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The Faery Tale Adventure (DOS)

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Title Screen

The Faery Tale Adventure

Also known as: The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I
Developers: MicroIllusions, Sculptured Software
Publisher: MicroIllusions
Platform: DOS
Released in US: 1988
Released in EU: 1989

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.

To do:
Do the rest of these arguments do anything? Also, apparently, there are cheat keys, but it doesn't seem like they work in this version.

Undocumented Command Line Arguments

Inside of the game are some parameters that are recognized on the command prompt. However, the game's manual doesn't go into any detail with these and these appear to be disabled.

Command Line Argument Effect
-ccbskjspmstw Unknown
-k Adds delay to keyboard movements.
-m Disables sounds completely.
-nomouse Disables mouse cursor.
-save Disables saves.
-verydark Unknown
-y Unknown
-x Unknown