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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion/Unused NPCs

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All NPCs that still exist in NPC form can be placed in-game by entering the command player.placeatme in the console, followed by the specific NPC's provided form ID.

Unused NPCs


ID: 0001D34A

A level 4 Redguard Commoner, Curtis is by far the most complete removed NPC in the game's files. He wears a russet felt outfit and quilted shoes. He also carries leveled middle-class gold, burgundy linens, as well as his own house key. His Editor ID and factions indicate that he would've lived inside his own house in the Imperial City's Temple District. Curtis is part of the Cheydinhal Citizens, IC Citizens, and Eight Cities Couriers Customers factions. He still has an impressive AI schedule set up, including trips to Cheydinhal and visits to the Black Horse Courier building. He also still possesses his unique greeting and Imperial City topic dialogue.


ID: 000837CF

A Redguard Commoner who would've been leveled with the player. She would have appeared in the Imperial City, likely only during the Dark Brotherhood quest Permanent Retirement, if her construction set ID (Dark09Gwendolyn) is to be believed. She wears a quilted doublet, quilted shoes and burgundy linens. She also carries leveled middle-class gold and an iron dagger. She has four AI packages that are unique to her, when combined with other unused content of Permanent Retirement, it shows that Gwendolyn would've been present during Adamus Phillida's retirement ceremony, where she would listen to his speech. Her exact purpose isn't known.

Homraz gra Morgrump

ID: 000234B1

A leveled Orc Thief, she's set to always be two levels lower than the player. Homraz shares a script called Dark05EnforcerScript with the final game's NPC Hides-His-Heart, who appears in Chorrol during the Dark Brotherhood quest The Assassinated Man. The script mentions "Hides-His-Heart and his men", so she would've been some kind of underling. Like Heart, it seems that Homraz would've only existed during the quest. She wears laced leather pants, a coarse linen shirt, but no shoes. She also carries leveled lower-class gold. She's a part of the "Chorrol Citizen" faction, possesses four generic AI packages, and still has three unique lines of dialogue. Two greetings and one line for her Chorrol topic. The last thing of note is that she lacks the usual hyphen in her name.

Imperial Legion Centurions

ID: 00035DFB and 00035DFD

Two level 10 Imperial Knights. Based on their Editor IDs (Dark09CeremonyGuard and Dark09CeremonyGuard2), they would have appeared in the quest Permanent Retirement. Like Gwendolyn, they would appear during a retirement ceremony for Adamus Phillida. Centurion 1 wears a full set of Legion armor, consisting of the boots, greaves, gauntlets, cuirass, and helmet. He carries a silver longsword, leveled lower-class gold, the Imperial Prison Key, and the Imperial Watch Office Key. He has some generic guard AI packages, as well as unique quest-related packages. He's a part of the "IC Citizens" and "Imperial Watch" factions, the latter of which he's ranked Centurion in.

Centurion 2 is nearly identical to the first one, but he does not wear a Legion Helmet and has one different quest-related AI package. Both men still own a bed in The Bastion Tower in the final game.

Lumdum gro-Golpok

ID: 0001DFB3

A level 4 Orc Commoner, he doesn't wear any clothes and only carries leveled lower-class gold. His editor ID indicates that he would've resided in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. He's also a part of the "IC Citizens" faction, further confirming this. He has four generic AI packages, one of which being the package that keeps Imperial City residents inside their homes during the final showdown with Mehrunes Dagon in the main quest.

Lurio Maenius

ID: 00022BBD

A level 4 Imperial Commoner. Lurio wears a belted vest, huntsman leather pants and buckled shoes. He carries an iron dagger, lower-class gold and the key to Matthias Draconis' House, where he would've resided. He's a part of the "IC Citizens" and "Matthias Draconis" factions, the latter intended to make him enter and leave the house without hassle. He still has a unique greeting and a unique Imperial City topic, but he has no AI schedule set up, only possessing a single default AI package. Oddly enough, Matthias does have a housemate in the final game, a man by the name of Collatinus Vedius. Unlike Lurio, Collatinus doesn't have any unique dialogue. Also of note is that while Matthias seemingly always had a housemate, his house only has bedding for himself.

