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Title Screen


Developer: Metro
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in JP: February 19, 2009

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

A Japan-only, yet import-friendly series of raising-sim games, where you can train little girls (like in Princess Maker games) to become the next big name idol in the music industry.

This one comes in three editions, not unlike Pokémon: Perfect Sun, Wandering Star, and Missing Moon.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Mode

To do:

Show this in action.

Atleast a picture will do.

By some odd twist of fate, Namco Bandai left an extensive Debug mode in the game, allowing you to practice lessons at your leisure, showing Debug Info on-screen, Sound Test and Movie Viewers.

It also has a model editor, like in Tales of Symphonia, but much more extensive, where you can create custom poses. Needless to say, people abused this feature, which culminated to a polemic similar to the Hot Coffee incident.

These various debugging features can be enabled with the use of CWCheat codes, depending on the version. Open Album Mode, select the character, select video mode, then enable the cheats. Play the video, then press L+R+Select to go to the Flow menu and enter the Debug Mode.

Refer to the Notes for more details.


This game contains 2 checks to determine if is being run on official firmware.

  • The first check uses ScePauth and occurs at random points including when starting the game.
  • The second check is the same but for Office Mode or DLC.

If either check fails (i.e. custom firmware, allows running ISOs), the game will display this following error message and then freezes until the player presses the button to restart the game:


Could not detect legitimate system software.
This product can only be guaranteed to work with legitimate system software.

Then, if the first check fails, the game will loop back to the title screen when entering any option in the main menu.

(Source: internetakias, Original TCRF Research)