The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind/Test Cells
This is a sub-page of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
These rooms were built specifically for development purposes, and are not intended to be found in-game. They can only be reached with the console using the command coc "CELLID".
To do: Screenshot the rooms. |
Cell ID: "ToddTest"
ToddTest (presumably named after Bethesda's Game Director Todd Howard though could also be named after the Associate Producer, Todd Vaughn) is a room, modeled on the Puzzle Canal under Vivec's palace, used for testing, well, pretty much everything. The light brown bowl near where you enter, when used, will give you abnormally high stats, give you items and skills needed to test various parts of the game, and infects you with Porphyric Hemophilia. Also hanging around are five level-centric beasts, a Steam Centurion and six NPCs - three Ordinators, Admiral Rolston, Pretty Kitty and Todd's Super Tester Guy!, who offers every service in the game and has vast amounts of gold. The chests scattered around hold one of every item in the game except for Artifacts. Interestingly, Bloodmoon adds several chests with items specific to that expansion. There are also other items in the test level as well sitting on tables near the chest of books. Among them are soul gems with souls inside them, including an Azura's Star (A reusable soulgem). There are also a couple of Daedric weapons, the Bittercup (which greatly increases your character's highest attribute but greatly lowers the lowest one), and a few ingredients. Todd's Super Testing guy is in the "Blades" faction and attacking him will expell you from it. He also is marked as a guard and will attack the various creatures that spawn in the level upon seeing them attack you, as well as attempt to arrest you if you break the law in the test level.
Featured here is the NPC "Admiral Rolston" as well as various containers. One of the barrels in the front of the screen tests sound effects while the other is for testing lockpicking. The chests behind the Admiral in the back contain every piece of unenchanted armor and weapon from the vanilla game.
Character Stuff Wonderland
Cell ID: "character stuff wonderland"
This place has almost all the armor and weapons in the game... as well as some high-level monsters, so be ready to fight for it. The layout consists of a large circular room using the Dunmer stronghold tileset. Enemies found in here include a Steam Centurian, Ogrim, Skeleton, Clannfear, Dremora Lord, and Kagouti.
Mark's Vampire Test Cell
Cell ID: "mark's vampire test cell"
This cheery place has two vampires and a bed, presumably for testing the process of getting the Vampire Lurgy, having the requisite horrible dreams and becoming a Vampire yourself.
Clutter Warehouse - Everything Must Go!
Cell ID: "Clutter Warehouse - Everything Must Go!"
This bizarre room contains Lord Cluttermonkey, a hostile (and curiously, plot-vital) Argonian farmer with a nearly complete set of Daedric armor and a bizarre weapon called Clutterbane, and an NPC called Used Clutter Salesman who sells useless junk and has no money to buy things. This room houses lots of prop collections and setups for area designers to copy and paste as required. Lord Cluttermonkey may have been marked Essential either by accident or to test the Essential character flag. He is not the only instance of a character unrelated to any part of the main quest being marked as essential. One example is a Nord named Crazy Batou who carries the Bloodworm helmet artifact.
Redoran Interior
Cell ID: "redoran interior"
Seems to be an interior for testing the Redoran Interior tileset.
Redoran Interior2
Cell ID: "redoran interior2"
Pretty much the same deal as the other one.
Ken's Test Hole
Cell ID:"ken's test hole"
An empty room. The walls on the inside allow the player to walk through them into the black abyss. There are some rather valuable weapons floating in the sky above the player just tantalizingly out of reach for some players. Using the console command "tcl" or using a levitation spell can get the player up there. If the player has a high enough acrobatics stat or a strong jump spell it will also work. Provided its range is long enough, a Telekinesis spell can possibly also reach them. Due to the placement of the items above, it's possible that this area may have been used for testing levitation, or the layout was originally much different.