Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Labyrinth
This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.
- 1 Unused Areas
- 2 Unused Objects
- 2.1 _BackAreaIntro
- 2.2 _SleepClinic_
- 2.3 _SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_01_Sideways
- 2.4 _ExitSignRamp_ChaseVariant
- 2.5 _SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_02
- 2.6 _WarehouseLoopArt
- 2.7 _SidewaysArea_EM
- 2.8 _SidewaysArea_EM/_Back_Area_R
- 2.9 _PortalHouse01_ConferenceRoom_ChaseVariant
- 2.10 _GrabDoorsForFirstTime_ChaseVariant
- 2.11 Dead_End_Hallway_Piece
- 2.12 _CubismSurprise
- 2.13 _FlattenObjOnButton
- 2.14 _S_CutOnSound/Back_Area_Fall
- 2.15 _S_CutOnSound/_CloneCubism_Museum_P_ChaseVariant
- 2.16 _S_CutOnSound/_GrabDoorsForFirstTime_ChaseVariant 2
- 2.17 _S_CutOnSound/TestChamber
- 2.18 _S_CutOnSound/_HallwayWithCloneDoors_ChaseVariant
- 2.19 _S_CutOnSound/_ArchHallway
- 2.20 _ProjectRoomObjects_BackAreaF
- 2.21 _ParkingLot
Unused Areas
Behind the second elevator, is an unused maze-like hallway area that is similar to Dead_End_Hallway_Piece.
_SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_01_Sideways
While the sideways bedroom is still used, there is also SleepClinic assets that are also tilted sideways, but some assets do look missing.
_SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_02
While the bedroom and some of the hallway is still used, the rest of the SleepClinic are still there but go unused, but some of the lighting looks missing.
_SleepClinic_Replace This Later With Just Bedroom (so we won't have so many disabled sections) Variant
The starting area actually has some of the SleepClinic assets still intact, but a lot of it's original assets are either removed or placed weirdly. This probably got disabled later in development because they wanted a different way of how to start the level.
Disabled assets off | Disabled assets on (Had to go closer for the lights to show) |
The brick wall elevator that is located at the beginning of the level, still actually has all it's assets, even though you can only see it's doors being used.
Unused Objects
To do:
The elevator at the end of the area has unused caution tape wrapped around it.
GroundPlane (17)
To do: There's multiple copies of this object and another similar object called GroundPlane (19), might be best to document them all of them in one screenshot. |
In the second hallway, there is an unused rectangle-shaped flooring.
BackAreaSection/_Props/Chase_Backarea_HallwayIntersection (3)/Light_Industrial_003_Tall_Back_Prop (9) (Used) | BackAreaSection/_Props/Light_Industrial_003_Tall_Back_Prop (Unused) |
In the starting hallway, in place of the first ceiling lamp, there is an unused ceiling lamp that has different lighting.
Light_Industrial_003_Tall_Back_Prop (4)
To do: There's multiple copies of this object, need to document the rest. |
In the first long hallway, there is an unused rectangle-shaped flooring.
The original bedroom alarm clock for this common area goes unused because the area has it's own alarm clocks for when the area loops.
The original bedroom door for this common area goes unused because the area has it's own doors for when the area loops.
There is an alternate fourth loop that goes unused with a slightly bigger alarm clock and an unfindable door.
_SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_01_Sideways
pb-MergedObject-5445740 (18)-Merged (4-45)
Inside the sideways bedroom, there are 41 unused objects that turn into a wooden monkey bar.
On the thick wooden wall to the right of where you enter, there is an unused fully functionable fire extinguisher.
LaserLargeWarehouse-Wall-IBeamFrame-1 (1)
Out of bounds in the back of the room, there is an unused triangle-shaped wooden beam framed.
Office Doorway Double Wall Appear
At the back of the room, there is an unused large door and a basic wall with a doorway opening.
SoundStageBuilding_Facade_002_Prop-detach (Used) | SoundStageBuilding_Top_001 (Unused) |
(Different from the one in Optical) Where the ceiling is located is an unused ceiling that looks more like the usual wall textures and more triangular.
On the back of the thick wooden wall is an unused star dome entrance, it was probably disabled because there was supposed to be a star dome here in early development.
Wall_With_Frame_Striped_006_A_Pillar_001_Back_Struc (71)
Out of bounds, from southeast of the area there is an unused pillar.
_SleepClinic_ Variant_Chase_02
To do: There might be some stuff missing. |
Wall (0 & 1)
There are two unused brick walls in this area. One is at the start of the hallway to the right, and the other is out of bounds at the end of the hallway.
In one of the loops, there is an unused open door.
To do: Check if Spotlight_001_Rotatable_Museum_Off (1) & Spotlight_001_Rotatable/Spotlight_001_Base_Common_Prop get used. |
Bench_001_Museum_Prop (1 & 4-6)
On the sideways wall floor, there is four unused benches. Two are in bounds (1 & 4), one is half in bounds (6), and one is out of bounds (5, wall in screenshot removed to show where it is).
To do: Record the physics in action, the seem to break apart when enabled. |
Out of bounds, near the third sideways room is an unused table with one of it's legs broken off. It also has some physics attached to it.
Fire_Extinguisher_Interactive_Prop (0 & 3)
In the first & third sideways rooms, next to the north doors, there are two unused interactable fire extinguishers that would be impossible to reach.
On the sideways wall floor, there is an unused stepladder.
MetalCube (0 & 1)
In the second & third sideways rooms, there are two unused metal cubes with a dark yellow coloring to them. Oddly, the second cube enables Toy_Block_Chamber_Gameplay (which also goes unused) when enabled. (Note: The first MetalCube does spawn out of bounds and falls when enabled, had to move it to properly take a screenshot).
