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Talk:Super Ledgehop: Double Laser
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This is the talk page for Super Ledgehop: Double Laser.
Development: 2020 version unreferenced/removed-ish audio files
final boss theme intro.ogg final boss theme loop.ogg snd_actiontensiontheme.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_chillevent.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_comedyevent.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_coolevent.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_crossettewarn.ogg snd_death17.wav snd_defaultya.wav snd_determinationtheme.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene1.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene2.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene2.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene3.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene3.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_endcutscene4.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_escapetheme.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_finalbossintro.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_finalbosstheme.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_gutsman.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_hypeevent.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_kamurotakethis.wav snd_kamuroya.wav snd_lizkyah.wav snd_noabsorb.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_nomore.wav snd_prebosstheme.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_samplesound_david.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_screechone.wav snd_softevent.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_staydown2.wav snd_superledgehop2.wav snd_survivaltheme.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_takethis.wav snd_testtrack_david.wav snd_titlemusic.mp3 (has corresponding wav file) snd_titlemusic.mp3.sfk snd_yuutointro.ogg (has corresponding wav file) snd_yuutotheme.ogg (has corresponding wav file) sound137.wav sound142.wav sound143.wav sound147.wav sound188.wav sound19.wav sound210.wav sound216.wav sound219.wav sound227.wav super ledgehop 120 bpm stage 1 final maybe.wav testmusic.mp3 track.wav yuuto theme intro.ogg yuuto theme loop.ogg ..\snd_bossthemetest_david.sound.gmx (no corresponding file snd_bossthemetest_david.mp3) ..\snd_samplesound_sonii.sound.gmx (no corresponding file snd_samplesound_sonii) ..\snd_samplesound_ultran.sound.gmx (no corresponding file snd_samplesound_ultran)
It appears this include files that has got converted from mp3 to wav, those may not be too noteworthy, unless if there are differences. --Dobby233Liu (talk) 09:25, 22 January 2024 (UTC)