Night Child

ID: 000C509C

A level 50 Dunmer Assassin, as well as a ghost that's marked as always essential, Night Child was meant to appear in the Night Mother's crypt during Honor Thy Mother. He's marked as a Murderer in the Dark Brotherhood faction, and he only wears a beggar's shirt. His only AI package, DBcryptWanderKids indicates that it's possible that multiple instances of this character were meant to appear, to represent the many children the Night Mother had. With this in mind, it's possible that the Night Children were removed due to spacial issues in the small crypt. There's also an unused ghost internally known as "NightChildGhost" that's called "Dark Broodling". It seems that two versions of the Night Mother's children were made, but neither made it into the final game.


ID: 00034E7C

A level 20 Argonian Assassin, he would've been the "Master-of-Assassins" of the Blackwood Company in Leyawiin. He wears a leather helmet, leather cuirass, and leather boots, alongside laced leather pants. He also carries a spare oufit of sack cloth sandals and a sack cloth shirt, as well as a steel shortsword and leveled lower-class gold. Weirdly enough, he has no AI packages at all. Oleed-Ei is still part of the "Leyawiin" and "Blackwood Company" factions, the latter of which he's ranked as a probationary member in. He still has one unique greeting and a unique Leyawiin topic that go unused.

Ris Fralmoton

ID: 00015EA1

A level 4 Imperial Ostler, going by his faction and key, he would've run a horse-related shop or stable in the Imperial City's Market District, called The Bit and Bridle. Ris wears green felt linens, a collared shirt and thick cowhide shoes. He carries the "Bit and Bridle" key, as well as leveled lower-class gold. Ris possesses five generic AI packages and is part of the "IC Citizens" and "IC -- Bit and Bridle" factions. It seems very likely that the Bit and Bridle was replaced with Red Diamond Jewelry in the final game, as owner Hamlof Red-Tooth is still a part of the Bit and Bridle faction, and he still carries the key related to said store. Most importantly is that Ris still owns the vendor chest there, making Hamlof unable to sell his unique item, the Spectre Ring.


ID: 000234B2

A leveled Redguard Thief, he's set to always be one level higher than the player. Like his unused compatriot Homraz, he shares a script called Dark05EnforcerScript with the final game's NPC Hides-His-Heart, who appears in Chorrol during the Dark Brotherhood quest The Assassinated Man. He is still mentioned by name in said script as well and, like Homraz, would've been a goon of Heart. He wears the same laced leather pants and coarse linen shirt, but he has the rough leather shoes to complete the outfit as well. He also carries leveled lower-class gold. He's also a part of the "Chorrol Citizen" faction, and also has four generic AI packages, three of which he shares with Homraz. However, his sleeping package is different from hers. Wallace also possesses two unique greetings and one unique line for his Chorrol topic.

Deleted NPCs

These NPCs were completely removed from the game and as such, no longer exist in NPC form. Their gender, appearance, etc. cannot be known for sure. The only way their existence is known, is due to scripts, AI packages or other leftovers.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Andrus is the first name of an NPC who would've been the Blademaster for the removed Anvil Arena. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Imperial. Andrus' last name is unknown.

Bagdu gro-Molob

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Bagdu appears to have been a Mythic Dawn agent who would've attacked you during the Weynon Priory quest. Their related script BagduGroMolobscript handles getting attacked during the quest and would give them armor and a weapon. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Orc.

Chorrol Woman

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

An Imperial or Breton woman with red hair. She appears in the streets of Chorrol during the E3 showcase, and greets the player with a simple "Good morning." Nothing of her remains in the final game's files, and her name is unknown due to never getting highlighted during the showcase.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

An NPC who was at one point an important character in Leyawiin, as their name appears in the LeyawiinNQDScript. Unused Leyawiin rumors confirm that he's male and that apparently, he often talks without saying anything useful. His race is unknown.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Although the naming convention would dictate that this NPC was a male Khajiit, they were actually Argonian. This is explicitly stated in both a surviving AI package, ArgonianDrofahrStartConversation and dialogue topic, ArgonianDrofahrTopic. The character was related to an earlier version of the Main Quest, where the player would've had to buy the Great Welkynd Stone from him, instead of recovering it from Miscarcand.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Ereek-Wa is only mentioned in a single unused AI package, this package indicates they were part of the Arcane University. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Argonian.

