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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2/Debug & Unused Maps

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2.

To do:
Replace all of these images here one day from either a console source or once RPCS3 becomes more developed.



You can access everything in this page with a hex editor and a decrypted save from this game. It is advised to download HxD as your hex editor, however you can use any that you are comfortable with. These steps are for the PlayStation 3 version.

  • 1. Download a hex editor such as HxD. Any hex editor will do.
  • 3. Go somewhere around offset 0x36 in your decrypted save file with your hex editor.
  • 4. Once at somewhere around offset 0x36 you should see something like this in the text section of your hex editor: m3500. Depending on where you saved, this text and offset will be different. You will see this text "m3500" somewhere around that offset if you have saved in Reverie Corridor - Base.
  • 5. Once you have found that text, in the hex section of your hex editor, not the text section, overwrite that spot with this hex string: 613031333700. This will take you to a blank map.
  • 6. Save your edit in your hex editor.
  • 7. Re-encrypt your save file.
  • 8. Load your game.
  • 9. Save your game (while inside the blank map). Only do this step once.
  • 10. Repeat step 5 each time you want to appear in a map of your choice, but now with any hex string in this page. After that, go through the steps: 6, 7, and 8.

Doing these steps will ensure you that the maps in this page load correctly. You do not need to repeat loading a blank map each time. If you end up saving again by accident, it is advised to repeat loading and then saving inside the blank map again.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug & Test Maps

a0000 (Main Debug Map)

Hex string:613030303000

The main test map with a lot of options. All of these options listed below start from the very left of the map. This is almost the same as the debug map listed in Trails of Cold Steel. The debug options this time around have changed. Going into map a0100 will crash the game. There isn't many exits in this map compared to the first game. The only exits that work are a0500, a0200 and a0004.

Cold Steel 2 a0000 1.png

  • Talking to the Male NPC (System Test) will display these debug options:

Cold Steel 2 a0000 2.png

Menu Option Effect
Emotion test Allows you to view and play emotion settings here.
These are icons that pop up over a NPC.
Popup test These will display text boxes in different spots on the screen.
Bike customize Allows you to change your bike textures here.
Face up test Displays a test text box that goes through a series of scripting tests and also moves Rean around.
Place name, person name display test Displays the text "Thors Military Academy" in Japanese.
Text test Displays a heart symbol, registered symbol, copyright symbol, and a trademark symbol.
General test Moves Rean around in a certain pattern.
Minigame test Allows you to race against Jusis or race against Angelica.
To Reverie Corridor base Sends you to the Reverie Corridor.
Reverie Corridor - Elements fixed order Allows you to change the element order in Reverie Corridor.

Inside Emotion test.

Cold Steel 2 a0000 2 menu.png

These options allow you to view all of the emotion icons over characters here. You can position the NPC here as well.

  • Talking to the first female NPC (Battle Test Guy) will display these debug options:

Cold Steel 2 a0000 3.png

This allows you to go into battle with various settings and enemies.

  • Talking to the second female NPC (Event Jump Guy) will display these debug options:

Cold Steel 2 a0000 4.png

This allows you to jump to all of the story events and story related boss battles here.

  • Talking to the third female NPC (Quest Guy) will display these debug options:

Cold Steel 2 a0000 5.png

This allows you to view and choose quests, bonding events, choose if students are your ally or not, black record events, and more special quest related events.

  • Talking to Test Guy 1 and Test Guy 2 will yield a simple test conversation of them saying "Hey".

a0001 (Heimdallr)

Hex string:613030303100

A completed version of Heimdallr with a test NPC that doesn't do anything. There isn't anything to do here.

In the PC version of the game, talking to this NPC will unlock all 51 achievements without warning.

Cold Steel 2 a0001.png

a0002 (Lighting Test Map)

Hex string:613030303200

Inside this map are only two NPCs this time around that allow you to change screen tint and color along with various other screen effects. This map also has a 2D sprite of Noel Seeker from Zero no Kiseki in it (?).

Cold Steel 2 a0002 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0002 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0002 3.png

a0003 (Horse Test Map)

Hex string:613030303300

This test map is located in Celdic. Going near these three NPCs will put you on a horse. Once you're on the horse you will need to ride over to the NPCs then dismount to talk to them.

Cold Steel 2 a0003 1.png

  • Talking to Scenario Test Guy will yield these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0003 2.png

Selecting Cut-in Test will display various shots of Rean inside Valimar. Selecting either Act 1 Test or Act 2 Onwards Test will place certain restrictions on your party. Monitor Test will bring the monitor from the Courageous in front of you and display various testing scripts.

