Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Cubism
This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.
To do: Check what Sound/MOSTMusicPlayer & Heartbeat01 do when enabled. |
- 1 Unused Areas
- 2 Unused Lighting
- 3 Unused Objects
Unused Areas
Right where the blocked-off hallway is supposed to be is an unused early hallway with unfinished and/or removed geometry. All that is left is a blue wall with a door, a white bucket, a folding table, an air duct pipe, a wall outlet, and two ceiling lights.
Unused Lighting
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Inside the enclosed room is an unused spotlight (21).
Unused light 1 off (Point light (0-6)) | Unused light 1 on (Point light (0-6)) |
Unused light 2 off (Point light (6 & 7)_TEMP) | Unused light 2 on (Point light (6 & 7)_TEMP) |
There are 9 unused lights in this area. Seven point lights (0-6) for every lit ceiling light, and two red point lights (6 & 7)_TEMP in the blocked-off hallway which both seem to be placed for temporary purposes (based on object name).
Unused Objects
To do: Check if Interactive/AmbienceMessedUpMusic is actually used. |
Pallet_Stack_004_Back_Prop (217)
On the left side of the hallway, is an unused and unlit stack of wooden pallets.
To do: Find out if "Interactive/TriggerVO" is actually triggerable when enabled. |
Outlet_Common_Prop (6)
Near the end of this room is an unused beige wall outlet, placed on the left wall.
To do: Find out if "Interactive/TriggerVO (1)" is actually triggerable when enabled. |
CubeHalves (1)
Near where the die is supposed to be, are four unused grabbable cubes halves. Weirdly, one of the halves does spawn in the same place as one of the other cube halves (pb-Cube-83238 & pb-Cube-83238).
In the next room is an unused floor portion with a different flooring, cube and a green wireframe-like rectangular cube around it.
Pipe_Small_Straight_12M_A_Museum_Struc (2)
Near the ladder is an unused tall vertical pipe.
BSP_SleepClinicWall_002 (1)
Inside the blocked off hallway is an unused wall with a doorway.
Near the grabbable floor piece is an unused floor piece with an untextured pink top and a wooden bottom. Most of it is obscured by the used flooring.
At the start of the crawl space is an unused checkpoint trigger. The used checkpoint is actually placed near the grabbable air duct cover.
Portal Cubes
In the room after this are two unused dice blocks and two unused cubes. The dice blocks were probably used for developing the projection while the two cubes are unknown. (Unsure why the objects are placed in _Warped_Cubes_Museum_E and not _Wall_Projection_Cube_Museum_F).
Air_Duct_Cover_Common_Prop (6)
Air_Duct_Cover_Common_Prop (5) (Used) | Air_Duct_Cover_Common_Prop (6) (Unused) |
The air duct to the right of the room has an unused alternate covering where it has no backing. Oddly enough, the air duct on the left side of the room uses this air duct covering.
Color_Cube_001_Museum_Gameplay (1)
In front of both outlets are unused low-poly Rubik's-like color cubes.
Outlet_Common (20)
In the same place as the grabbable outlet on the right wall is an unused static outlet.
For almost every grabbable object (excluding the two air ducts) there is an unused blue toy cube.
To do: Find out if "Interactive/CubePieces (2)/pb-Cube-83238 (8)" is possible to be visible if enabled. |
Checkpoint_DISABLED #1 | Checkpoint_DISABLED #2 |
At the start of both the room where the cubes fall apart and the giant cube room, there are unused checkpoints. The only used checkpoint is in the room with the exploding cube.
_First_Cube_Museum_A (1)
To do: Find out if "Interactive/TriggerVO" is actually triggerable when enabled. |
pb-Cube-83238 (2)
The top piece of the die in this room goes unused.
Out of bounds, past the door on the first floor that was open, is an unused boom box with an unused Glenn Pierce voice clip.
Transcript (taken from the subtitles):
Hello, my name is Dr. Glenn Pierce, and in some cases, patients who are lost may find that the mind creates slight physical obstructions... ... To prevent them from finding their way back to the proper therapeutic path. Please don't take this personally - we believe this is your brain attempting to help you become a better person!