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The Simpsons: Hit & Run/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of The Simpsons: Hit & Run.

Unused HUD Icons

HUD Icons that are not used.

Filename Graphic Notes
Sitnrota.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Sitnrota.png The Sit-N-Rotate. "Kinky Frinky" originally involved driving here to locate the Hover Car, and the code using this icon is commented-out in the mission files.
lbsc.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Lbsc.png The Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club. "... And Baby Makes Eight" has a cut objective where the player has to drive here before talking to Louie. The previous mission ends directly outside the club anyway, making this icon unnecessary.
Monorail.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Monorail.png Springfield Central Monorail Station. "Cell-Outs" and "Never Trust a Snake" load this icon but never use it because of how the missions are formatted; Cell-Outs does spawn a target vehicle at the Monorail Station, but never instructs the player to drive anywhere before initiating a destroy objective, and Never Trust a Snake's garbage truck chase ends right by the Monorail Station, removing the need for a "drive to..." objective.
Parking.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Parking.png The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant's parking lot. Several missions specifically instruct the player to drive here, but instead the regular Power Plant icon is used in all these instances.
Tomato.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Tomato.png A tomato. "S-M-R-T" was originally going to feature Lisa's giant tomato science project from the season 4 episode "Duffless" instead of Bart's, and this icon would've been used for it.
Radar.png Simpsons HnR Radar.png An early radar seen in some pre-release materials.
Radartop.png Simpsons HnR Radartop.png Part of the early radar.
camicon.png SHAR camicon.png Radar sprite for Wasp Cameras. Likely cut for being either too useless or too useful depending on how it would've worked. The sprite uses an earlier model of the Wasp Cameras found in the source code for the game.
Count3.png Simpsons HnR Count3.png These sprites were intended for race countdowns before the system was changed. The final game uses different sprites altogether, so entire words can be displayed.
Count2.png Simpsons HnR Count2.png
Count1.png Simpsons HnR Count1.png


Mission Loading

Early Loading Screen Graphics

There exist placeholder loading screen graphics for each Level, where it was supposed to show Homer's desk becoming cluttered with more items over time rather than as a newspaper. Interestingly, there exists graphics up to Level 9 making this an early leftover. Also, an image of Marge reading a gaming magazine is seen, which is possibly an early mission briefing image for Bonestorm Storm similar to the ones seen in early screenshots.

Level01 Level02-Level09
TheSimpsonsHitandRun Level01.png TheSimpsonsHitandRun Level02.png

Miscellaneous Graphics

Art that is not seen in the game at all.


Various textures that don't appear in the game.

  • An earlier version of the Buzz Cola vending machines. It's interesting to note that the final texture does not include the Buzz Cola logo, which is part of a separate mesh. This texture is located in the files for L3/L6 and is used for the side of some racks holding tyres outside the gas station. While it is technically not unused, it is impossible to see the full texture in-game.
PopMachine.png vending.png
SHAR VendingMachine Beta.png SHAR VendingMachine Final.png
  • A parody of the painting "American Gothic" can be found in the files for the Stonecutter's tunnel in Level 1 and 4, indicating that it was supposed to have been used there. Interestingly, the object model for the painting can be found out-of-bounds three times in Levels 1 and 4.
SHAR Paintings B.png
  • An unused damaged texture for the Compact Car can be found in the texture files for the vehicle. Interestingly, it is the only traffic car that has damage textures. The damage texture is significantly different from the textures of the normal car, having different lights, a grille similar to the Cell Phone Users' Car, a different door handle, and a rim texture not used anywhere else.
CompactAChassisDam.bmp CompactA.bmp
Simpsonshit&run-compactachassisdam.bmp.png Simpsonshit&run-compacta.bmp.png