  • Talking to Battle Test Guy will yield these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0003 3.png

These two options relate to tutorial battles.

  • Talking to Horse Test Guy will display this text:
There are two entries - an event that begins with you on a horse, and an event that begins with you off one. 
Please test both. These are planned to take place in the Nord Highlands part of Act 1.

After which you will select horse riding partners.

a0004 (Object Test Map)

Hex string:613030303400

This map has a assortment of random objects and platforms.

Cold Steel 2 a0004 1.png

  • Speaking to the male NPC on the left of the map will give you a lot of random text on screen and play speech from your party.
  • Speaking to the Pom near the male NPC will open this window:

Cold Steel 2 a0004 2.png

These options put you in battle with different enemies. Defeating enemies using this menu will grant you a Zemurian Ore Crystal each time.

a0006 (Debug Map)

To do:
Sort these menu options out better.

Hex string:613030303600

This map contains a lot of system related debug functions. You can set your notebook progress, play mini games, view shops, set party members, and more.

Cold Steel 2 a0006 1.png

  • Talking to Notebook Man will display these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0006 2.png

These options allow you to set various notebook states. You can unlock all notebook and medal related features with this menu.

  • Talking to Minigame Test will display these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0006 3.png

These options allow you to play any mini game here. You cannot play Mishy anymore as that is no longer in this game.

  • Talking to Shop Test will display these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0006 4.png

These options send you inside shop menus.

  • Talking to System Test Man will display these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0006 5.png

These options allow you to set various system related information here. You can do things like set your party members, set the title screen type, add party members to the camp menu, check and submit quests, change the chapter flags, and more.

  • Talking to System Test Man 2 will display these options:

Cold Steel 2 a0006 6.png

These options allow you to view flash back cut-ins from the first game, set Link EXP, lock party members so you cant change their equipment, change Rean's party icon to either his student uniform or his mid-story uniform, and more.

a0008 (Trails of Something Map)

Hex string:613030303800

This map is mostly the same as the one in Trails of Cold Steel, however this one has more objects and a few unknown monster models in it. This map also contains a donut ring.

Cold Steel 2 a0008 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0008 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0008 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0008 4.png Cold Steel 2 a0008 5.png

The unknown monster in the fourth image may possibly be named "Diablo" as that monster was in a folder named diablo from one of the developer's computers before compiling into that game's native format. It was in a separate folder from everything else.

a0010 (Battle Test Map)

Hex string:613030313000

This map contains a set of Poms. They are Event battle pom, Battle pom, and Victory pom. Speaking to anyone of them will yield different battle options.

Cold Steel 2 a0010 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0010 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0010 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0010 4.png

a0011 (Portrait Test)

Hex string:613030313100

To do:
Go through all of the graphics here and see if there is any unused.

This map is exactly the same as the map in Trails of Cold Steel.

a0014 (Door Test Map)

Hex string:613030313400

This map contains probably all of the doors in the game. Walking into them will open them.

Cold Steel 2 a0014 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0014 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0014 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0014 4.png

a2000 (Snowboard Test Map)

Hex string:613230303000

This map appears to be a snowboard test map that is very big.

Cold Steel 2 a2000 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2000 2.png


Hex string:613230303100

This map is exactly the same as the one found in Trails of Cold Steel.

a2002 (Icon Test Map)

Hex string:613230303200

This map contains all of the event icons in the game.

Cold Steel 2 a2002 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2002 2.png Cold Steel 2 a2002 3.png

a2003 (Terrain Test Map)

Hex string:613230303300

This will take you to a map with large square tiles on the ground that play different SFX and visual effects when walking on them.

a2005 (Divine Knight Test Map)

Hex string:613230303500

This map will allow you to view animations relating to Divine Knights, such as the cutscene animations relating to the Vermilion Apocalypse.

Cold Steel 2 a2005 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 2.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 3.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 4.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 5.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 6.png Cold Steel 2 a2005 7.png

a2006 (Infernal Castle Animation Test Map)

Hex string:613230303600

Once you enter this map, it will play the animation when the Infernal Castle first appears. There is nothing interesting to do in this map.

a2007 (Weapon Test Map)

Hex string:613230303700

This map contains all of McBurn's weapon forms, assault rifles and snowboards.

Cold Steel 2 a2007 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2007 2.png Cold Steel 2 a2007 3.png Cold Steel 2 a2007 4.png

a2008 (Title Screen Test Map)

Hex string:613230303800

Speaking to the NPC in this map will let you view the different title screens.

