Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Battle Royale Maps
This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.
- 1 Unused Lighting
- 2 Unused Objects
- 2.1 MPLobby
- 2.1.1 Alarm_Clock_Gameplay_Prop
- 2.1.2 chess: pawn 2
- 2.1.3 Cube (1 & 16-24)
- 2.1.4 Door
- 2.1.5 Fire_Extinguisher_Common_Prop
- 2.1.6 Light_Industrial_003_Back_Light (2)
- 2.1.7 Paper_003_Common_Prop & Pen_Common_Prop
- 2.1.8 Signage_Standing_Hotel (1)
- 2.1.9 SoundStageBuilding_Top_001
- 2.1.10 StarDomeEntranceBox_NoLongerNeeded
- 2.1.11 Stool_001_Back_Prop
- 2.1.12 Trash_Can_001_Common_Prop
- 2.1.13 Trash_Can_001_Common_Prop (1)
- 2.1.14 Wall_With_Frame_Striped_006_A_Pillar_001_Back_Struc (71)
- 2.2 MPLobby/Ho Ho Ho! (Visible for Holiday)
- 2.3 RML_StartHallway
- 2.4 RML_ButtonsAndDoors
- 2.5 RML_CheckerFall
- 2.6 RML_CheeseRamp02
- 2.7 RML_Climb
- 2.8 RML_DarkRoom
- 2.9 RML_DomeProjections
- 2.10 RML_DuckChaos_Superior
- 2.11 RML_DuckRamp
- 2.12 RML_FanJump
- 2.13 RML_GrabLotsOfObjects
- 2.14 RML_InifiniteElevator
- 2.15 RML_Ledge
- 2.16 RML_ProjectionRoom
- 2.17 RML_ScoobyDoo2
- 2.18 RML_EndHallway_Basic
- 2.19 RML_EndHallway
- 2.20 RML_Climb_V2_Proto01
- 2.21 RML_Escher_Proto01
- 2.22 RML_Revolve_Proto01
- 2.23 RML_TinyDesk_Proto01
- 2.24 RML_TowerClimb_Proto01
- 2.25 RML_WaveRace_Proto01
- 2.1 MPLobby
Unused Lighting
To do:
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Around the room, there is an unused spot light (8).
Unused light 1 off | Unused light 1 on |
Around the room, there is an unused spot light.
Unused light 2 off | Unused light 2 on |
Near the right side of the room is an unused spot light that was probably used for Light_Industrial_003_Back_Prop which does also go unused.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
On the south wall, there is five unused red area lights (10-14).
Unused light 1 off | Unused light 1 on |
On the south wall, there is five unused red area lights (10-14).
Unused light 2 off | Unused light 2 on |
Unused light 3 off | Unused light 3 on |
Unused light 4 off | Unused light 4 on |
On each of the red exit signs, there is an unused red DimLight.
Unused light 5 off | Unused light 5 on |
On the southside of the room, there is an unused Point Light.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Around the area, there is an unused blue directional light that seems to be projected from the disco light on the table. It is also labelled with the suffix "_SeemsUseless?"
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the exit is an unused spot light.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Around the area are four unused point lights (7-10), that were probably used for the unused lamps.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the elevator doors, there is an unused point light (4).
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the top of the elevator doors, there is an unused reflection probe (2).
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Around the start of the area, there is an unused point light & spot light.
Unused Objects
To do:
To do:
On the left end table in the bedroom, is an unused alarm clock that displays 00:00AM and doesn't make a sound.
chess: pawn 2
Near where you spawn is an unused pawn chess piece.
Cube (1 & 16-24)
On the right side of the room is some unused planks.
Above the bedroom doorway, is an unused door that is slightly open.
The north area of the room has an unused interactive fire extinguisher.
Light_Industrial_003_Back_Light (2)
Above the second and third walkways, there are two unused ceiling lamps with their own lighting system.
Paper_003_Common_Prop & Pen_Common_Prop
On the table where the bell is supposed to be, is an unused pen and paper.
Signage_Standing_Hotel (1)
Next to the cosmetics computer is an unused sign that has the same text.
SoundStageBuilding_Facade_002_Prop-detach (Used) | SoundStageBuilding_Top_001 (Unused) |
Where the ceiling is located, is an unused ceiling that looks darker than the used one. It seems to be different from the one that goes unused in Optical.
The north area of the room has an unused star dome entrance.
Near the bell is an unused chair.
Near the large trash can is an unused trash can.
Trash_Can_001_Common_Prop (1)
In-between the watercooler and the soda machine is an unused trash can.
Wall_With_Frame_Striped_006_A_Pillar_001_Back_Struc (71)
Out of bounds and northwest of the area, is an unused pillar.
MPLobby/Ho Ho Ho! (Visible for Holiday)
Fire (Used) | Fire (1) (Unused) | Fire (2) (Unused) | Fire (3) (Unused) |
There is three unused fire variants that are for the fireplace. All of them are static except for the used one.
Sphere_Ornament (0-3)
Next to the christmas tree is four unused sphere ornaments with fasteners, that are different from the used ones, lined up in a row.
On the ceiling, there is an unused air vent.
Out of bounds, near the exit of the room is an unused long wide wall with it's own barrier.
Near the right side of the room is an unused hanging ceiling lamp.
Light_Industrial_003_Tall_Back_Prop (11)
Above the rotating podium is an unused hanging ceiling lamp that sways back and forth. It also comes with it's own lighting.
Stage_TheaterCurtain_001 (0-10)
Around the end of the room, is eleven unused curtains.
Chamber_ModularPillar_01 (1 & 12)
Near the last hidden exit wall are two unused pillars on both ends of the wall.
