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Talk:Earth Defense Force 5 (Windows)
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This is the talk page for Earth Defense Force 5 (Windows).
A heads up for anyone interested in digging around for unused audio:
EDF5 has a *lot* of voice files, to put it mildly. There are 35,298 files, and each language is fully supported, for a total of 141,192 pieces of spoken dialogue. The good news is that a good chunk of them are the same voice line done by different actors. The bad news is that there is a little over 100 missions in the game and the lines are spread out over them, and can even be conditional on how long each phase of a mission takes. Ideally, being able to see the scripting of each mission would quickly narrow it down, but currently there isn't any known debug (no pun intended) mode. Jueg01 (talk)