To do: Find out how to interact with the top of the table. |
Out of bounds, near the third sideways room is an unused table with a basic wood texture and a top that has some kind of physics.
In front of the fake illusion piece in the third sideways room, is an unused toy block that oddly enables when you enable MetalCube (1).
Out of bounds, to the right of the pool room, there is an unused boom box with a Glenn Pierce voice clip from later in the level.
Transcript (taken from the subtitles):
... Finally, while we respect the unique progress of every patient, you must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams... ... Thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to wake up, even with the help of triggering mechanisms...
Wooden_Crate_001_Gameplay_Breakable (3)
Normal (Static) | Broken (Physics) |
In the third sideways room, there is an unused wood crate that is breakable by interaction.
Next to the whiteboard is an unused interactable fire alarm that would be impossible to reach.
Fire_Extinguisher_Interactive_Prop (0 & 1)
Next to both doors, there is are unused interactable fire extinguishers that would be impossible to reach.
Falling Floor 2 (0 & 1) & 3
To do: There's also a Falling Floor (1) that goes unused, but no matter where it spawns, it just keeps falling infinitely. Try to take a proper screenshot of that. |
On the floor, there are three (technically four, see the To-Do box for now) falling floors that go unused.
Next to the door, there is are unused interactable fire extinguisher.
To do:
PropProgression (02-05)
PropProgression02 T_Trunk | PropProgression02 T_Top |
PropProgression03 T_Trunk | PropProgression03 T_Top |
PropProgression04 T_Trunk | PropProgression04 T_Top |
PropProgression05 T_Trunk | PropProgression05 T_Top |
Normally, all of the props for this area are under PropProgression01, and this remains enabled for each hall. However, as the name suggests, it seems to have originally been intended for the props to "progress" with each hall. The triggers to advance to the second and third progressions still exist and are semi-functional when enabled, but for whatever reason, there are no triggers for advancing to the fourth and fifth progressions.
On the non-exit wall, there is unused brick wall that is different from the unseen one.
On the non-exit wall, there is unused caution tape that was supposed to connect with the unseen brick wall.
Door_003_Common_Struc (1)
Out of bounds, near the west exit, is an unused door with a grated window.
On the non-exit wall, there is an unused doorway that was supposed to connect with the unseen brick wall.
Fire_Extinguisher_Common_Prop (0 & 1)
Near both exits of the area, are two unused interactable fire extinguishers.
FauxWood_Panel (96)_FLOATER
Way out of bounds, in the middle of the map, is an unused wooden panel.
To do: Check if this has added functionality when inside the room. |
To the right of the hall number sign, is an unused sign that reads "01 EAST".
hotel_SteelRailing_Corner_001_prop (1, 3, 13 & 16-20)
On the second floor, there are eight unused steel corner railings.
hotel_SteelRailing_Corner_002_prop (1)
On the first floor, there is an unused long steel railing that is almost the same as the one on the other side, only difference being that it's flipped.
Near where the dice block is placed, is an unused orange cube that is hollow on the inside.
Door_003_Common_Struc (1)
At the entrance, is an unused door with a grated window.
On the left wall, there are two unused fully interactable fire alarms that would be impossible to reach because of the speed you are falling at.
To do: Check if the room to the left is really inaccessible, may have to be quick on movements to actually fall on the platform to then jump into the room. |
In the inaccessible room to the left, there is an unused fully interactable fire extinguisher.
At the door in the hallway behind where you land, there is an unused checkpoint with odd capitalization in it's object name.
Different from the one used in Clone (even though that's in here too), there is another unused color cube that has yellow and black squares instead of all green. (Note: This object does spawn out of bounds and falls when enabled, had to move it to properly take a screenshot).
Near where you land is an unused grabbable blue cube.
Trim_001_Museum_Struc (35 & 37)
In the hallway behind where you land, are two unused wall trims.
_S_CutOnSound/_GrabDoorsForFirstTime_ChaseVariant 2
Hotel_Wall_Doorframe_001 (2)
Near the doorway before you enter the area is an unused door frame that is a bit longer.
Wall_Vent_001_Common_Prop (6)
Above the exit sign before you enter this area is an unused air vent that is the same color as the wall.
Cube (19)
Under the elevator wall that is flipped on its side, is an unused leg part.
Out of bounds, near the parking lot is an unused open double door that is flipped on it's side.
Office Wall(Clone)_Disabled_WasGettingInWayOfStarDome
Under the area is an unused office wall that seems to be disabled because the wall was getting in the way of the Star Dome.
To do: Check if the lighting that is disabled here actually goes used in Clone. |
After the barrier, there is an unused checkpoint with a misspelled object name.
ToyCube (1)
Near the green door is an unused grabbable blue cube.
Near the fake exit is an unused grabbable exit sign, that is somewhat out of bounds.
pb-MergedObject-7308108 (1)
Out of bounds, there is an unused arch.
Pillar_C_Hotel_prop (2 & 5)
Out of bounds, there are two unused pillars that seem to used along with the arch.
To do: Check if this has any different functionality from the used one. |
On the floor where you drop on, there is an unused trigger close to where the original one is.
Column 1-4
In the room, there are four unused metallic-like columns.
Floor (1)
In the room, there is unused alternate flooring.
To do: This isn't a disabled item, but find out what Floor_NotSureWhyThisExistsAnymoreButWhatev actually is. |
Picture_Framed_002_Common (2 & 3)
In the bedroom exit, there are two unused framed pictures of clouds.