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Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Intro Cutscene

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This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.

Unused Lighting

Unused lights off Unused lights on
SL SP UnusedLightsOff.png SL SP UnusedLightsOn.png

On the south wall of the hotel room, there are two mounted hotel lamps that have two unused point lights (1 & 2). They probably goes unused because of how much light they provide and the CutsceneCamera gives enough light for the cutscene.

Unused Objects


SL SP Alarm Clock Gameplay Prop.png

On the left end table, there is a smaller unused alarm clock with a different time than the used alarm clock

  • Used: 02:08 AM
  • Unused: 00:00 AM

End_Table_Hotel_Prop (2)

SL SP End Table Hotel Prop (2).png

To the right of the entertainment shelf, is an unused end table that is identical to the two end tables that are beside the bed.


SL SP TVStand.png

Where the entertainment shelf is supposed to be, there is an unused tv stand. (It becomes more visible if you disable Entertainment_Center_Hotel_Prop and every enabled object in TelevisionProxy).