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Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Unused Checkpoint Camera Locations

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This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.

Each checkpoint has it's own unused Camera that their purpose is unknown.


TC_GrabALotOfStuff TC_HallwayShort
SL Induction GALOS CheckpointCamera.png SL Induction HS CheckpointCamera.png
TC_HallwayPawnIllusion_EM TC_RampPuzzle
SL Induction HPI CheckpointCamera.png SL Induction RP CheckpointCamera.png
TC_AlarmClockCloneHallway TC_CubeThroughHoleWithGrates
SL Induction ACCH CheckpointCamera.png SL Induction CTHWG CheckpointCamera.png
TC_OvertheWallRoom TC_PortalHallway
SL Induction OTWR CheckpointCamera.png SL Induction PH CheckpointCamera.png
TC_TwoButtonRoom_EM TC_HallwayShort 4
SL Induction TBR CheckpointCamera.png SL Induction HS4 CheckpointCamera.png
SL Induction BAFH CheckpointCamera.png


_GrabDoorsForFirstTime_EM _ExitSignRamp
SL Optical GDFFT CheckpointCamera.png SL Optical ESR CheckpointCamera.png
_Hotel_IllusionCube _IllusionCubeNoBackside
SL Optical HIC CheckpointCamera.png SL Optical ICNB CheckpointCamera.png
_JustAHallway _BackAreaStage
SL Optical JAH CheckpointCamera.png SL Optical BAS CheckpointCamera.png
_Studio_BackLot02_EM _P_MoonRoom
SL Optical SBL CheckpointCamera.png SL Optical PMR CheckpointCamera.png


_Cube_Splits_In_Half_Museum_C _Floor_Cube_Museum_D
SL Cubism CSIHMC CheckpointCamera.png SL Cubism FCMD CheckpointCamera.png
_Crawl_Space (Unused Checkpoint) _Vending_Machine_Back_Area_EM
SL Cubism CS CheckpointCamera.png SL Cubism VMBA CheckpointCamera.png
_Scroll_Hollow_Museum_G _Pallet_Stack_Back_Area_C
SL Cubism SHMG CheckpointCamera.png SL Cubism PSBAC CheckpointCamera.png
_Giant_Cube_Museum_J_EM (Unused Checkpoint)
SL Cubism GCMJ CheckpointCamera.png


_LightFlickerJumpCut_Back_Area_B _WalkInFreezer
SL Blackout LFJCBAB CheckpointCamera.png SL Blackout WIF CheckpointCamera.png
_NoWallsPuzzle_Kitchen_A _WalkOverPitAndSubwayHallway_EM
SL Blackout NWPKA CheckpointCamera.png SL Blackout WOPASH CheckpointCamera.png
_WalkBackwards_Kitchen _ExitSignLightWithBoxes
SL Blackout WBK CheckpointCamera.png SL Blackout ESLWB CheckpointCamera.png
_ExitSignLightWithGlassWindow _Generator_Kitchen_D_Dark
SL Blackout ESLWGW CheckpointCamera.png SL Blackout GKDD CheckpointCamera.png


_HallwayWithCloneDoors_EM _AlarmClockCloning
SL Clone HWCD CheckpointCamera.png SL Clone ACC CheckpointCamera.png
_Apple_Hallway _CloneCubism_Museum_P_EM
SL Clone AH CheckpointCamera.png SL Clone CCMP CheckpointCamera.png
_Back_Break_Room _End_Museum_Hallway
SL Clone BBR CheckpointCamera.png SL Clone EMH CheckpointCamera.png
_Tiny_Back_Hallway (Unused Checkpoint)
SL Clone TBH CheckpointCamera.png


_PortalHouse01_ConferenceRoom_E _TVBackArea
SL Dollhouse PH1CRE CheckpointCamera.png SL Dollhouse TBA CheckpointCamera.png
_FanAndTower _WindowPortal
SL Dollhouse FAT CheckpointCamera.png SL Dollhouse WP CheckpointCamera.png
_Portal_Pool_Starstep _NormalizeHallway 3
SL Dollhouse PPS CheckpointCamera.png SL Dollhouse NH3 CheckpointCamera.png


_SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_01_Sideways _Back_Area_R
SL Labyrinth SV1S CheckpointCamera.png SL Labyrinth BAR CheckpointCamera.png
SleepClinic_Elevator_Split _CubismSurprise
SL Labyrinth SCES CheckpointCamera.png SL Labyrinth CS CheckpointCamera.png
_FlattenObjOnButton _HallwayWithCloneDoors_ChaseVariant (Unused Checkpoint)
SL Labyrinth FOOB CheckpointCamera.png SL Labyrinth HWCDCV CheckpointCamera.png
_CloneCubism_Museum_P_ChaseVariant (Unused Checkpoint) _ClickAlarmClockPaintingTransition
SL Labyrinth CCMPCV CheckpointCamera.png SL Labyrinth CACPT CheckpointCamera.png
SL Labyrinth PL CheckpointCamera.png


_Astral_Start _Astral_SleepClinic_FirstOne
SL Whitespace AS CheckpointCamera.png SL Whitespace ASCFO CheckpointCamera.png
_Rain _WalkThroughShadow
SL Whitespace R CheckpointCamera.png SL Whitespace WTS CheckpointCamera.png
Astral_White_Atrium_EM _Astral_Checkerboard_Island
SL Whitespace AWA CheckpointCamera.png SL Whitespace ACI CheckpointCamera.png
_FlatStairs _Astral_City
SL Whitespace FS CheckpointCamera.png SL Whitespace AC CheckpointCamera.png
WaterCooler_Monument _NegativeSpaceDoorway_EmptyRoomForCheckpoint
SL Whitespace WCM CheckpointCamera.png SL Whitespace NSDERFC CheckpointCamera.png
SL Whitespace PNSD CheckpointCamera.png