Cold Steel 2 a2008.png

ba0000 (Battle Test Map 1)

Hex string:62613030303000

This map is exactly the same as the one found in Trails of Cold Steel.

ba0001 (Battle Test Map 2)

Hex string:62613030303100

Exactly the same map as above.

ba0002 (Battle Test Map 3)

Hex string:62613030303300

In this map is a blue background with a brownish floor.

Cold Steel 2 ba0002.png

Animation Test Maps

In this section are maps that contain a lot of NPCs with animations you can view by speaking to Towa in any of these maps.

a0005 (Animation Test Map 1)

Hex string:613030303500

This map contains various options to view NPC character animations. Not all of these options appear to work as this map is missing the correct NPCs to play them.

Cold Steel 2 a0005 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0005 2.png

a0007 (Animation Test Map 2)

Hex string:613030303700

This map has a lot of characters in it. Speaking to Towa will play a lot of animations for each character here.

Cold Steel 2 a0007 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0007 2.png

a0013 (Animation Test Map 3)

Hex string:613030313300

This map contains a lot of characters in their various animated states.

Cold Steel 2 a0013 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0013 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0013 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0013 4.png

a0101 (Animation Test Map 4)

Hex string:613031303100

This map contains a lot of characters. Speaking to anyone here will begin a scripted eye test where they open and close their eyes in various states. Speaking to Rean (Orge) will open a menu allowing you to play a lot of animations.

Cold Steel 2 a0101 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0101 2.png

a0102 (Animation Test Map 5)

Hex string:613031303200

This map contains a mixture of characters. Speaking to anyone here will begin a scripted eye test where they open and close their eyes in various states.

Cold Steel 2 a0102.png

a0103 (Animation Test Map 6)

Hex string:613031303300

A point of interest here is that Marquis Hyarms appears here but is never used in the game. Speaking to anyone here will begin a scripted eye test where they open and close their eyes in various states.

Cold Steel 2 a0103.png

a0104 (Animation Test Map 7)

Hex string:613031303400

This map contains an assortment of characters. Speaking to anyone here will begin a scripted eye test where they open and close their eyes in various states.

Cold Steel 2 a0104 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0104 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0104 3.png

a0193 (Animation Test Map 8)

Hex string:613031393300

This map contains a few monsters in it. Playing animations from the list here do not appear to work.

Cold Steel 2 a0193 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0193 2.png

a0194 (Animation Test Map 9)

Hex string:613031393400

This map contains a lot of NPCs. Speaking to Towa will allow you to play their animations. Patrick in his unused school performance costume is seen here. This is only used in the first game.

Cold Steel 2 a0194 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0194 2.png

a0195 (Animation Test Map 10)

Hex string:613031393500

Another map that contains a lot of NPCs. Speaking to Towa will make Sara move from side to side.

Cold Steel 2 a0195.png

a0196 (Animation Test Map 11)

Hex string:613031393600

To do:
See if there is any unused animations here.

Another map that contains a lot of NPCs. Speaking to Towa will make various NPCs animate, such as Rean grabbing Osborne's collar. It's unclear if the animation where Claire hugs Rean and where Sharon sucks Rean's finger is unused or not.

Cold Steel 2 a0196 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0196 2.png

a0197 (Animation Test Map 12)

Hex string:613031393700

Another map that contains a lot of NPCs. There doesn't appear to be a Towa anywhere to speak to so you can't play animations.

Cold Steel 2 a0197 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0197 2.png

a0198 (Animation Test Map 13)

To do:
See if there is any unused animations here.

Hex string:613031393800

This map mostly contains antagonists in their animated battle stances. Rufus is named Luciferia here for some reason. Speaking to Towa will play animations after the final battle in Reverie Corridor and a few other miscellaneous animations.

Cold Steel 2 a0198 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0198 2.png

a0199 (Animation Test Map 14)

To do:
See if there is any unused animations here.

Hex string:613031393900

Another map that contains a lot of NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0199 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0199 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0199 3.png

Character Viewing Maps

In these maps you can view all of the playable characters and NPCs.

a0120 (Character Viewing Map 1)

Hex string:613031323000

This map contains all of the students that can board the Courageous.

Cold Steel 2 a0120.png

a0121 (Character Viewing Map 2)

Hex string:613031323100

This map contains all of the Celdic NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0121.png

a0122 (Character Viewing Map 3)

Hex string:613031323200

This map contains all of the nobles from Bareahard.

Cold Steel 2 a0122.png

a0123 (Character Viewing Map 4)

Hex string:613031323300

This map contains all of the NPCs from Roer.