Flavinius Vanidius


A male Imperial who owned "The Foaming Flask", before the character was completely re-written and changed into the Breton, "Ernest Manis". Aside from introducing himself as "Flavinius Vanidius" in greeting, his Imperial City dialogue differs from that of what eventually became Ernest's dialogue. Flavinius would've mentioned that it was possible to sleep at "the Mages Guild - for its members" at the Waterfront; this is likely a mistake, considering there are no guild halls in the Imperial City, and is actually referring to the Arcane University, which is located on the opposite side of the city to the Waterfront. Ernest's dialogue doesn't mention the Mages Guild or Arcane University at all.

Gratus Vonius

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

The only thing known about Gratus is that the player would have incurred a blood price if they killed them during the Thieves Guild quest Taking Care of Lex. Every NPC in that quest that cannot be killed without blood price lives inside of Anvil Castle, hinting that this might've been the same for Gratus. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Imperial.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

An NPC who was at one point an important character in Cheydinhal, as their name appears in the CheydinhalNQDScript. The naming convention would indicate they were a female Nord.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Lichal would've been the dedicated beggar of the Imperial City's Arena District, the only district that doesn't have one. Like most beggars, they likely would've had either a prefix like "Lazy Lichal" or a suffix like "Lichal the Lame" attached to their name. Whatever this may have been, is unknown. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Imperial.

Luc Thierault

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Luc would've been the Blademaster of the removed Skingrad Arena. References to them appear in 5 unused AI packages and their name also appears in the SkingradNQDScript. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Breton.

Marus Antonius

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

An Imperial Bard in Chorrol, who was shown off at E3. He was voiced by Jeff Baker, who was the voice of the male Imperials previously, in Morrowind and who later voiced Haskill in the Shivering Isles expansion. Marus had lots of unique dialogue, such as a greeting, dialogue about Kvatch, and a whole conversation with another deleted NPC called "Nelos Seleno". He wore a black & burgundy outfit and gold trimmed shoes while shown off. Nothing related to him remains in the final game's files.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Meryaran was meant to be a citizen of Chorrol, they only exist in the form of AI packages. They might have been related to the Mages Guild, since their eat package states they would've eaten there. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Altmer.

Murgakh gro-Ushag

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Murgakh only exists in the form of a key called Murgakh gro-Ushag's Key and an AI package called GaturngroGonkVisitMurgakhgroUshag10x0. Murgakh appears to have been replaced by Malintus Ancrus, as the key appears in his possession and the AI package forces Gaturn to seek out Malintus. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Orc.

Nelos Seleno

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

A Dunmer from Chorrol who was shown off at E3. He was also voiced by Jeff Baker. Nelos had unique dialogue, such as a whole conversation with another deleted NPC called "Marus Antonius". Nelos wore a full set of iron armor, except for the helmet, and carried an iron war axe while shown off. Nothing related to him remains in the final game's files.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

It seems like Nerastarel was meant to be a citizen of Skingrad, as there is a house in their name there. The house, and a single line mentioning it are the only proof that Nerastarel over existed, as there's nothing related to them that can be found in the files. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Altmer.

Oghat gro-Othmuk

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Oghat was meant to be a citizen of Chorrol, they only exist in the form of AI packages and a removed conversation called OghatSquabble1. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Orc.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Randal was meant to be a citizen of Chorrol, they only exist in the form of AI packages. The naming convention would indicate they were a male Redguard.

