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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Map Data/MapObject Rooms

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Map Data.

Early Level Geometry

While most maps are tile-based, with their model files automatically generated by the map editor, there are some rooms that had custom models made for them, for example boss arenas and interiors, allowing for more immersive camera angles during cutscenes.
Those areas are implemented using separate models, which are loaded into the respective map and are used for the entire geometry of the respective area.

These models are stored in a separate directory, and Nintendo did not remove the original models that are stored natively inside the map files themselves, so we can explore them in their early, unfinished state here!

Of note is that the minimaps shown on the top screen are actually generated from the tilemap by the map editor, just like the unused, native map models. Therefore, they don't actually reflect the models actually used in-game. This is usually not very obvious since the basic layout tends to be similar, but in some areas the mismatch is very clear. However, since many of these rooms are interiors or areas that can only be accessed during cutscenes (or have the camera set up to show the 3D viewport on both screens), these minimaps are usually not seen.

Temple of the Ocean King

Early Model Final Model
Dngn main f.png Room main.jpg

Ghost Ship Pre-Dungeon Room

The mismatched minimap is very obvious here.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH dngn ghost main early.png Zelda PH dngn ghost main final.png

Bellum Pre-Boss Room

This is the room right before you fight Bellum.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH bellum preboss room early.png Zelda PH bellum preboss room final.png

Tetra Cutscene Room

This is the room on the Ghost ship where you find Tetra after fighting the boss.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH dngn ghost tetra dem early.png Zelda PH dngn ghost tetra dem final.png

Spirit Island Shrine

This is the early version of the Shrine Room on Spirit Island.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH room shrine early.png Zelda PH room shrine final.png

Golden Frog Room

This is the early version of the Golden Frog Room on "Unknown Island".

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH room frog early.png Zelda PH room frog final.png

Boss Rooms

Early Bellumbeck Arena

Early Model Final Model
Boss last 3 00 01.png Boss final3rd.png


Temple of Fire boss arena.

Early Model Final Model
Boss flame early.png Boss flame final.jpg


Ghost Ship boss arena.
Map name is "boss_ghost", MapObject name is "boss_phantom".

Early Model Final Model
Boss ghost early.png Boss phantom final.png


Temple of Ice boss arena.
Map name is "boss_water", MapObject name is "boss_ice".

Early Model Final Model
Boss water early.png Boss ice final.png


Temple of Courage boss arena.

Early Model Final Model
Boss pluck early.png Boss pluck final.png


Goron Temple boss arena.

Early Model Final Model
Boss power early.png Boss power final.png


Temple of Wind boss arena.
This early version of the room can be seen in pre-release material.

Pre-release screenshot.
Early Model Final Model
Boss wind early.png Boss wind final.png


Mutoh's Temple boss arena.
Map name is "boss_wisdom", MapObject name is "boss_philos".

Early Model Final Model
Boss wisdom early.png Boss philos final.png

Early Steel Interiors

After fighting the respective bosses, you enter a room where you get the sacred Metal. In the final game, those are once again handled as MapObjects, including leftover original level geometry.

Goron Temple Metal Room

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH power metal room.png Zelda PH steel red int.png

Ice Temple Metal Room

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH water metal room.png Zelda PH steel blue int.png

Mutoh's Temple Metal Room

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH wisdom metal room.png Zelda PH steel green int.png

Early House Interiors

There are a few unused house interiors present. While all final house interiors are properly labeled, these aren't. Some of these were used in the E3 demo map, the others are presumably early versions for other maps.



room_a_1 was used for the top right house, room_a_1_1 used for the top left house, and room_a_1_3 for the bottom house on the beach section of the E3 demo map. room_a_1_2 was not used.


Ember Island

Ember Island is a bit of an exception here in the sense that the early non-MapObject house interiors are still present in the map files with their level geometry intact!


This is the room of Astrid's assistant.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH room fire early.png Zelda PH room fire final.png


This is the room of Astrid.

Early Model Final Model
Zelda PH room fortune early.png Zelda PH room fortune final.png