Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects/Whitespace
This is a sub-page of Superliminal/Unused Areas and Objects.
- 1 Unused Areas
- 2 Unused Lighting
- 3 Unused Objects
- 3.1 _PortalInPortalIntro
- 3.2 _PortalInPortalIntro/Jungles_Bar
- 3.3 _Astral_Start
- 3.4 _Unlit_GrabCube
- 3.5 _Astral_SleepClinic_FirstOne
- 3.6 _Rain
- 3.7 _SleepClinic_ Variant_Portal_SuperWhite
- 3.8 _WalkThroughShadow
- 3.9 _WalkThroughWindow
- 3.10 _FlatStairs
- 3.11 _WindowsWhiteWallRoom
- 3.12 _Astral_City
- 3.13 WaterCooler_Monument
- 3.14 _P_NegativeSpaceCheckerboard
- 3.15 _P_NegativeSpaceDoorway
- 3.16 _CheckerboardTower
- 3.17 _EndingFall
Unused Areas
Near _Astral_Checkerboard_Island, there is an unused lamp on a bar table. It is unknown why this was disabled.
Unused Lighting
To do:
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
The mini strip mall's street lights have unused spot lights.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
In the white sleep clinic, there are two unused point lights.
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the exit, there is an unused spot light (6).
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the entrance, there are two unused spot lights (1).
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
Near the right doorway, there is an unused spotlight (2).
Unused lights off | Unused lights on |
In the secret chess room, there is an unused spot light shining on the chessboard.
To do: Find where the other spotlights are located, since originally the area only uses two lights for the table (/ACoupleOfBigLights_TheNewWay/BigMegaSpotlight (0 & 1). |
ACouple_OfBigLights_TheNewWay (Used) | MillionsOfLittleLights_TheOldWay (Unused) |
Around the area there are 32 unused spotlights, oddly the ones seen are the ones near the table.
Unused Objects
To do:
To do:
Cube (14-16)
In the main room, there are three unused walls. One (14) in place of the original wall (9), and the other two (15 & 16) are out of bounds.
Cube (51 & 57)
In the main room, there are two unused wall trims that are not even close to the wall.
Door_001_Common_Gameplay (0 & 1)
In the hallway, there are two unused doors that were probably going to be used with the unused door frames.
Door_Loading_001_A_Back_Struc (4)
To do: Check if this was actually used in an earlier version of the game. |
Where Jungle's Bistro's entrance portal is supposed to be, there is an unused closed loading door that reads "Come back later".
Door_Frame_001_Common_Struc_ (2 & 3)
In the hallway, there are two unused door frames that were probably going to be used with the unused doors.
Office_SkyTile_001 (1, 7 & 8)
On the east wall, there are three unused wall tiles that go unused. Oddly, Office_SkyTile001 (7) of tiles is misplaced. These tiles would be reused for the Somnasculpt Workshop's WorkshopRoom area.
Picture_Framed_001_A_Common_Prop (1)
Near the doorway in the hallway, there is an unused framed picture of clouds.
Fire_Extinguisher_Common_Prop (1)
Near the kitchen double doors, there is an unused interactable fire extinguisher by the left door.
Out of bounds at the bottom of the map, there is a giant unused gray platform that is big to capture in just one screenshot. Also, one of the developers probably disabled this because they thought it was unnecessary and then left an absurd comment on the object's name.
Doorwaywallbsp (1)_redundant_causes_z_fighting
Behind the fake black doorway, there is an unused wall that probably goes unused because of lighting issues.
Around the room and out of bounds, there are several unused black lines scattered around the area.
Out of bounds, above the area, there is an unused yellow rectangular wireframe-like box. Its purpose is unknown.
Original area name: _Astral_SleepClinic_FirstOne_be_careful_changing_far_plane_and_seeing_water_cooler_particles
Cube (1 & 16-24)[s]
On the back of the both portal doorways, there are two unused backings.
To do: Check if this has to do something with _Rain. |
In the area, there is an unused portal door.
To do: Check if this has to do something with _Astral_SleepClinic_FirstOne. |
In the area, there is an unused portal door.
RainNew + RainSplashes | RainOldAndSlowButLeftForReference (Unused) |
There is an unused slower rain variant that looks more like rain drops instead of drizzle-type rain.
Out of bounds, there's a very tall white pillar.
_SleepClinic_ Variant_Portal_SuperWhite
To do: Check if the rest of the disabled items here are unique to this area. |
BSP_SleepClinicFloor (1)
Near the pit, there is an unused wall trim.
Out of bounds, surrounding the room, there is an unused big black cube with one-sided walls.
Cube (3)
Out of bounds, surrounding the room, there is an unused big black double-sided cube that doesn't cover the exit.
Door_Open_002_B_Back_Struc (1)
Out of bounds, near _WalkThroughWindow there is an unused open door.
WallGeneric(Clone) (15 & 16)
Near the right doorway, there are two unused walls.
Exit Sign 1 (1)
At the top of the stairs in the white side of the area, there is an unused exit sign that was probably removed because of redundancy.
In the black side of the area, there are ten unused exit signs that are the same as the ones in the white side.
FloorGeneric(Clone) (2)
In the white side of the area, there is an unused triangle wall.
pb-Stairs-861806 (1)
On the black side of the area, there is an unused staircase.
On the white side of the area, there is an unused wall that is similar to the one used when you walk into the white room.
To do: Check where does this actually go to. |
Near the exit of this area, there is an unused portal door.
WindowFrameCover (1-4)
One of the fake windows has four unused frame pieces connected to it. Oddly, none of the other windows have these pieces connected to them.
Inside the chess room, there is an unused camera that shows just the the chessboard and its pieces. It is not connected to the chess computers in the other levels since that uses brown and blue pieces instead of red and blue pieces.
Stage_FakeWindow_001 (51-53, 57 & 60-68)
To do: Don't know if this is really needed but take screenshots of the rest of the windows. For now, #57 is shown. |
Around the chess room (both inside and outside), there are thirteen unused windows that are different from the used ones.
Stage_TheaterCurtain_001 (1-6)
Inside the chess room, there are six unused curtains on the north wall.
Window_001_B_Hotel_Struc (4)_ExtraneousOneWTFIsThis
Inside the chess room, there an unused window (with a developer note in it's object name) that is more sunk into the wall.
Window_001_B_Hotel_Struc (7)_ThisVanishesWhenYouStartInHere
Inside the chess room, there an unused window (with a developer note in it's object name) that doesn't show when you start in the area.
To do: Check if /PlatformDisable/OutlyingFog is actually used. |
Oddly placed under the food can in _Astral_Checkerboard_Island is an unused food can that is identical to the one that is used.
Oddly placed next to the barrel in _Astral_Checkerboard_Island is an unused barrel that is identical to the one that is used.
Water_Cooler_Common_Prop (Used) | Water_Cooler_Common_Prop_OLD (Unused) |
The water cooler has an unused variant that may look the same but it's 0.3665 smaller by scale and has an UnityEngine.Animator component connected to it.
To do: Properly document OldRoom01, OldRoom02 & Try02. They seem to be just triggers, but it's good to check. |
In the room where you get the cheese ramp, is an unused blue wooden ramp.
Floor (12)
On the second to last floor, there is unused flooring for the black boxes.
Out of bounds, there is thirteen rows of nine red alarm clock displays.
Out of bounds, there is an unused green one-sided ceiling that is similar to the red ceiling that is used.
On the top of the area is a unused giant grabbable black cube.