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Ninja Jajamaru: Ginga Daisakusen

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Title Screen

Ninja Jajamaru: Ginga Daisakusen

Also known as: Ninja Jajamaru: Operation Milky Way (international)
Developers: Unknown (possibly TOSE)
Publisher: Jaleco
Platform: NES
Released internationally: February 21, 2023 (Ninja Jajamaru: Retro Collection)
Released in JP: March 29, 1991

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Ninja Jajamaru: Ginga Daisakusen is a cutesy - if somewhat generic - platformer that was rather obviously inspired by Super Mario Bros. 3. There were plans to release this game overseas, but they were squashed before they could come to fruition. A re-translation was eventually released as part of Ninja Jajamaru: Retro Collection in 2023.

To do:
Document the new translation.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Debug Display

Ninja Jajamaru - Ginga Daisakusen-debug.png

Game Genie code NNNYEYAE will re-enable a simple debug routine. After entering this code, the score-keeping part of the game HUD will be replaced with 12 large digits, plus 2 small digits in the middle. The digits represent various variables or game flags, such as the remaining time/ammo for powerups, current level position, and number of enemies killed, updated in real-time.

This flag has a similar effect in both of the available prototypes (US and Japanese), though the latter displays some different values, and uses a tilde (~) in place of zeroes.

Sound Test and Level Select

Ninja Jajamaru Ginga Daisakusen Sound Level Select.png

For the sound test, press A, Up, Down, B, Left, Right, Up, Up, also on Controller 2.

For the level select, press Up, Down, Left, B, A, A, Up, Right on Controller 2.

Regional Differences

The game was localized and included in the Ninja Jajamaru: Retro Collection.

Title Screen

Japan International
Ninja Jajamaru - Ginga Daisakusen-title.png Ninja JaJaMaru - Operation Milky Way title.png