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Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects

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This is a sub-page of Superliminal.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Check if any unused items were actually used in any of the videos on Pillow Castle's YouTube channel.
  • If anything seems miscellaneous, then just move it under the sub-pages.
  • Make a proper icon for Removed Objects.


  • All of these objects and areas' names are based off what they are called in the game's scene library and are disabled by default. If you want to access these yourself, use a tool like, UnityExplorer.
  • This is based off of the build: Version 1.10.2022.2.20.838.2 (8245107), any disabled objects that got actually removed will be mentioned in Removed Objects.

Superliminal MainMenu Icon.png
Main Menu
Superliminal OpeningCutscene Icon.png
Intro Cutscene
Superliminal Induction Icon.png
Superliminal Optical Icon.png
Superliminal Cubism Icon.png
Superliminal Blackout Icon.png
Superliminal Clone Icon.png
Superliminal Dollhouse Icon.png
Superliminal Labyrinth Icon.png
Superliminal Whitespace Icon.png
Superliminal Retrospect Icon.png
Superliminal Loading Icon.png
Loading Screens
Superliminal Workshop Icon.png
Somnasculpt Workshop
Superliminal Multiplayer Icon.png
Battle Royale Maps
Removed Objects
For objects that have been removed in later versions.

Miscellaneous Unused Objects

To do:
Things to maybe put here:
  • Occlusion Areas/Blockers (Just unsure how to properly document them).
  • Signage_Standing_Hotel/Plane (Unsure if this is actually used).
  • VoiceBoombox_Current


SL CheckpointCameraIcon.png
Unused Checkpoint Camera Locations
There's too many just to fit down here.

Unused BackAreaExit Objects

Door_Open_002_B_Back_Struc (1)

SL Optical BAE Door Open 002 B Back Struc (1).png

Right at the door of this area is an unused open door.

Unused Battle Royale Objects


SL BattleRoyale StartHallway PowerupLocation.png

Under where each powerup spawns is an unused white box with a question mark.

Unused CloudBillboard Objects

Alarm_Clock_Gameplay_Prop_Radio (1)

SL TC Alarm Clock Gameplay Prop Radio (1).png

Right on top of the unused bar table, is an unused alarm clock with the numbers "00" on it flickering on and off. When interacted with. it does nothing but light does stay on.

Table_Bar_001_Common_Prop (1)

SL TC Table Bar 001 Common Prop (1).png

In the back of the room, to the right of the door, is an unused round bar table.

Unused Exit Sign Objects

RED_point GRN_point
SL TC Button Door Light Common Gameplay RED point.png SL TC Button Door Light Common Gameplay GRN point.png
SL TC Button Door 001 Common Gameplay (1).png
SL TC SlidingDoor1 Button Door 001 Common Gameplay (1).png
SL TC Button Door Wall 001 Struc.png

Around each exit sign is an unused alternate exit light with electrical piping, a basic beige wall and a vertical green rectangular box (A few of the boxes are also gray with wall textures).

The objects in the scene library (in order of pictures) are called:

  • Button_Door_Light_Common_Gameplay
    • GRN_point
    • RED_point
      • Button_Door_001_Common_Gameplay (2)
  • Button_Door_001_Common_Gameplay (1) (Does appear as either green and gray)
  • Button_Door_Wall_001_Struc

Unused Player Model

Superliminal PlayerModelScreenshot.png

By enabling ScaleHeight_001 in PlayerControllerPrefab, it shows an untextured white player model of a bald man wearing glasses, goatee, polo shirt, pants and shoes. Oddly, the model doesn't show if enabled in Induction.

Unused SleepClinic Objects

To do:
Check if Door_C_Closed & Door_E_Closed are actually used. (Maybe use a clean save)

Unused Lighting

Unused lights off Unused lights on
SL Optical SCOL UnusedLight2Off.png SL Optical SCOL UnusedLight2On.png

There are three unused lights in this area. The first one is a point light (5) that is placed out of bounds near the exit hallway. The last two are point lights (1 & 2) and they are placed inside the lamps in the bed room.

Picture_Framed_003_Common (2)

SL Optical SCOV Picture Framed 003 Common (2).png

On the other end of the starting hallway is an unused framed picture of some clouds.

Unused SleepClinic_Elevator Objects

Unused Lighting

Unused lights off Unused lights on
SL Optical SCE UnusedLightsOff.png SL Optical SCE UnusedLightsOn.png

In the elevator, there is one unused spot light (1) pointed near the entrance.

Unused StarDome Objects


SL Optical BAS SD Barrier LooksUgly.png

In front of the entrance to this room is a barrier that was probably disabled since it doesn't look that good when enabled. The developers probably disabled this and labelled it with the suffix _LooksUgly because of that.


OldFloor off OldFloor on
SL Optical BAS SD OldFloorOff.png SL Optical BAS SD OldFloorOn.png

Around the outside part of the floor area is a much larger black floor.

Unused Wooden Fire Alarm Lever

SL TC FireAlarmWoodenLever.png

On top of each fire alarm lever is an unused wooden version of the lever. However, this unused object is not on the cloneable fire alarm variant.