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LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge is a rather rushed successor to the popular LEGO Island. This game started as a tie-in to various product lines from LEGO, headed by Krisalis Software. The developers couldn't scrap their work, so one noticed the main character looked a little like Pepper Roni. Development was then tossed on over to Silicon Dreams, who then tried to hack it into a LEGO Island game, but the project turned out a little too ambitious and it ended up being a case of planning too much without seeing.
Pictured here is an unused area on Adventurers' Island, on the part after Snake Pursuit but before Desert Speedster/Fishing. If you get the camera at the right angle, you can see inside an area by the pyramid. It's a small hallway with four pillars and a coffin at the end. Instead of bothering to remove it altogether, the developers just blocked off the entrance. The player can glitch their way in, but there is nothing to see.
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