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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the sequel to the first game, which introduces Miles "Tails" Prower, the iconic Spin Dash, the idea of robot versions of Sonic, and an actual reward for collecting all six seven Chaos Emeralds, the golden-quilled Super Sonic. In 2019, a set of floppy disks owned by former STI member Tom Payne were found and preserved, creating what is now known as the Tom Payne Archives. These included art files for Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and a couple of unreleased games.
Shown are a variety of enemies recovered from art disks used during the game's development. These appear to be early tests for badniks and some are directly based on concept art. While the Buzzer did appear in the game with some alterations, many of these were discarded in the final game.
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