Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Main Menu
This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.
To do:
Note: A lot of these objects are copied from the first level, Induction.
- 1 Unused Exit (TC_BackAreaFallHall)
- 2 Unused Lighting
- 3 Unused Objects
- 3.1 TC_BackAreaWithAlarmClock_EndLevel
- 3.1.1 Alarm_Clock_Gameplay_Prop
- 3.1.2 Chamber_ModularWall_001 (52-56)
- 3.1.3 Chamber_ModularWall_001 (59)
- 3.1.4 Chamber_ModularWall_001 (267-270, 278 & 279)
- 3.1.5 Door_Backing_Common_Prop
- 3.1.6 Door_Open_002_B_Back_Struc
- 3.1.7 Door_Push_001_C_Door_Back_Prop (2 & 3)
- 3.1.8 Exit_Sign_001_Exit_Common_Prop
- 3.1.9 Fire_Alarm_001_Common_Prop
- 3.1.10 GameObject (4)
- 3.1.11 Light_Industrial_002_Back_Prop (0-3)
- 3.1.12 Security_Camera_001_Common_Prop
- 3.1.13 Smoke_Detector_Common_Prop (0 & 1)
- 3.1.14 Sprinkler_Common (1, 2, 5 & 6)
- 3.1.15 Sprinkler_Common_Prop (25-28)
- 3.1.16 Stantion_Back_Prop (4 & 12)
- 3.1.17 Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (11 & 12)
- 3.1.18 Wall_Speaker_002_Champer_Prop (24 & 26)
- 3.2 TC_BackAreaFallHall
- 3.1 TC_BackAreaWithAlarmClock_EndLevel
Unused Exit (TC_BackAreaFallHall)
By disabling "Door_004_Common_Struc" and enabling "TC_BackAreaFallHall" from "Background"'s object children, you get to see an unused exit similar to the one in Induction. Dropping onto the bed transports the player to the Somnasculpt Presentation cutscene.
Unused Lighting
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
The west room has four unused point lights (for the unused industrial lights) [25-28], and two unused reflection probe lights (purpose unknown) [5 and 6].
Unused light 1 off | Unused light 1 on |
Unused light 2 off | Unused light 2 on |
The unused hallway has two unused point lights (both labelled "Point Light (1)"), one for the hallway and one behind the cardboard cloud stand.
Unused Objects
To do: Check if the two disabled triggers (TriggerGeneric and TriggerGeneric (1)) actually make the cheese on the right shake. |
Located on top of the workbench in the initial room, is an unused interactive alarm clock with the words "WAKE:UP" on it flickering on and off, while making a beeping sound. Interacting with the alarm clock will send you to the Somnasculpt Presentation cutscene.
Chamber_ModularWall_001 (52-56)
Located out of bounds, north of the initial room, are five unused wallboards, leaning diagonally on top of one other.
Chamber_ModularWall_001 (59)
Located out of bounds, to the very far left of the map there is an unused diagonal wallboard.
Chamber_ModularWall_001 (267-270, 278 & 279)
Located north of the west room, inside the north wall is six unused wallboards. (Only visible if you disable Cube (10) in TC_BackAreaWithAlarmClock_EndLevel's BSP objects)
Located in the west room, south the north caution tape, is unused wooden backings for a door.
Default | Brightness turned up |
Located south of the starting room, where the unused exit is located, is an unused open door. This was probably used for when the unused exit was still enabled.
Door_Push_001_C_Door_Back_Prop (2 & 3)
Inside the northmost doorway, there are two unused doors in the closed position.
Located in the west room, south of the north caution tape, is an unused exit sign floating in the air.
Located out of bounds, to the north of the west room, is an unused fire alarm.
GameObject (4)
Default | Brightness turned up |
Located in the starting room, behind the west wall frame is an unused small group of walls. The parent "GameObject (4) is enabled while the children Cube (43), Cube (44) and Cube (45) are disabled by default.
Light_Industrial_002_Back_Prop (0-3)
Located south of the west room, directly above each loading door's industrial light is another industrial light that goes unused.
Located out of bounds, to the north of the west room, is an unused security camera.
Smoke_Detector_Common_Prop (0 & 1)
Smoke_Detector_Common_Prop | Smoke_Detector_Common_Prop (1) |
Located out of bounds, to the north of the west room, are two unused smoke detectors.
Sprinkler_Common (1, 2, 5 & 6)
Sprinkler_Common (1) | Sprinkler_Common (2) | Sprinkler_Common (5) | Sprinkler_Common (6) |
Located out of bounds, to the north of the west room, are two unused sprinklers.
Sprinkler_Common_Prop (25-28)
Sprinkler_Common_Prop (25) | Sprinkler_Common_Prop (26) | Sprinkler_Common_Prop (27) | Sprinkler_Common_Prop (28) |
Located in the middle of the west room, floating in the air, are four unused and untextured sprinklers.
Stantion_Back_Prop (4 & 12)
Located on the eastside of the west room, in front of the wall vents are two unused Stantions.
Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (11 & 12)
Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (11) | Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (11) [Brightness turned up] |
Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (12) | Wall_Pillar_001_BackStruc (12) [Brightness turned up] |
Located in the west room, south of the room, are two unused wall pillars that go all the way to the ceiling.
Wall_Speaker_002_Champer_Prop (24 & 26)
Wall_Speaker_002_Chamber_Prop (24) | Wall_Speaker_002_Chamber_Prop (24) [Brightness turned up] |
Wall_Speaker_002_Chamber_Prop (26) | Wall_Speaker_002_Chamber_Prop (26) [Brightness turned up] |
Located in the west room, there are two unused speakers mounted onto the walls. #24 is to the right of the middle-left pillar, while #26 is to the left of the middle-right pillar.
In the middle of the hallway on the east wall is an unused clock that is identical to the clock on the opposite wall.
DoorLoop02 & 03
In the middle of the hallway, there is two identical unused doors. Interacting with them does nothing.