Cold Steel 2 a0123.png

a0124 (Character Viewing Map 5)

Hex string:613031323400

This map contains Butlers, Maids, and Nord Villagers.

Cold Steel 2 a0124.png

a0125 (Character Viewing Map 6)

Hex string:613031323500

This map contains Military, Yaegers and Police NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0125.png

a0126 (Character Viewing Map 7)

Hex string:613031323600

This map contains a mixture of common folk, workers, Arseid School Students and St Astaria NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0126.png

a0127 (Character Viewing Map 8)

Hex string:613031323700

This map contains all of the animals in the game.

Cold Steel 2 a0127.png

a0130 (Character Viewing Map 9)

Hex string:613031333000

This map contains Music Academy students, Patrick's Lackeys, and Arseid School Students.

Cold Steel 2 a0130.png

a0131 (Character Viewing Map 10)

Hex string:613031333100

This map contains all of the students.

Cold Steel 2 a0131.png

a0132 (Character Viewing Map 11)

Hex string:613031333200

This map contains an assortment of NPCs. Elementary school kids, teachers, and common folk.

Cold Steel 2 a0132.png

a0133 (Character Viewing Map 12)

Hex string:613031333300

This map contains all of Barahard's NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0133.png

a0134 (Character Viewing Map 13)

Hex string:613031333400

This map contains Roer NPCs with Military and Nord villagers.

Cold Steel 2 a0134.png

a0135 (Character Viewing Map 14)

Hex string:613031333500

This map contains Military, Yaegers, Students, Church, and Police NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0135.png

a0136 (Character Viewing Map 15)

Hex string:613031333600

This map contains Students, Upper-class students, and the Courageous crew NPCs.

Cold Steel 2 a0136.png

a0138 (Character Viewing Map 16)

Hex string:613031333800

This map is the same as a0127 (Character Viewer Map 8) except it does not have Aragetlam in it.

a0139 (Character Viewing Map 17)

Hex string:613031333900

This map contains a few side quest characters such as Lakelord III. It is unclear where the rest are from. The other NPC names are Mimi, Abel, Ryuu and Anri.

Cold Steel 2 a0139.png

Monster Viewing Maps

In this section are maps that contain all of the monsters in the game that you can view by entering these maps listed below. Talking to any monster in this section will play their in-battle animations.

a0200 (Monster Viewing Map 1)

Hex string:613032303000

This map has a set of monsters here. This map can also be accessed from the debug map: a0000 (Main Debug Map).

Cold Steel 2 a0200.png

a0201 (Monster Viewing Map 2)

Hex string:613032303100

This map mostly contains Legram enemies. There is also an unused Og Jior here which Rean only fights in the schoolhouse in the first game. Another unused enemy is the Red Dragoon.

Cold Steel 2 a0201 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0201 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0201 3.png

a0202 (Monster Viewing Map 3)

Hex string:613032303200

This map mostly contains enemies in Nord.

Cold Steel 2 a0202 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0202 2.png

a0203 (Monster Viewing Map 4)

To do:
Clarify if the Redback Lateran Spider is unused.

Hex string:613032303300

This map mostly contains Cryptids. The Black Unsurtr (Temp) is unused.

Cold Steel 2 a0203 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0203 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0203 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0203 4.png

a0204 (Monster Viewing Map 5)

Hex string:613032303400

This map mostly contains enemies located in the Reverie Corridor. The Dimension Bug 2 is unused.

Cold Steel 2 a0204 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0204 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0204 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0204 4.png

a0205 (Monster Viewing Map 6)

Hex string:613032303500

This map contains another set of enemies located in the Reverie Corridor.

Cold Steel 2 a0205.png

a0206 (Monster Viewing Map 7)

Hex string:613032303600

This map contains Soldats and Tildawns.

Cold Steel 2 a0206 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0206 2.png

a0207 (Monster Viewing Map 8)

Hex string:613032303700

This map contains side quest monsters and Cryptids. The Yukirinko monster is unused.

Cold Steel 2 a0207 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0207 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0207 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0207 4.png Cold Steel 2 a0207 5.png

a0208 (Monster Viewing Map 9)

To do:
Clarify if the Mothman, Iwahapael, Konpe, Shadow Dancer 2 and the Regna Crocus are unused or not.

Hex string:613032303800

This map mostly contains robot and insect enemies.

