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This is a sub-page of Swordigo.

Here are a few items which are not used in any levels, probably mostly due to gameplay changes.

Big Health Bottle

A larger version of the health bottle which may have given players more hp when consumed

Textures Machine Name
healthbottle_2x item_healingpotion

Big Mana Bottle

A large mana bottle item, probably it would replenish your magical energy.

Textures Machine Name
manabottle_2x manabottle_big

Gear 1

Pretty simple, just a cog. Maybe it was intended to add some detail to the elevators? Interestingly, it is actually referenced in the main menu scene three times, although it is invisible.

Textures Machine Name
black_2x None

Mana Bottle

A smaller version of the big mana bottle.

Textures Machine Name
manabottle_2x manabottle


A 3D blue and yellow six pointed star object.

Textures Machine Name Animations
sshard_yellow_2x powershard powershard_sparkle

Web Trampoline

A large spiderweb object, maybe designed for the Great Caves. If the character fell onto it with enough downward velocity it would catapult him into the air.


It has this code:

local self, target, normal = ...;

local animation = 106;

if (target:identifier() == "hero") and (normal:y() < -0.5) then
	KeyframeAnimation.SetRunning(self, animation, true);
	KeyframeAnimation.SetCurrentTime(self, animation, 0);
	target:setVelocity(Vector3.New(target:velocity():x(), 700, 0));

Textures Machine Name
sshard_blue_2x web_trampoline

White Stone Block

A block of whiteish stone, probably from the Corrupted Grove.

Textures Machine Name
dreamystone_2x whiteblock