On the first layer of the area, is an unused gray platform.
IBeam_002_Prop (50)
On the third floor, there is an unused dark blue beam near the right side of the room.
The second floor has an unused window floor.
Window_002_B_Hotel_Struc (9-13)
Stage_TheaterCurtain_001 (0-9) (Used) | Window_002_B_Hotel_Struc (9-13) (Unused) |
On the south wall, there is five unused windows that are the same as the used ones on the north wall.
Checkmate Movie Animator
On the projector screen, there is three unused objects, which include; a king & pawn chess piece, and a knife that is stabbing the king piece.
Exit_Sign_Hanging_Arrow_Common_Prop (1)
On the west side of the room, is an unused hanging green exit sign.
Signage_002_Common_Prop & Signage_003_Common_Prop
On both doors on both sides of the room, there are unused signs.
Text (TMP)
On the projector screen, there is unused text that reads "CHECKMATE". Was probably to be used with the unused "Checkmate Movie Animator" objects.
Around the area is an unused white half-sphere.
Stairs_009_Back_Struc & Stairs_010_Back_Struc
Near the right stairs are two unused stair structures.
Cube (38)
In the middle of the map, there is an unused purple rectangle platform with a grid-like pattern.
Cube (39, 41 & 44)
There is three unused gray rectangles placed near the east and west file cabinet walls and behind the southwest file cabinet wall.
Light_Industrial_003_Back_Light (0 & 2-4)
Hanging from the ceiling, there is four dark green ceiling lamps that have their own lighting system.
Near the end of the area is an unused dark yellow ramp.
Pillow Clouds
Around the area is an unused group of several objects that were probably used for a randomization set. These objects include; two floor cutout pieces, two foot stools, five picture frames, and thirty-five pillows.
Floor (2) (Used) | Floor (Unused) |
The floor for this room has an unused variant that is wider and has no border.
To do: Are any of these unused objects and lighting copied over from labyrinth? If so, document them in that level rather than this map. |
At the south door of the exit room, is an unused larger door.
Light_Industrial_002_Back_Prop (4-7)
In the middle of the east and west pillars are two unused lamps each.
Cube (2)
The third floor of this area has an unused gray platform that was probably used early in development.
Before the exit of this area, near where the water cooler platform is, there is an unused gray tall platform that was probably used early in development.
Folding_Table_Covered_001_Common_Prop (1)
Before the exit of this area, near where the file cabinets are, there is an unused covered folding table.
Around the area, there is a set of unused glacier-like walls that were probably used early in development.
Around the area, is a set of unused geometry that was probably used for reference during development.
Water_Cooler_Office_Prop (1)
To the right of the exit, there is an unused large water cooler that isn't lightmapped.
Cube (2)
Where each dead end is supposed to be, there is an unused alternate stretched object with no border.
Cube (8)
Behind the entrance, there is an unused double-doorway wall.
Chamber_Wall_TwoSide (0 & 1)
Near the exit, there are two unused tall walls.
Near the elevator doors, there is an unused doorway portal that doesn't go anywhere.
Unused Plane(s) & Street_Light_Hotel_Prop(s)
To do: Count how many street lamps and "plane"s that go unused. |
Out of bounds, around the area, there are multiple unused street lights (with their own spot lights) and parking lot tape.
BlackStairs (2)-Merged
Before the exit, there is an unused double-sided staircase.
Behind the SUPER platform is an unused black wall.
Dust Particles
Around the area are group of dust particles.
Picture_Framed_004_A_Common (1)-Merged
Before the main part of the area, there is an unused gradient-like border around the frame you pass through.
Prop Monitor Camera
Before the exit, on top of some papers is an unused computer monitor with a red apple displayed on it.
Exit_Sign_001_Common_Gameplay (4 & 5)
Around the first floor of the area, are two unused exit signs.
Near the second floor of the area, there is an unused water wall. It probably goes unused because when activated, it generates a lot of lag.
Contrast Background
The background box for the area has an unused red-colored box.
Cube (7, 9, 18, 27, 51 & 55-57) & WhiteStairs (0 & 7)
Unused objects off | Unused objects on |
On the northeast part of the area there is eight unused white platforms and two unused stairs. (Contrast Background is enabled in the screenshots to show where they are since Rotating Cube does obscure them).
Right where the randomly chosen exit locations are supposed to be, is an unused orange rectangular platform that was probably used for reference while in development.
At the exit wall, there is an unused green keyhole model that has it's own lighting system.
Pillars | Pillars2 | Glass1 | Glass1 (1) |
On the chess table, there is four unused randomization variants, which include:
- Pillars: A set of twelve square-like pillars.
- Pillars2: A set of six circular pillars.
- Glass1: A set of two glass windows.
- Glass1 (1): A set of four glass windows.
Golden Hair & Love In Her Eyes
Golden Hair | Love In Her Eyes |
The pawn in the top part of the area has unused golden hair and eyes.
StairGroup (2)
Before the broken truss group, there is a set of two unused stair platforms.
StairGroup (4)
To the right of the entrance, there is a set of five unused stair platforms.
StairGroup (5)
Right where the second yellow ramp is, there is a set of five unused stair platforms.
Near the entrance, there is an unused group of three truss bridge pieces.
Cube (10)
On the bottom floor, there is an unused Superliminal logo.
Exit_Sign_001_Vertical_Common_Prop (5)
Out of bounds, behind the big slide, there is an unused exit sign.
Out of bounds, there is an unused fog circle.
Pool Showers
Out of bounds, behind the big slide, there is an unused shower room.