Cold Steel 2 a0208 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0208 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0208 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0208 4.png Cold Steel 2 a0208 5.png Cold Steel 2 a0208 6.png

Vehicle Viewing Maps

In this section are maps that contain vehicles and Soldats that you can view by entering these maps listed below.

a0500 (Vehicle Viewing Map 1)

Hex string:613035303000

This map contains all of the vehicles in the game, such as tanks, trains, and airships. This map can also be accessed from the debug map: a0000 (Main Debug Map).

Cold Steel 2 a0500 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0500 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0500 3.png

a0501 (Vehicle Viewing Map 2)

To do:
Clarify if there is anything unused in this map.

Hex string:613035303100

This map contains all of the Soldats and Divine Knights in the game.

Cold Steel 2 a0501 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0501 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0501 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0501 4.png

Extra Test Maps

Unsorted test maps that don't quite fit any category.

a0012 (Unused Trista)

Hex string:613030313200

This map appears to contain old dialog from the first game when speaking to NPCs. This version of Trista does not have any trees and the layout is slightly different.

Cold Steel 2 a0012 1.png Cold Steel 2 a0012 2.png Cold Steel 2 a0012 3.png Cold Steel 2 a0012 4.png


Hex string:613230303900

This map contains a few Cryptids and Soldats.

Cold Steel 2 a2009 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2009 2.png


Hex string:613230313000

This map contains the Railway Military Police trains. That's all this map appears to contain.

Cold Steel 2 a2010.png


This map cannot be normally loaded as it is missing assets no longer present on the disc. When loaded, you will appear in Celdic's train station with the Eisengraf stationed at it. There isn't anything to do here.

Cold Steel 2 a2011 1.png Cold Steel 2 a2011 2.png Cold Steel 2 a2011 3.png

Unused Maps

Unfortunately, this time around there isn't as much unused maps as the first game had.

e7090 (Unfinished Courageous - 5F 1)

Hex string:653730393000

A version of the Courageous with a different map layout where most of the floors seem to blend into each other.

Cold Steel 2 e7090.png

e7091 (Unfinished Courageous - 5F 2)

Hex string:653730393100

A version of the Courageous with a different map layout where all of the floors seem to blend into each other.

Cold Steel 2 e7091.png

e9900 (Infinity Labyrinth)

An early map of the Reverie Corridor or possibly a planned extension of it. This map crashes when trying to normally load it as it is referencing assets that are no longer present in the game. The assets in this map that had to be replaced was the sky and warp gate. Walking through the gate will crash the game.

Cold Steel 2 e9900 1.png Cold Steel 2 e9900 2.png Cold Steel 2 e9900 3.png Cold Steel 2 e9900 4.png Cold Steel 2 e9900 5.png Cold Steel 2 e9900 6.png

Selecting Regular will remove all NPCs from the map. Selecting Reverie Corridor will remove all of the Phantasmal Mirror party members. Selecting Infinity Labyrinth will put all of the Phantasmal Mirror party members back along with Claimh Solais and Grianos. The option, GAMESTART does not function. Speaking to Geroge will allow you to change Quartz and rest.

Below is the full list of NPCs and party members in this map.

tovar (Toval)
clausoras (Claimh Solais)
glianos (Grianos)

c2000 (Unused Crossbell City)

Hex string:6332303030000

This version of Crossbell is similar to the one seen in the title screen with Rixia and Lloyd. However, this isn't the same map. That title screen map is e3060. This version has more of a finished layout and has doors that open.

Cold Steel 2 c2000 1.png Cold Steel 2 c2000 2.png Cold Steel 2 c2000 3.png Cold Steel 2 c2000 4.png Cold Steel 2 c2000 5.png Cold Steel 2 c2000 6.png

m4551 (Infernal Castle - Highest Stratum (Unused)

It's unclear what this map would have been. It might have been an early elevator map for the Infernal Castle. This map does not load under normal circumstances as some textures are no longer in the game which would normally result in a crash. Besides the elevator scrolling in the background with missing textures, there is nothing else to see or do in this map. This map has no scene data either which loads text, NPCs, and events.

Cold Steel 2 m4551.png

m4559 (Infernal Castle - Highest Stratum (Unused)

It's unclear what this map would have been. Another map that would normally crash the game due to missing textures / objects. This map was completely missing its entire map data, as such it needed to be replaced in order to load. The only thing that would be normally in this map would be the grey ground, and the orb charging station. The background here is not how it would have looked.

Cold Steel 2 m4559.png

Inside Ymir Bathhouse

Normally you cannot enter here, however it appears to be fully textured and can be entered from the hotsprings when inside the springs itself which is not normally possible to control Rean in that map.

Cold Steel 2 Ymir 1.png Cold Steel 2 Ymir 2.png