Red Queen

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

The "Red Queen" is only mentioned in a single Cheydinhal rumor. They might have been related to The Black Queen and the deleted quest known only as MS25, although this seems very unlikely, as the former is only ever mentioned in Cheydinhal, while the latter's quest ID is tied to the Imperial City.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Savure is the first name of an NPC who would've been the Blademaster for the removed Cheydinhal Arena. The naming convention would indicate they were a female Dunmer, although the name has been used for males in the past. Savure's last name is unknown.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Sifahtar was meant to be a citizen of Chorrol, they exist in the form of AI packages and a dialogue topic. This topic was meant to be accessed during dialogue with Baurus, hinting that they knew one another. Their sex and race are unknown.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Strantus is the last name of an NPC who would've been a Chorrol citizen. They were apparently offering some sort of work for the player, as part of a removed quest. Townsfolk would've discussed Strantus' appeal for help, saying that they had "heard he was looking for some help" and that it was "not a bad idea if you're looking for some work". Other people may have responded that the work wasn't for them, as they "have too much to do at home". The naming convention would indicate they were a male Imperial, and the remaining rumors confirm this. Strantus' first name is unknown.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Tunengore was an NPC who was related to the original Imperial City Arena, likely as a combatant. A male Altmer with this name appeared in the previous game, Morrowind, hinting that this NPC might've also been a male Altmer.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Vanashti would've been the Blademaster of the removed Leyawiin Arena. Unused Leyawiin rumors claim that she has problems with Skooma and confirm that she's female. The naming convention would indicate that she was a Khajiit.

Voldsea Giryon

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Voldsea was meant to be a citizen of Chorrol, they only exist in the form of AI packages. The naming convention would indicate they were a female Dunmer. A female Dunmer with this name later appeared in Skyrim.

Victoria Delacroix

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Victoria appears to have been the Gatekeeper of the Imperial City Arena, before being replaced by Chorrol's Gatekeeper, Hundolin. Only references to them in AI packages remain. The naming convention would indicate they were a female Breton.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Wears is part of the name of an NPC who would've been the Blademaster for the removed Bravil Arena. There is unused conversation dialogue for NPCs discussing how this character wants more fighters for the arena. The name "Wears" only appears in the BravilNQDScript. It is likely that this character was Argonian, albeit with and the rumor confirms they were male, and that theirs was either a conventional two-word or three-word Argonian name like "Wears-Silk" or "Wears-Silk-Robes", but it is also possible the name was longer.

Questionable Existence

It's unknown if these NPCs were ever meant to exist. Some have stronger cases than others, but they're listed here if there's any uncertainty.

Astay Haymon and Skarla Wirich

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

Astay Haymon and Skarla Wirich are two NPCs mentioned in the Waterfront Tax Records (seen in the quest Untaxing the Poor) that are never seen in-game. It seems their names were merged in order to form the NPC Astav Wirich, who tries to kill you and Baurus in the main quest "The Path of Dawn". The naming convention would indicate that Astay was a male Imperial, and Skarla a female Imperial. While Astay's name is identical to "Astav", it's possible that this is a typo, as final game NPC "Kastav Kvinchal" also has his name misspelled as "Kastav Kvinchal" in the same note.

Black Queen

ID: N/A - Deleted from files

The Black Queen was potentially the "final boss" of the deleted quest known only by its internal name "MS25". The name "Black Queen" comes from an inaccessible cell in Unmarked Cave known as "Unmarked Cave Black Queen's Hall". Inside this cell is the only remaining part of the deleted quest known as "MS25", a chest internally known as "ChestMS25DungeonMythicEnemyRare01". Enemies in Oblivion that are considered "Mythic" are Imps, Trolls, Will-o-the-Wisps, Spriggans, Minotaurs, Land Dreughs, and Ogres. Based on the very limited information available to us, there's a chance the "Black Queen" was a humanoid NPC, but there seems to be an even bigger chance that she was one of these mythic enemies.


ID: N/A - Deleted from files

This name is mentioned in a single unused AI package called "BorogondVisitGlistel14x3". Borogond might have been a different NPC, or this was an early name or misspelling of Bongond, an NPC in the final game. The naming convention would indicate that they were a male Bosmer.