

PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

To do:
It has a localization prototype called Maru's Quest, and was later re-translated as Super Ninja Kid.

The sequel to Ninja JaJaMaru-kun, which a lot of graphical facelifts and quality-of-life changes, although maybe at the bit of expense of the game's difficulty.


The game normally does not contain any SRAM, but still checks for it when starting a new game by writing two byte values to the address $701000. On original cartridges, the write will do nothing. If the write was successful (likely if a cartridge copier was used), the game restarts, preventing the player from actually being able to play the game.