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The Ring: Terror's Realm

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Title Screen

the Ring. Terror’s Realm

Also known as: Ring (JP)
Developer: Tycoon
Publishers: Asmik Ace Entertainment (JP), Infogrames (US)
Platform: Dreamcast
Released in JP: February 24, 2000
Released in US: September 29, 2000

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

The Ring: Terror’s Realm is a survival horror game in the vein of Resident Evil, based on the Ring series of novels. It uses elements from the novels Ring, Spiral, and Loop and is very different from the more famous film adaptations.

The protagonist, Meg Rainman, investigates the death of her boyfriend Robert Daniel, who along with several other employees of CDC Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. died of a mysterious virus after playing a VR game called RING.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Items

The textures for the inventory screen contain multiple unused items. The large transparent sections are part of the original textures.

Laser Gun

In the middle of the inventory screen images for the weapons used in the game there are two images with placeholder text reading "007. レーザーガン" (007. Laser gun) and "018. バッテリーパック(レーザー)" (018. Battery pack (laser)).

レーザーガン バッテリーパック(レーザー)
The-ring-laser-gun-inventory-screen.png The-ring-laser-battery-pack-inventory-screen.png

Acid Grenades

The game features explosive and incendiary grenades for the grenade launcher. There is also an inventory image for sulfuric grenades, which don’t appear anywhere in the game.

Fire Grenades (used) Sulfuric Grenades (unused)
The-ring-incendiary-grenades-inventory-screen.png The-ring-acid-grenades-inventory-screen.png


There are images for several different levels of keycard, but only one of them is used in the game.

lvl 1 (unused) lvl 2 (unused)
The-ring-lvl-1-card-inventory-screen.png The-ring-lvl-2-card-inventory-screen.png
lvl 1 (red) (unused) lvl 2 (red) (used)
The-ring-lvl-1-card-red-inventory-screen.png The-ring-lvl-2-card-red-inventory-screen.png


There are also some unused icons for chemical bottles. They presumably would have been used for puzzles.

HNO3 (Nitric Acid) H2SO4 (Sulphuric Acid)
The-ring-nitric-acid-inventory-screen.png The-ring-sulphuric-acid-inventory-screen.png
C3H5(OH)3 (Glycerin) C3H5(ONO)3 (Nitroglycerin)
The-ring-glycerin-inventory-screen.png The-ring-nitroglycerin-inventory-screen.png


What appears to be a block of ice.


Unused NPC Models

The-ring-kathy-commando.png The-ring-john-commando.png

Kathy and John only appear in the normal office in-game, but they have dark world commando versions of their models in the game files. Kathy has a pistol and John has a shotgun.


Conversely, Jack (outside of the intro FMV) only appears in the dark world but has a normal world model that matches his FMV appearance.

The-ring-robert-office.png The-ring-robert-commando.png

Robert only appears in the intro FMV, but has full models for both the normal and dark worlds.

Unused Enemy

A model simply called ENEMY00 exists for an unused enemy. It has an ape-like appearance similar to some of the enemies encountered in-game, but with a cruder model with visible gaps on the side of its torso.


Unused Status Screen Textures

What appear to be older versions of status and inventory icons. The placeholder text mentions a submachine gun and corresponding ammo, a transceiver, the sulphuric acid rounds mentioned above, and another ammo type called “virus”.

Used Unused Unused (edited with translations)
The-ring-items-0.png The-ring-items-0-old.png The-ring-items-0-old-translated.png
The-ring-items-1.png The-ring-items-1-old.png The-ring-items-1-old-translated.png
The-ring-items-2.png The-ring-items-2-old.png
The-ring-equipment-texture.png The-ring-equipment-texture-old.png
The-ring-healt-status.png The-ring-healt-status-old.png
The-ring-inventory-options.png The-ring-inventory-options-old.png

Unused Map Textures

Alternative versions of the map screen exist in the files, presumably from older versions of the game map.

Floor Used Unused
Roof The-ring-map-r.png N/A
2nd Floor The-ring-map-2f.png The-ring-map-2f-old.png
1st Floor The-ring-map-1f.png The-ring-map-1f-old.png
Basement The-ring-map-b.png The-ring-map-b-old.png

Unused Music

BOX08 is an unused track with samples of a voice saying “Battle physically, conquer mentally” and “Now give me a beat”.

The same unused ambient audio track appears three times in the files as BOX01_00_01, BOX04_00_02 and BOX05_00_02. It has the sounds of wind blowing, flies buzzing, growling and a distorted voice.

There is further duplication with tracks BOX01_00_00 and BOX04_00_00 (dark world later basement area), tracks BOX04_00_01 and BOX06 (dark world basement rooms), tracks BOX03_00_01 and BOX05_00_01 (normal world 2nd floor) being the same as each other in each case.

Regional Differences


Dialogue in the FMVs in both the Japanese and North American version of the game is in English. The Japanese version features subtitles, which are removed in the North American version.

Japan North America
The-ring-cutscene-jp.png The-ring-cutscene-na.png

The attract mode FMV has text on it in the Japanese version of the game. This was removed in the North American version.

Japan North America
The-ring-intro-jp.png The-ring-intro-na.png

The attract mode FMV has a blue monochrome filter over it, except at the very end of the North American version, where a shot of the crow flying towards the camera with the Ring logo fading in lacks the blue colour.

Japan North America
The-ring-title-a-jp.png The-ring-title-a-na.png

Title Screen

There is a new logo for the North American release that lacks the katakana version of the name Ring ("リング") and adds a subtitle: Terror’s Realm. The copyright year for the first Ring movie is also updated from 1997 to 1998, the year the movie was released.

Japan North America
The-ring-title-jp.png The-ring-title-us.png


Most of the UI textures in the Japanese version of the game are in English and were kept the same in the North American version, except for the save screen where the text "Please Select VISUAL MEMORY." was changed to say "Please Select VMU."

Japan North America
The-ring-vmu-jp.png The-ring-vmu-us.png

The first page of the font texture was changed. The Latin text in the North American version uses a less stylised font.

Japan North America
Ft 00vq-jp.png Ft 00vq-na.png