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Super Smash Bros. Melee/Developer Functions/Debug Sound Test

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This is a sub-page of Super Smash Bros. Melee/Developer Functions.

SSBM Sound Test.png

If the DB Level is 3 or higher, the Debug Sound Test can be accessed by pressing X at the title screen.

In the Sound Test, you can toggle between Mono and Stereo sound, change the sound effect and music volume (from 0 to 127), change the DSP level (0 to 127), and play the game's sounds and songs.

The full FGM and BGM list is available on SmashWiki.


Button Result
Control Stick Move the Control Stick up and down to move between rows of options. Left and right changes the value on the right side of each option.
X and Y Press X and Y to move up and down between rows of options.
L and R Press L and R to change the value on the right side of each option. Holding R while changing a value moves the value faster.
A Press the A button to play FGM and BGM files when FGM NAME or BGM NAME is highlighted. Pressing A on an FGM while an FGM is playing will stop the current FGM. Pressing A on the currently playing BGM will pause or resume the BGM.
B Press the B button when FGM NAME or BGM NAME is highlighted to stop the currently playing FGM or BGM.

Menu Options

Title Description
SOUND MODE Toggles between Stereo and Monaural (mono) sound.
MAS VOLUME Adjusts the volume of menu sounds between 0 and 127.
FGM VOLUME Adjusts the volume of general sounds between 0 and 127.
BGM VOLUME Adjusts the volume of background music between 0 and 127.
DSP LEVEL Adjusts the digital signal processing between 0 and 127.
FGM GROUP Sets the currently selected group of general sounds.
FGM NAME Sets the currently selected general sound to be played.
BGM NAME Sets the currently selected background music to be played.
EXIT Returns to the title screen.