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Tank Wars

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Title Screen

Tank Wars

Developer: Kenneth Morse
Publisher: Kenneth Morse
Platform: DOS
Released internationally: October 28, 1990

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Tank Wars is an artillery game, much like Scorched Earth. However, it also has team play.

Debug Printouts

Tank Wars-current parameters.png

Enter the command line parameter debug to show the current parameters for the game, a memory stats screen and show some debug print-outs during the game.

Tank Wars-memory screen.png

The player can also just show the memory screen with either showmem or mem.

Revision Differences

Version 1.3

  • Added the option to have computers buy and use the weapons bought.

Version 1.5

  • Added the mass kill command.

Version 2.5

  • Added a new weapon - high powered lasers.

Version 3.0

  • Finally added a help screen that can be accessed in the game by pressing F1.
  • It also added the "boss screen", a screen used to prevent bosses from thinking one was slacking off during work.
  • Entering the command line parameter h showed a complete list of all the commands (except for debug, showmem and mem).

Version 3.1

  • The speed of the laser was made its own parameter.