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Tekken Special

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Title Screen

Tekken Special

Developer: Gamtec
Platform: Unlicensed Genesis
Released in TW: 1996/1997?

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Tekken Special sure is a special version of Tekken 2 all right. It's an unlicensed port where most of the cast can throw fireballs while music from Sonic Championship plays.


TekkenSpecial Jack.png
Apparently, Jack-2 was going to be playable in this port but is inaccessible. If you change the value in RAM address 020A (or 030A for the second player) to 09 on the character select, the cursor will roll over to Jack-2's icon. Jack-2 appears to be completely finished with no quirks or bugs associated with him so it's a mystery as to why he got cut.

His moveset is rather weird compared to the rest of the cast however; some of his moves consist of new combos utilizing his original moves and none of his commands seem to come close to the original ones:

  • Missile - Down, Down-Forward, Forward, B
  • Double Axe - Forward, Down, Down-Forward, B
  • Uppercut - Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back, B
  • Machine Gun Blast - Back, Back, B, B
  • Jack Hammer (Second punch) - Forward, Forward, B
  • Cossack Kicks into Pancake Press - Down, Down-Forward, Forward, C
  • Front Kick, Front Kick, Sweep Kick - Forward, Forward, C
  • 6-Hit Combo - Forward, Forward + C, Forward, Forward + B (can also be performed by holding Forward and pressing B twice)

As shown above, the second player gets a blue palette and his stage is Wang's stage from Tekken 2, which is also unused.

Unused Stage

TekkenSpecial WangJinreiStage.png
Jack-2 was meant to use Wang's stage but since he's inaccessible, so is this stage. The music that plays here is the same track that's used for when fighting Lee.

Unused Graphics

TekkenSpecial Lei.png
Lei may have been planned to be in this game although unlike Jack-2, the only known thing that remains is his name for the character select and the HUD. Lee's name is derived from these tiles as well but the "I" is not used by any other character.

TekkenSpecial UnusedHUDText.png
Unused text for the HUD. The game uses a much bigger font for "Game Over" when you lose the match as well.

Unused Music

This track shows up before all the other tracks in the ROM although it's unknown what this could've been intended for. This track does see the light of day in the first level of Pocket Monster.

Tekken 3 Special

TekkenSpecial Tekken3Special.png
A title hack of Tekken Special although this version is much more known. This simply adds a "3" to the title and also expands the resolution to add it in. This also leaves the menu and the title uncentered and the options screen now has a chunk of empty space to the right.