The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Unused Rooms/Page Four
This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Unused Rooms.
Page 4 of 4.
Unused Rooms
An unused Ghost Ship interior. Jumping down to the lower floor of the ship will spawn two Stalfos enemies. When you defeat the enemies, no ladder appears; however, you can use your Hookshot on the chest to get to it. It contains a Triforce Chart. The only other objects on the lower floor are six skulls which don't give you anything when broken. If you look at the area behind where you start you'll see it looks like the pirate ship, not the Ghost Ship.
This group is the same as PShip2, but everything is gloomier and the roof is slightly different as shown in the video below.
Room 12 - Room 15:
Room12.arc and Room15.arc, respectively, are corridors with an interesting motif different from the one seen in the final Tower of the Gods. This motif is present in all of the unused rooms here.
Room12.arc has a small pit, which can be crossed by a light bridge spawned by stepping on a switch. This switch doesn't seem to be set correctly, however, as stepping on it freezes Link in whatever animation he's in; he can still be controlled, however, and reverts to normal when taken off the switch. Stepping off the switch also immediately deactivates the bridge. Room15.arc has no pit, and uses two Beamos instead. Two regular statues can also be found here.
Room 19:
This spacious room, Room19.arc, is an enigma. Its .dzr file is almost empty - it doesn't even contain a spawn point for Link, which is why this room isn't accessible in-game. Because of this lack of objects, it's anyone's guess as to what this room was for. If Link looks up, there is a hole in the ceiling right above the middle of the room; there was probably a warp that led out of the room. Most likely, it was a very early boss room, or at least was the room that preceded Room20, the early bell tower. If Link walks towards the doorway, the screen fades out and Link enters the final version's boss chamber.
The reason for this exit existing, as well as the lack of objects in the room, has a possible explanation when one looks at the position of Room18, the outdoor hall just before the Tower's final boss room, and Room19. Room18's access to the boss room juts into Room19 while the doors in both maps are otherwise lined up perfectly. It could be that during the Tower's refurbishment, the hard-coded exit to Gohdan's room in the dungeon's global actor file hadn't been implemented yet. Instead, the developers set the floor collision near the entrance of Room19 to start a warp, and set that warp to the final's boss room. Thus, when the player would open the boss door and Link would go inside, Room19 would be loaded, and the warp to the boss room would be triggered. Since Room18 has that jut into Room19, the player would never see Room19. In the event that this is true, it is very likely that this room's actors were nixed in order to prevent anything (events or otherwise) from interfering with Room19's new passive purpose as a redirect.
The picture below demonstrates the jut. Room19 is to the left, and Room18 is to the right. The gold geometry near the center of the image marks Room19's outer boundary.
Room 20:
Room20.arc was supposed to be the top of the Tower of the Gods. While the bell object, kui, is still loaded, it doesn't fit in the bell tower; the bell model was changed - probably when the dungeon itself went through the redesign that scrapped this motif. It's worth noting that there is no room like this in the final dungeon. After beating Gohdan, Link is teleported to the map ADMumi. Based on the positions of Room19.arc and Room20.arc in relation to each other, it seems that Link would have entered Room19 first and teleported up to Room20. A video of this room is shown below.
Room 23:
Room23.arc is an older version of the mini-boss room, which itself was moved to the folder res/Stage/SirenMB at some point. The collision mesh, for whatever reason, is the same as the final version. Defeating the Darknut will net the player the Hero's Bow like in the final, though trying to exit through the door causes Link to just fall. Interestingly, this room was featured in one of the images sent to the press (the rightmost image of the three above).
Another mini-dungeon in which you battle various enemies. The center room contains a pile of boxes with some green rupees, while the last room contains a chest with a Triforce Chart.
Room02.arc seems to contain the final Ghost Ship interior, which has a Triforce Chart, but the other two rooms are unused; Room0.arc has a chest that contains only 50 Rupees, while Room01.arc has a chest that contains 100 Rupees.
This is another version of the Bomb Island cave, which has a few box puzzles. A chest containing 100 Rupees can be found here.
Room01.arc is a cave used in-game, but the other archives are unused copies of the Ghost Ship. Interestingly, there is no chest, and when the enemies are defeated, there's no special scene when the ladder falls.
This seems to have been a testing area for the decorations Link can place around Windfall Island. It uses the same model as the enemy testing rooms in KATA_RM. For some reason, the collision mesh has different dimensions than the KATA_RM model. The collision mesh only takes up 1/4th of the floor space and the ceiling on the mesh is higher than that of the model.
Room0 is the Bird's Peak Triforce Chart Cave, but the other 6 rooms are unused. In the middle room, there is an Armos Knight that remains completely immobile until you have beaten the Moblins located in the four rooms on the sides. The four doors to the side chambers are blocked, but can be opened by hitting the floating eye switches above them; interestingly, these eye switches use the older model and not the final one. Once the Armos Knight is defeated, the last door with the grid will open. The final room contains a chest, but its content is unknown due to the replacement file "Stage.arc" for the Room0. To exit TF_03 in the first room, it is essential to open the chest.
TF_05 has a similar room setup as TF_03, but TF_05 has a proper entrance room (bottom room in the top right picture). For some reason, there is always a circle of light surrounding Link even though he isn't holding a torch. There are a total of nine Skull Hammer switches in the middle hallway: two between the first pair of side chambers after the entrance room, the rest between the last pair of side chambers. The switches in the main hallway unlock the doors to the side chambers, which all contain Bokoblins. You can only progress down the main hallway and to the last room when you defeat all the Bokoblins.
The last room contains a treasure chest with 100 rupees. Once you collect it, you are able to leave through the entrance room, and doing so will make you emerge from a hole on Stone Watcher Island. In the final version of the game, the hole you come out of contains a Triforce Chart.
This group contains only one room. There are four Darknuts to fight in this room and they appear one at a time after defeating the previous Darknut. The prize for defeating them is a chest containing 200 rupees. There are blockaded doors that cannot be unlocked. When all enemies are defeated, a warp in the center of the room appears. Using it will take Link to the docks of Outset Island.
What is unique about this internal group that this room is in is that the arc for this room is called Room1.arc. This is unusual because most (if not all) of the groups have a Room0.arc, while this group does not. This suggests that this group originally had more rooms accompanying it and ended up being scrapped or moved elsewhere. This idea isn't too far-fetched since there are a number of doors in this room, none of which Link can enter.
The art studio that should have been located in the top of Tingle Tower, as mentioned in the description of Knuckle's statue in the Nintendo Gallery. Further evidence supporting this is that the windows in the room are on the same wall and are shaped like the eyes on top of Tingle Tower. If that wasn't enough, the internal name of the room is "tincle", which the game internally uses to refer to Tingle.
The only items of interest in the room are a canvas in the corner of the room and a table to the side of it. The table has broken collision. If walked into, Link gets crushed and the room is reset. Strangely, the walls, ceiling, and floor use the same texture as the one on the canvas. The room is devoid of anything unique that Link can interact with; the only object that does work is the doorway, and using it to exit the room takes you to the ground of Tingle Island.
Judging by the name, it seems that this small island was used to test skyboxes. One of the most interesting features is the sparkling texture used on the water. While the model is missing from the archive, A_nami uses the same collision mesh as this area. VrTest also contains some unused text.